deeper life

How ex-cultist led Kumuyi’s first Child to Christ August 2019

by Church Times

Jerry Kumuyi: How he became born again

Jeremiah, first son of Pastor Williams Folorunso Kumuyi, General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, has just come to know Jesus.


The revelation came from Jerry as he is being fondly called and his friend, Daniel who shared testimonies of their conversion in a video which has gone viral on the internet.


Jeremiah told a church congregation as shown in the video how he came to know the Lord through the help of his friend of over 20 years.


Daniel talking while Jerry and pastor of the church look on during the session


Daniel also told the congregation how he came to know the Lord and how God used him to bring Jerry to the Lord.


Recounting how he came to Christ, Jerry said, “I am in the midst of you people trusting that if we are able to join hands together a lot of things can happen. Dan has been my friend for over 20 years. But I thank God that I have given my life to Christ. God used him to bring me to Christ.”


He continued, “Just because your dad is Pastor Kumuyi does not mean anything. If you are not faithful in the kingdom, you will waste your life. Being born again is what will take you to heaven. If there is any pretense and sin that you have to deal with, do it today. The prayers of my father does not mean I will get to heaven. I have to make a personal decision to serve God.”


While disclosing that he did not expect that he would be called out to share his testimony of conversion, he said, “I see this as an opportunity to talk to you guys (brethren) and share my experience with you. I am a completely different person now.”


Referring to Daniel his friend, he said, “He was living a righteous life. I was not. I am grateful to God for giving him to me. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I believe I am saying this because we all have an appointment with God. Your faithfulness to God is not dependent on what the person on your right or left hand is doing. Make sure you have that relationship with him so that whether by death or rapture you will be with him.”


By the time Daniel took over the microphone, he gave a graphic description of how his own salvation happened and how God used him to bring Jerry to Christ.


Daniel: How God delivered me from cult

His words, “The most beautiful thing that can happen to anybody is to be saved. I was a cultist. I could disappear from here and appear elsewhere. I was doing diabolical things. People feared me. I was notorious. My own siblings were afraid of me. At a point they thought I did not belong to the family. It took God Himself to save me.


“I was in cohort with the devil. I knew fake pastors because in the kingdom of darkness we knew those who didn’t have the mark of God on them. Most people in the church whom we thought are Christians are not Christians. My own father was a Pastor under his father (WF Kumuyi). I keep telling parents, some of your kids are going astray. When the devil can’t touch the pastors he goes for the children. Some of the children are going astray and you don’t speak to them.”


Recalling how he gave his life to Christ, he said, “His dad (WF Kumuyi) was preaching during Bible study one day and I heard a voice telling me in my left ear that if I do not repent I would die. I looked at the person on my right and left and saw that they were following the sermon. At that moment I knew it was God that was talking to me. My heart was palpitating. I started shaking and sweating. I took my Bible and went to my aunty’s house, entered a room and shut the door.


“I went on my knees and prayed asking the Lord to save me. Around 12 am In the course of praying I saw Jesus. I don’t have the vocabulary to describe him. He was standing on some cloud of water, was looking at me. I prayed. I said Lord save me, I want to die. He took water and poured over me. That was the cleansing. I felt a lot of relief.


“I went to my pastor and my dad after my personal prayers and asked for their prayers. While they were praying for me I saw a huge black bird flew out of me. That was when I knew I had been delivered completely from the power of darkness. All the anger and violence in me disappeared.”


He said before his deliverance whenever he got angry he would be ready to kill and spill blood. “When I got angry I would want to kill. There was a time I almost beat my own mother to death. But after the deliverance everything about me changed.”

Burden for Jerry, how the Lord saved him

Not long after Daniel’s salvation, he began to read the book of Acts and found out that he needed the Holy Spirit baptism. His hunger and thirst led him to being baptized with the Holy Spirit and he began to speak in tongues. He then became a mighty instrument in the hands of God, holding programmes and speaking to the hearts of young people.


He soon realized that his friend Jerry, needed to know Christ. Pronto, he began to pray for his conversion. That went for about 19 years. “I started talking to him asking him to go confess to God urging him to repent. Though I was born again, he was not, I remained very close to him, praying for his conversion. I was fasting and calling his name in my room and asking God to save his soul. I prayed telling the Lord that we were in sin together we must be in the kingdom together.


At last the Lord did it. “It was on August14 at exactly 4 am that the Lord wrought the miracle of salvation in Jerry’s life. He got saved and sanctified the same minute.” Daniel stated.


Church Times gathered that Jerry Kumuyi had been a concern for the Kumuyis right from his younger days. He was said to be so unruly while in the University of Lagos that the father had to send him abroad.


Indeed his conversion which came about 10 years after the demise of his mother, Abiodun Kumuyi, will mark a new dawn for the family.

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Stephen May 3, 2020 - 9:32 pm

Even though am a Christian, i still find it akward when i herald someone say

he or she heard the lord from his or her left or right ear

it always sound some how to me

Mercy Ogunniyi September 9, 2020 - 9:01 pm

Why not pray and ask God to speak to you too. He’s interested in you too and as His son, He will do.

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Amaechi December 31, 2020 - 11:34 pm

Jerry has been with us in the Youth Choir
I am sure its not the first time He is giving his life to Christ

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