Home News Pastor born without arms and legs says,”I would rather have Jesus than arms and legs”
pastor nick

Pastor born without arms and legs says,”I would rather have Jesus than arms and legs”

by Church Times

Pastor Nick

Pastor Nicholas James Vujicic popularly called Pastor Nick who was born without arms and legs has reinstated his faith in God saying he has not been taken aback by his physical condition since he surrendered his life to Christ at the age of 15.


Nick while addressing a large audience in a video shared recently said though he would have loved to have arms and legs but that he told God he would still serve him without those parts of his body.


“When I gave my life to God, I said to him I would love it that you give me arms and legs. But if you don’t give me arms and legs I will still serve you. I want to please you in my life. I want your wisdom. Nothing compared to the power of Jesus. When you believe that Jesus was raised from the dead you become unstoppable in your faith.” he said.



He said he would rather choose eternal life, purpose, knowledge of truth and peace of mind than arms and legs.


Exuding great confidence and serenity, Nick told the audience that “if they know the truth of who they serve, they won’t believe the lies of the world and what the world says they are.”


He states further, “You should know you are a child of God and that you have a heavenly father who is with you one day at a time and he loves you and he knows your requests.


“When you know you are ambassadors of the King of kings and Lord of lords, you don’t need a big biceps to feel loved. Young girls, you don’t need a boyfriend to feel loved. Sex is not love. Money, drugs sex and pornography will not give you happiness.


“If you put your happiness in temporary things your happiness will be temporary. When I submitted my life to God I told him I don’t want my plans but his plans for my life.


“When you know the truth you can turn your back to the lies of the devil. When you believe in the Holy Spirit you become unstoppable in your faith not because you are an extraordinary person but because you are an ordinary person serving an extra-ordinary God.”

Pastor Nick Vujicic

Pastor Nick

Pastor Nicholas James Vujicic was born on 4th December 1982 in Australia. He was born with a rare disease that made him incapacitated. He came to this earth without legs and arms. His parent found that hard to embrace but later accepted that as a gift from God.


But God has enabled him to turn his situation around. He has a beautiful family. God has given him a good wife (Kanae Miyahara) with four children.

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Henry Nath Uzoechi February 21, 2022 - 9:23 am

Hello Nick, I praise God for you, your special God given wife and children, you are a source of motivation to me and many other people.
Do send me more of your videos and write ups while ministering ,
Am an Accountant and SME trainer living in Aba Nigeria,, pls be my friend and partner.
Henry Nath Uzoechi

Kristen bill June 20, 2022 - 4:09 pm

Must you be in a wealthy position be meeting up a servant of God?

Joy September 20, 2022 - 4:50 pm

His beautiful wife is his best arms and legs! God bless you!

Utaji Igoche peter December 1, 2022 - 10:20 pm

That’s the most miraculous thing I have ever seen. Let everything that has breath praise God


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