Wanted! Intercessors that will stand in gap for a dying world

by Church Times

By John Abiola

The office of an Intercessor is not only given essential importance and significance. It also carries great accountability and responsibility, especially in the body of Christ.
Scriptures highlight the very salient role of an Intercessor, his strenuous office, and the need for Intercessors in the body of Christ.
Here, scripture explains: Exod.17.8 – Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim.
For emphasis, then came Amalek (from the descendants of Esau coming to war against the children of Isreal). Verse 9 speaks of Moses giving a charge to Joshua to apportion men to go against this stubborn nation called Amalek to war against them with the sure hope of prevailing. But then it didn’t end there, He went on to say, ”Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand’.
One may ask, What has this got to do with the battle against Amalek?
To answer this question, let’s go back the preceding verses in Exodus 17: 1 And all the congregation of the children of Israel journeyed from the wilderness of Sin, after their journeys, according to the commandment of the LORD, and pitched in Rephidim: and there was no water for the people to drink.
Exod.17.2 – Wherefore the people did chide with Moses, and said, Give us water that we may drink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye with me? wherefore do ye tempt the LORD?
Exod.17.3 – And the people thirsted there for water; and the people murmured against Moses, and said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst?
Exod.17.4 – And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, What shall I do unto this people? they be almost ready to stone me.
Exod.17.5 – And the LORD said unto Moses, Go on before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel; and thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the river, take in thine hand, and go.
Exod.17.6 – Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.
Exod.17.7 – And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the chiding of the children of Israel and because they tempted the LORD, saying, Is the LORD among us, or not?

The water drama

The children of Isreal were on their journey to the Promised Land, and on their way, they pitched their tent at a place called REPHIDIM where there was a shortage of water. And the children of Isreal thirsted, and in an outburst of rage, they gave an obnoxious and foolhardy vent against Moses to give them a drink, thereby murmuring, and complaining against God, tempting God to know if He was still in their midst.
Moses levied their complaint unto God with fearful shrieks of suspected murder schemes and threats against him. Immediately, God answered with a solution to their predicament, and then on and on Moses obeyed.
At last, they had a drink but God was wrath with these stubborn children birthed by covenant, verse 9 & 11 makes us understand that God was very displeased with the children of Isreal. Immediately, after these murmurings, Amalek came from nowhere known and waged war against the children of Isreal.
A door had been swung open, the enemy had penetrated, and a landmark had been crossed. What could be the cause? Well, the opening was caused by SIN in the camp. What sin? Murmurings and complaints against God and so they had to face the inevitable consequence of such foolish action.
How could they murmur and tempt GOD who manifested His power in their midst? They had soon forgotten about the miracle of the Red Sea. how about how God manifested His power in several ways to Pharaoh and his allies?
Had they lost memory of God’s power in destroying the Egyptians too? How about the display of God’s mighty power in their midst by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night? Or of God’s provision of manna and quail to satisfy their hungry stomach?
Had they soon forgotten all these in a hurry? I pretty much Therefore, they were without excuse and God had to teach them a terrible lesson for them to avoid the next fatal mistake.
The consequence of such action was an open assault by Amalek against the children of Israel. What insult against the God of Isreal. How could a heathen nation challenge a nation ruled by the Creator of the universe? Joshua might have pondered on this and probably expected Moses’ command to prepare for battle by selecting soldiers against this daring rival.
He could have well thought of this and the children of Israel too. So, they were prepared for battle without the Lord’s backing. God was vexed and so He had decided to educate them well with a painful lesson.
But then came Moses command, Exod.17.9 – And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek:
He also gives them an awareness.
This answers the preceding question, in my words – You have all sinned, and your God and my God is wrath with your appalling action.
This battle is meant to be fought by God and not by your selected soldiers. But you have transgressed and so God is angry. Select men to go to war against this daring opponent, while I go and stand on the holy hill of God with the rod of God in my hands.
But then one must have thought, what does standing have to do with the battle?  Here it is Exod.17.11 – And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed.

The top of the hill

At this point, Joshua must have concluded that this prophet named Moses went to war in Intercession alongside us.
Moses went to the top of the hill to intercede for the children of Israel for their victory because God was wrath. But then an intervener (mediator and negotiator) was up there on top of the hill, wrestling in prayers unto God for God’s mercy over this obstinate child who refuse to serve God with the whole of their heart.
Moses was interceding, he was supplicating, he was wrestling and warring for the Salvation of Isreal. Oh! I wonder what would have happened if Moses had not mediated for the people of Israel.
A great tragedy would have been inevitable.
Yes, and so great tragedy befalls the nation, the world, and especially the Church because of the shortage of Intercessors.
Oh! I wonder how many more revivals could have happened if there were men who could stay on their knees. How bars would have closed down in our neighborhood If only Intercessors were in the majority.
Our market squares would have been turned into crusade grounds. Oh! the appalling spiritual situation of the Church might have become a thing of the past only if there were more Intercessors. Mosques, clubhouses, and jailhouses would have shut down, if there were many Intercessors.
Jihadists, kidnappers, and terrorists would at this point be carrying Bibles instead of AK-47 riffles and guns, youths would have caught the fire of the Holy Ghost, visions for evangelism and missions to unreached people groups of the world instead of wasting away as captives only if there are more Intercessors, Nations would have been conquered for Christ if there are more Intercessors.
Streets, communities, and countries would have been engulfed with the fire of revival only if there were more Intercessors, the Church would have been purified by the cleansing blood of Jesus only if there were more Intercessors to war like Moses did till Israel prevailed.

