satanic powers

Why I did a video on Prophet TB Joshua-Rev Chris Okotie

by Church Times

Founder of Household of God’s Church, Rev Chris Okotie in the much talked about video where he castigated late Prophet T.B Joshua said he did the video to put a closure on what he called  “the TB Joshua brouhaha”,

He said he had articulated in the video “the divine revelation concerning one of the most deceptive and insidious personifications of Satan’s end-time agenda.” adding that “T.B Joshua is arguably one of the most lucid images of the Antichrist whose unveiling is imminent”

Though many have criticized Rev Okotie for dissipating so much energy on the late prophet, he said there was the need for him to put together the video so that people can have a complete understanding of his stance.

According to him, the “success of the T.B Joshua’s deceptive contrivance is indicative of the universal influence of the one that is to come.”

He said the deception will be so compelling and pervasive that even the elect would require the grace of God to stay afloat in the sea of his blasphemous attempt to enthrone Satan in the entire world.

“I have also promulgated the decree of Almighty God in his final warning to religious charlatans, false prophets, false prophetesses, and self-styled ministers of the gospel. The day of the vengeance of our God has fully come to Nigeria. We are about to witness the greatest divine judgment upon those who have become enemies of the church and our nation.” he lamented.

Okotie said God will in no time begin to destroy all structures and entities that have channeled satanic powers into the church and nation.

He described Nigeria as a client nation for God noting also that the country is at the “cusp of a complete revolution beginning with the destruction of satanic structures and entities that have channeled satanic powers into the church and the nation.

The cleric said also that the fiery furnace of God’s judgment “has intensified its combustible capacity seven times over and now approaches Nigeria”.

In the YouTube video titled, The truth about T.B. Joshua Okotie explained his position on the Joshua saga and why he had to take on God’s enemies at this time.

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