Women, deception and the cross

by Church Times

By Moses Oludele Idowu

A woman has four major powers: the power of increase, the power of influence, the power of attraction and the power of deception. These powers are buried deep in the nature and in her spiritual DNA and she could invoke any of them if necessary. In this essay I want to examine one of these powers and also the way out for women to be free from this dangerous power in their bosoms which they could wield for good or evil.

In the Beginning

In the Beginning everything God made was good except one. When God on the sixth day looked at His works He saw that they were all good. The only thing that He saw that was not good was that the man was alone.

Every other creature was in pairs except the man. That was not good. The only alibi he saw in His works was a man without a woman. That is not the Divine Order. Till this day in any nation, society, family, place where a woman is missing or does not play her role GOOD is absent or missing.

In any man’s house where a woman is absent good is missing. Marriage is not just an expediency it is a necessity if you want to live long with happiness. [To all unmarried men reading this go and get a wife so good can come to your house. ]

The creation or formation of the woman was therefore a necessity rather than an afterthought. The woman became the Crown Jewel of Creation, the one that everyone waits for in other for perfection and completion to come to Creation.

The one that the Creation needed for goodness to be seen in God’s work. And the one that God Himself needed so He could rest after all His labours. The woman was thus not only the crown jewel of Creation but also the capstone of God’s creative efforts and endeavours.

From the beginning the woman became special, unique, adorable, desirable. The whole Creation glowed in the presence of the one who came last but became the first. Unlike the Man who was created solely from the dust and therefore dusty, dirty and rugged the woman was created from the Man – a finished product – therefore delicate, elegant, sensitive, glorious, intuitive, desirable and attractive.
It is not surprising therefore that the Serpent found Eve, the woman more approachable and conducive for its message and sold his lie and deception to her.

The Fall of Womanhood

The woman was targeted from the beginning out of envy as the Crown Jewel of Creation. “This is the door to the City of Mankind and once this door is opened and taken”, the Enemy thought, “mankind is taken and captured.” How true! How prophetic!!

The woman became the first casualty of high- wired deception. The Enemy did not bother going to the Man, he expected the woman to do the job. He deceived the woman and then used the woman as object of deception. That is still the strategy of the Enemy till today: he will first deceive or ruin you and then use you to deceive and ruin others.

You must have heard the joke by “enemies” of women: “Only the woman has seen and discussed with Satan face to face and only the two of them knew what was discussed.”

From that encounter with the Serpent something passed into the woman – a trait, subtle nature, behaviour that is amenable and conducive and even transmissive for deception. This is the root of what we want to examine in this essay.

The woman’s first victim was her own husband who she deceived to disobey God his Maker. I do not believe that the Man simply took the fruit from the woman just like that, she possibly used her power of influence and the man succumbed.

Then the Creation fell. Enmity entered into the animal kingdom and Creation. Everything fell.
This is why a reCreation becomes necessary. Original Sin was the destruction of Original Innocence and the reason for an Original Solution through the Cross. Since man fell through the fruit of the tree, man had to be freed through Atonement accomplished on a tree.

From that day a nature entered into creation but especially the woman – guile, deception, deceit, treachery and these traits are rooted in her inner constitution and can only be destroyed by the Cross.

The Old Creation Woman

Let me now speak as a theologian.
The Jewish Bible ( i e., Old Testament) furnishes sufficient cases and attestations and irrefutable proofs of the nature of women and their legendary capacities to deceive, mislead, cheat, steal and their guilish traits to seduce and push into diversionary directions. Sometimes they use this power to advance holy causes and sometimes they use it for diabolical ends. That is why you need favour of women to succeed in this world in whatever profession you are.

This indecent portrayal of woman and of her nature is so rampant in the Jewish Bible that it is understandable why a woman was so badly treated under the Mosaic Order and Jewish Religious System. It was so bad in the Jewish system that a woman cannot teach even her own child without the guide of her husband, her witness is not admissible in Court of law and she must sit apart in the Congregation away from the men.

The reason is because even in many places in the Old Testament the portrait of a woman as a deceiver is so apt and clear.

Although the Old Testament captures some heroic and godly women it never fails to show in clear and unmistakable language that special traits of women and their power of deception and guile.

Virtually every book of the Jewish Bible contains this portraiture of the woman. If you have not seen it then you have not learned to read the Bible well.

In Genesis we see a woman called Rachael who stole her father’s graven images and when the father came searching for them she sat on them excusing herself with pregnancy so the father could not find them. The lesson: you can only see or find what a woman wants you to see. She deceived her own father and her own husband without any of them detecting it till death.

