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West Africa Theological Seminary (WATS), a non-denominational theological training institution based in Lagos, Nigeria is seeking a qualified candidate to fill the position of the Provost.
A. Purpose of the position
The purpose of the Office of the Provost is to give administrative leadership in planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating all divisions, departments, programmes, and activities at West Africa Theological Seminary so that men and women may be equipped for holy living and Christian ministry. The position reports and accountable to the Governing Council.
B. Duties and Responsibilities
i. Initiate and guide academic planning that takes into account input from Governing Council and the five senior administrators: Dean of Academics, Dean of Spiritual Formation & Student Affairs, Director of Administration, Director of Finance, and Director of Communication & Fundraising.
ii. Guide in the development, implementation, and evaluation of all programs within the institution—a guidance that occurs through the five senior administrators.
iii. Distil and distribute a vision for the institution—a vision that may rise from within and among the various units and people of the institution and that energizes planning and projections for future programmes and activities.
iv. Prepare an agenda for the regular and special meetings of the Executive Board.
v. Prepare in consultation with the Chair an agenda for the regular and special meetings of the Governing Council and the Board of Trustees.
vi. Make recommendations to the Governing Council regarding institutional policy change and adoption.
vii. Prepare an annual and semi-annual report to the Governing Council.
viii. Present an annual financial report and budget to the Governing Council.
ix. Enable WATS to become a more effective learning organization that can ask the right questions and make good projections for the coming one to two years, i.e., strategic planning.
x. Make adjustments in any institutional department, unit, programme, or process as warranted by feedback gathered through evaluation.
i. Work with the Dean of Academics, Dean of Spiritual Formation & Students’ Affairs, Director of Administration, Director of Finance, and Director of Communication & Fundraising to ensure excellent organization, effective operation, and constructive evaluation of each department.
ii. Ensure that all new employees receive adequate orientation to the institution’s procedures and policies.
iii. Provide for the improvement of the skills and professional performance of all employees.
iv. Acquire financial, human, physical, and spiritual resources needed for the institution to achieve its mission.
v. Appoint standing and ad hoc committees that can help plan and execute the work and activities of the institution.
vi. Delegate such duties as necessary to appropriate personnel—accompanied with the commensurate level of authority and accountability.
i. Hire new faculty, administrative, and support staff who are competent and compatible with the mission and vision of the institution.
ii. Create and maintain an optimum environment of unity, high morale, and spiritual awareness within and among the employees.
iii. Enable the employees to experience continual professional and personal growth.
iv. Supervise the management of all institutional policies established by the Governing Council, the administration, or the faculty.
v. Chair the Executive Board.
(i) Be the chief fundraiser of the institution by networking with existing partners
and creating new partnerships globally.
(ii) Lead the public engagement of the institution with various publics: churches,
para- church organisations, military and para-milirary chaplaincies.
i. Confer the appropriate degrees upon those who have been evaluated as eligible for graduation and have been approved by the Governing Council.
ii. Assess the evaluation of the students’ academic achievements in light of the announced educational and programme goals.
iii. Assess the evaluation of full-time, part-time, and adjunct professors, instructors, and support staff.
iv. Receive and review with senior administrators their projections of major monthly goals and activities at the beginning of each month and report of the accomplishments of the previous month.
v. Evaluate annually the work of the Dean of Academics, Dean of Spiritual Formation & Students’ Affairs, Director of Administration, Director of Finance, and Director of Communication & Fundraising.
C. Qualification for the Position
1. Strong convictions and track record aligned with the WATS theological foundation of Wesleyan-Arminian holiness. The WATS Provost must be a transparent advocate of the WATS holiness doctrine.
2. A man of clear and deep spiritual gravitas, who will serve as an undisputed spiritual father for everyone at WATS. Someone who is a known and respected Bible preacher to whom everyone can look for spiritual guidance.
3. The holder of a properly-accredited doctorate in theology or related subject.
4. A man with proven administrative experience and excellence, preferably over a theological faculty.
5. A man who is willing to take the primary responsibility in seeing that WATS is properly funded, in full cooperation with those who can assist in this process.
6. A man clearly committed to working in close cooperation with the Governing Council and protect the constitution of the Seminary.
D. Method of Application
Interested candidates are to submit their Curriculum Vitae, credentials and a cover letter to:
Office of the Provost
36 Olukunle Akinola Street,
Off New Ipaja-Ayobo Road Akinyele Bus Stop, Ipaja, Lagos.
P.M.B 003 Ipaja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Send via email to provost@wats.edu.ng.
for further enquiry call +234 805 327 7015
The deadline for submission of the application is October 20, 2022. Please note, only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.
Dr. Cosmas Ilechukwu
Chairman, Provost Search Committee
Dowoload advert link here:WATS advert 1
Vacancy for the Position of Provost in WATS
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