Report that our church has 60 percent young people is cheering-CAC president

by Church Times

The President of the Christ Apostolic Church, Pastor Samuel Oladele has expressed joy about the findings of an independent research agency that the church has 60 percent young people.

This is contrary to the impression that most members of the church are old people.

Oladele who spoke concerning the report while addressing journalists at the annual pastors’ conference of the church in Ilesha, Osun State said however that the church is not disparaging any age group.

He said, “We thank God that we have this report that CAC is full of young people. It has rubbished the general belief in some quarters that our youths are running away”

While noting that the church cannot keep everybody by all means, he said, “It gives us hope that the church has a future by the grace of God.”

Total population and communicants

He however lamented the findings of the research that only 21 percent of the church’s total population of 1.3million people are communicants.

Oladele wondered why many are staying away from the Holy Communion. “It shows we have more work to do in the area of discipleship.”

He also spoke on those who use the name of the church to further their selfish ends. He said, “When this church came into being, our fathers were very spiritual. They would not want to take anybody to court regardless of what you do.

“They would rather allow God to be the judge. That is why it is easy for people to do all kinds of things in the name of the church. There are things people do against CAC that they dare not do in other churches. But we leave them in the hands of God.”

Pastor Oladele said the church is not ready to pursue any legal action against anybody found messing around with the name of the church but that, it would rather hand over the person to God.


Concerning the age-long disagreement between the CAC and World Soul Evangelical Ministry founded by the late Pastor Timothy Obadare, Oladele said there is hope for an end to the skirmish.

He said in the last couple of weeks leaders of both factions met to pray together saying, “I can assure you that we are not relenting in our efforts to make sure the church remains one indivisible unit. “Both sides are praying together. This is because everybody is tired of the crisis which has lasted for 34 years.

He recalled that the crisis broke out at a CAC church in Ilesha in 1990 adding, “We just want to plead with everyone to please keep on praying for us so that in our lifetime, possibly in our tenure the crisis will come to an end.”


Oladele reiterated the need to keep praying for Nigeria noting that when Paul wrote the famous epistle to the Romans that they should pray for those in authority, “He wrote the epistle from the cold dungeon in Rome yet he said the Christians in Rome should pray for those in authority. It was Nero who imprisoned him. Nero was not a good ruler and yet Paul said we should pray for the leaders not only the good ones.”

He however cautioned Nigerian leaders to be reminded of the reason why they are in authority. “It is a kind of trust and they must not fail. Let them think above their selfish and mundane interest. Let them think of the interests of the people. That is our message to them. We just pray that the Lord will open their minds and hearts to do the right thing.”

Holy Spirit

On the theme of the conference which is Gift of the Holy Spirit, the CAC president emphasised the need for the power of the holy spirit in the church’s daily operation.

He said the reason for choosing the theme is to remind the church of the rich heritage of the holy spirit which he described as the power behind the operation of the church. “Jesus had to instruct his disciples to wait till they are endued with power before they step out.

We can’t do anything without the holy spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit is needed regardless of what we do in the household of God including sweeping. When we go back to the holy spirit, sin will be detected and the church will be transformed.”

He alluded to the story of Ananias and Saphira who he said, thought it was Peter that was the head of the church. “They did not know the Holy Spirit was the one in charge. That is why Peter told them they lied against the holy spirit by keeping part of the proceeds of the land they sold and lying that they had declared the whole amount. With the holy spirit in a gathering, lie, hypocrisy, and deceit will be detected.”

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