In Exodus we see another woman Jochebed using that power to deceive a whole kingdom by hiding her own male child for three months and then manipulating the Crown Princess of the kingdom of Egypt to adopt her son and still pay her for taking care of her child.

This is a case where the power is used for good and for the advancement of God’s Purpose. The princess took the child home training and equipping the lion that would one day destroy Egypt and bring his people out of bondage. That is what a woman can do with deception.

In the Book of Numbers we see how the Moabites sent their beautiful daughters to deceive and seduce Israeli young men and soldiers into fornication and idolatry – using the second power of women. Fearing to face Israel in direct military engagement and combat they used women instead to lure them into perversion so God Himself could destroy them rather than fighting them. Again women’s capacity of deception using their bodies was on display here.

In the Book of Joshua we see how a harlot Rahab deceived her own king and betrayed her own nation, Jericho by hiding spies under her roof and deceiving the pursuers to go on a wrong chase, thereafter releasing them to escape to the mountains.

She deceived her own king, betrayed her own land Jericho and mislead the pursuers – all at a go. To save her own soul and her family. Again this was a case where a woman used her power to support the purpose of God.

From here again you see that women are very smart and worldly-wise. Rahab could see the fear all over Jericho and among its fighting men and knew Jericho had no chance of survival, hence she quickly switched sides to the winning side and secured her own safety and that of her family. Respect woman.

In the Book of Judges we see how a woman, Jael slew a general of the army Sisera fleeing from battle by deceiving him to enter her tent and giving her milk instead of water so he could become weak and tired. Thereafter she took a nail and hammer and landed the sucker punch. What the whole army of Israel sought without success a woman got by guile, deception and treachery. Just like that. Woman!

Need I talk about Delilah? Who doesn’t know her, the crown princess of deception,the queen of infamy; the witchcraft barber who knew how to shave God’s glory from the life of a mighty man.

Church History and even Pentecostal History is littered with carcasses of men, mighty men whose head of glory were shaved by women, the Delilah’s company. Again we see a woman using her powers to further the interest of her nation and even prosperity. She sold Samson for silver and gold. There are women who do this even till today.

I heard of the wife of a leader of a church, a G.O who arranged for assassins to kill her husband so she could marry a deacon with whom she was in love in the same church.

Another woman arranged for assassins to kill her husband so she could take over the sprawling business empire. However, when the assassin’s arrived this godly man was praying as his habit was.

The assassins waited and waited and when they were finally let inside by his secretary this man rose up in humility even bowing to greet them and apologizing for keeping them waiting. The assassins were moved by his humility and shocked. This is not the kind of man to kill. They left him but not without warning him to beware of madam.

In the Book of Ruth we see how Naomi taught her daughter in-law Ruth how to seduce a mighty man of wealth Boaz to marriage without saying so. And through that union a woman’s faithfulness to her mother in-law was rewarded. Again this is a woman using the power positively.

In the Book of Samuel we see how Michal deceived her own father and sovereign by deceiving the messengers of Saul using an effigy as her husband so David could escape. She deceived her own father and her own king to save her husband. And when King Saul asked her daughter why she should deceive him she gave another deception saying David threatened to kill her so she had no choice but to release him.

A woman does not need to think to lie she only need to reach down to her arsenal and bring it out and none but the God- endowed can detect it. Woman! – womb- man, man with a womb.

Again this is the positive use of a woman’s power of deception to save life, her husband’s life.

In the Second Book of Samuel we see how a woman went to a city called Abel in her wisdom and cunning and persuaded her townsmen to kill a rebel who rose against David using her power of influence. She accomplished a feat without war and saving the city from bloodshed.

In the Book of Kings and Chronicles we see a woman called Jezebel the very epitome of deception, villainy, womanly treachery and perversion. Feminine beauty, pretty no doubt but wicked, treacherous and devilish and unforgiving. Her name means “purity” but she is the very symbol of impurity and idolatry.

She wrote letters in her husband signature and seal to take lives using sons of Belial as witnesses and dispossessing the victims of their properties for her husband. There are women who still do this using their powers to disposes others and enriching their own husband. You are following in the path of Jezebel and you will end up where she ended up. Dogs ate Jezebel at last.

Her daughter, Attaliah was equally wrecking havoc in the Kingdom of Judah killing all the seed royal and taking over the kingdom of Judah for 6 years. She deceived the kingdom that all the seed royal are dead so she could rule and reign but she too was deceived at the end.

