
Copeland raises prayer altar for Fred Price says, “Covid-19 won’t kill him”

by Church Times

American televangelist, Kenneth Copeland has raised a prayer altar for Fred Price another popular American teacher of the word, assuring that the covid-19 virus will not kill him.

Price and his wife were said to have come down with the deadly virus about a month ago as disclosed by his son, Fred Price Jr.

Since the disclosure, there have been global calls for prayers for the 89-year-old founder of the 28,000-member Los Angeles-based Crenshaw Christian Center.

The battle with COVID-19 according to the church has left him with a ravaged heart, lungs, and kidneys.

Copeland declared on his Facebook wall on February 11, “For almost 50 years, Fred and Betty Price have been wonderful friends of our family. We have laughed together, cried together, and preached together. We’ve stayed in each other’s homes and have watched each other’s children grow up! We have truly lived life together.”

“The first time I heard Fred Price in person was in Tulsa, Oklahoma.  He ran onto the platform and shouted, “I am ready Freddy!”. What a man of God!  What a man of faith and power!  I don’t believe this disease can kill him.  We as a family, and ministry, are standing strong for Apostle Frederick Price!”

Minister Baltimore Scott, the staff administrator for the center’s New York operations had announced in a statement on Facebook on February 7 calling for prayers for the cleric.

“Today, I am calling on all members and friends of Crenshaw Christian Center New York and on everyone everywhere who has been touched by the teaching of Apostle Frederick K.C. Price to join in a worldwide prayer for the Apostle as he faces the health challenges posed by COVID-19. Specifically, we need to pray for the complete restoration of Apostle’s lungs, heart and kidneys and any other parts of his body that are now under attack as he remains in the hospital,”

“This morning in prayer, I called on Father God to remember His faithful son and servant, Frederick K.C. Price, and the beacon of light and truth in teaching the Word that Apostle has been to the body of Christ and to the world. I said that our church family, the Body of Christ and the world need Apostle Price more than ever to remain with us as that true beacon of the Father’s Word and example of integrity and truth the world needs so badly now,” Scott added.


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