Those who sow the wind reap the whirlwind at the end.
In the Book of Esther we see one of the most treacherous powers and abilities a woman has, how a woman can set a snare for you pretending to be happy with you and favourable when in actual fact she is setting you up for Golgotha.

Here we see Esther throwing a banquet of wine and inviting only two persons: her own king and husband and Haman, the one she wanted destroyed. Think of that set- up. The man was excited, thinking that his profile was rising and he was now in the company of the royals without realizing that he was not coming back home but straight to the firing range.

Then in the midst of wine while Hamman was merry Esther began to weep. When a woman is weeping she is not weeping for herself but for you because she is about to bring out one of those jokers that would cost someone his life. Shocked the king asked why? And she said I am in bondage with my people to be destroyed. “Save my life O King, don’t you love me again? Where is your royal power that I will be destroyed and my people here?”Hamman was finished.
Respect women.

That serpentine cleverness, wily deceitfulness and cunning adroitness are in the woman’s arsenal. It is in her nature, she only need to reach inside and bring it out for good or for evil.
That is why apostle Babalola said if your wife tells you that you are not going to Heaven begin to beg her because she would see to it that you won’t get there. He should know.
Don’t toy with women.

Of all the Books of the Jewish Bible however none has more to say about the woman’s power of deception like the Proverbs written by Solomon, a Professor of Womanology. No one knew the traits, nature, seductive power and treacherous capacities of women like Solomon.

And no one will ever do except the One Who created her. He spoke of the strange woman, the evil woman, the seductive woman, the adulterous woman, the whore, but he also ended with the Virtuous Woman. And he listed their traits as a warning to the children of men. Not all women are good. But happy art thou if you find one of the good ones. That is why Martin Luther says that a good marriage is the closest thing to Heaven on Earth. And William Branham wrote that after a man’s salvation the greatest gift God can give a man is a good wife. They should know.

In Nahum we see another woman, the royal woman, the well- favoured harlot- a mistress of witchcraft that sells nations through her whoredoms and families through her witchcrafts.

What does all these sum up to? What is the Bible saying about woman’s nature and power? It is that a woman has innate powers buried in her system and natural constitution which she could deploy for good or for evil. She could use it to generate favour or block it; she could deceive even a whole empire and send generations into slavery and bondage. This is the Old Creation Woman, the natural woman after the Order of Eve and the Old Creation.

The New Creation Woman

Then about two thousand years ago something happened. A man came to the Earth if we could call Him a man. A man among men came to the scene. Here is the Second Adam born of a Virgin and not under the fallen Old Creation. Since perversion and desolation came through the woman it is apposite that restoration and salvation must come through the woman too.
Thus a New Creation Woman was born. A new woman free of the curse of deception and deviltry and treacherous villainy for which a woman is characteristic was in the making.

Thus the New Testament beginning with the Book of Matthew opens with the story of Mary – a woman among women. Virtuous, highly-favoured, Godly and chaste. The closest illustration to Original Feminine Innocence at the beginning before the Fall. The Catholic Church is right following the teaching of the Church fathers like Tertullian, Origen by seeing Mary as the beginning of the New Creation Woman, a different kind of humanity and womanhood but the Church is wrong by turning Mary to an object of Adoration even higher than the Son and a dispenser of favour and prayers or intercessions thereby guilty of what is called in Theology, MARIOLATRY.
Islam and the Koran has also given great respect to Mary in her religious system. And rightly so too.

Most people read the Bible out of context and not with sense or comprehension. There is a message even in the way the Bible was arranged and why prominence is given to certain men above others.

Unlike the Jewish Bible which shows the nature of women as deception and cunning in many places the New Testament pointedly shows the picture of women in better light not as deceiver or “seed of the serpent “- treacherous and devilish – but as virtuous, godly, generous, loving, caring and gifted. This is the picture that we see of the woman in the New Testament. All the women that were portrayed were of this holy and Godly heritage.

In Matthew we see a Sychroponecian woman whose faith in Christ was so strong that she got a miracle for her afflicted daughter.

In Mark we see a Mary of Magdala who was delivered of her evil spirits and loved the Lord so much even more than His Own disciples.

In Luke we see a woman who came and poured an alabaster oil to honour the Lord and wiped His feet with her hair.
In the same Book we see women who supported and sustained the ministry of Christ with their substance and financial wealth.

We read of Anna who served God day and night with fasting and prayer; of Elizabeth who was full of the Spirit even before the Coming of the Spirit even in her old age.

In the Book of John we see Mary and Martha who loved the Lord and always cared for Him and His disciples and got the biggest miracle of the New Testament record.

In Book of Acts we see women who also were among the first company of believers and how they too became partakers of the Holy Spirit among the 120.

We also see how women were active in that Early Church and how they sustained the Church especially through those years when Christianity was still a cult of Judaism and greatly persecuted and yet to come to its own.
We read of Tabitha, Dorcas, Priscilla, Anna etc. and of the great works they did in the Church.

Sure there were some evil women too like Herodias who instigated the death of John the Baptist and the woman with spirit of divination who followed Paul.

But these were isolated cases and they were not members of the Church and had no place among the saints. The dominant theme and motif of the New Testament was the Good Woman; the general picture we see of women in the New Testament is the truthful, holy, godly, supportive and caring woman – unselfish, a woman who has found her original purpose as a capstone of God’s Creation.

This is the New Creation Woman. Even if you read the Bible as Literature you can not but see this picture of the woman as a good and godly vessel of honour. This is in contrast to the picture of deceit associated with women in the Jewish Bible and this explains why Christianity gives honour and prominence to women more than any other religious system. What the woman needs therefore is not Liberation because Jesus already accomplished that; what they need is Realization to see and discover what already belongs to them and take charge.

In essence the Bible makes a difference between the Old Creation Woman and the New Creation Woman – one is an object of deception and instrument of deception and guile and devilish cunning while the other is a free woman who has escaped the damnation of the Original Sin of Adam and entered the Glorious Liberty of the children of God.

There are now two kinds of women on Earth – the Old Creation Woman and the New Creation Woman. One is still under the Fall and walking in the Fall and therefore fallen. The other has escaped the Fall with the grievous and concomitant consequences warranted by it.
In essence a woman is by nature treacherous, deceitful, cunning, clever, cheating and these traits are buried deep in her nature as a result of the Fall and the Original Sin.

There is only one answer and one solution: that nature has to be destroyed in her because it s too vile to be amended or patched. It has to be destroyed. And there is only one answer: the Cross.

The Cross makes the difference

The difference between the Old Creation Woman and the New Creation Woman is thus the Cross.
It is not about religion, philosophy, learning, education, refinement, beauty, wealth… A painted wood is still wood.
You are born with a nature that is evil, perverse, deceitful, treacherous and devilish and only the Cross of Christ can free you from that nature.

There is no other way. Whether your pastor or Imam or guru tell you that or not is immaterial. You have a nature that is fallen as all of humanity and if nothing is done to that nature it will eternally separate you from God because corruption cannot inherit incorruption. Hell Fire is not an injustice to the fallen creation it is the logical consequence based on the Law of Eternity. We have prisons on the Earth to separate dangerous and hardened criminals from hurting the rest of population; it is justiciable that a Righteous and Holy God should separate all that partake of the Serpent and his fallen nature from the rest of redeemed Humanity and from Himself. So without the Cross and the Salvation that comes through Christ and His Vicarious Works, Hell Fire makes sense after death.

I speak to women this morning and to every woman in particular. You were created for beauty, for honour, for glory as a completion and capstone of God’s creative efforts. You were designed to bring Order and Completion to Creation not chaos, disorder, corruption, pollution and woes. You were destined for the top and designed for the highest but the Enemy has so perverted the way of women completely.

You were not designed to drink human blood or be flying at night like a bird. You were not designed to be sleeping with any man and everything in trousers just for the sake of money and position like a beast. You were not made for slavery and deception. You were designed by the Greatest of all Artists as His last and best.

Woman, how dare you today that you now lead robbery gangs, that you now empty public treasury as we saw in Women Affairs Ministry, that you now give bastards for your husbands to father as sons, that you now serve as recruiting agents for fraternities and secret societies… Haba, Woman…

Woman, how is it that your children are going about almost naked and nude, that your daughters are doing hook-ups, that your daughters are stripping in night clubs …
I speak to you this day in the Name of the Lord: Woman return to yourself. Return to your destiny. Return to your place. Return to your Glory. Take your place.

Return to your Creator and to your destiny as the apogee of God’s Creation. Then you will find your true destiny. Then Man too will find his purpose and the Creation too will find its purpose. Then the trees of the wood will sing in harmony and the mountains will clap their hands and the whole universe will resonate and ring again in praise to the Holy One as in the Eden of Old.
Woman, I love you. God loves you.

This essay is dedicated to my daughters and all my daughters and female fans and readers who have their birthdays in February and March. Happy birthday and I wish everyone a happy new month.
Women, I love you.

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© Moses Oludele Idowu
March 1, 2025
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