Call for intercessors!

Oh! For a rise of Intercessors, for an army of Intercessors like the bees in a beehive, for a substitute of the Great army of judgment to a great army of intercessors, for intercessors who would plead, war, and prevail for the church, nation and the world.
Have we forgotten in a hurry that Paul would record and comment on Epaphra intercession solely for the perfection and completion of the Colossians, Laodiceans, and Hierapolisians churches to the will of God? Col 4:12-13. He knew that the intercession of Epaphras was a power Storm to cause the people to walk in perfection. Young poet Adeshina once wrote, “Like the streams in the south, like the flowing of the seas in the Atlantic, would souls flow to the beatific Gate of Heaven, If there are more Intercessors”.
Exodus 17: 13 speaks of the complete office of an Intercessor, the strenuous work, effects, and accountability.
Had Moses not endured at the top of the Hill, had he not paid the price of prayer,  victory for Israel would never have been gotten. He so much interceded and was exhausted of strength to intercede.
So, Amalek began to gain the upper hand, it took the support of Aaron and Hur to strengthen him to continue the Intercession for the victory of Isreal. Israel prevailed because of the Intercession of Moses. Scripture recorded “And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the Sword”. This victory was purely wrought by God because of the Intercession of Moses.

Secret intercessors

A story was told of a powerful man of God who prospered in his church in all areas, He displayed the power of God to save, to heal, and to deliver very effectively.
One day he noticed a decline in the spiritual growth of his church, with a zeal and desire to know what was going on, he proceeded in prayers to God to know what was going on.
While praying, God revealed to him an unknown old woman who at all times sat at the back of the church interceding on behalf of his ministry, God told him of her recent call to glory and that there was nobody to replace the vacant position to intercede. Hence, the decline in his church.
The public ministry of the man of God was all that while aided and supported by the Intercession of one woman. The power of God he displayed on the public scene was charged by the woman’s intercession. Isn’t that significant and significant to the relevance of the Intercessor in the body of Christ?
Haven’t you read the life and ministry of John Knox, how he took his nation, Scotland from Satan and bloody Queen Mary, and how a nationwide revival was birthed on his knees in the closet?
Shouldn’t we all arise and intercede to experience another Pentecost? Aren’t we tired of the state of the Church? Are we not tired of the economic and political upheavals that are ravaging our nation? Decadence in the society and the world?
Aren’t we pained by our loved ones slipping down to hades? Aren’t we hungry for another move of the Holy Spirit? Aren’t we thirsty for another spiritual revival? The charge is to intercede, if Moses alone could cause God to help rebellious Israel get victory, can’t we cry for more to rise?

Intercessors can change the world

Truth is Intercessors are greatly needed by God, be it general Intercessors, prophetic and definite  Intercessors (specifically called ones -these are needed the most) because their Intercession is vital for the Church, vital for the Nation, and vital for the world.
Think about it, if there were thousands and millions of Intercessors today, the present situation in the world would have eroded a long time ago, but they’re very few, right from the biblical epoch because it is a selfless, strenuous, profitless ( conceived perception), not glamourous nor recognized and is time demanding.
It is a seclusive work, done in a closet. It’s living 100% on faith and prayers for your daily needs. It is being in God’s presence always. It is in the forefront against Satan and his hosts of darkness over the souls of men all the time.
Rom.10:14 – How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
Rom.10.15 – And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
This scripture sheds light on the position of an Intercessor, his work, and the importance of this tasking office.
Verses 10 – 13 speak of the ‘how’ and basic levels and stages of accessing the Gift of Salvation. It emphasizes faith in accessing the gift of salvation, the process, and eventually the reality of this gift.
But then, verse 13 reveals the love of God that is accessible in the softest and cozy pattern. In the commentary words of a poet, it is “undemanding and facile access to God priceless Gift, yet many scorn and despises the Cross where God proved his boundless love for Humanity”.
Verse 13 speaks of the most comfortable way of accessing the gift of salvation. It speaks of the act of calling upon the name of the Lord which immediately makes the confessor saved. In a nutshell, Romans 10: 13 speaks of the cross being opened for anyone willing to call and be saved.
Notwithstanding, it comes to lay hold of something astonishing; the predicament of being in the quagmire of blindness. It speaks of what God spoke of in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”, it lays hold on the heart cry of God in the presence of Isaiah, “Saying, Who shall I send, and who will go for us? Isaiah 6:8.
Unfortunately, there are few mouths to give the needed reply of ‘Here am I; send me.’ So, the fate of being given to the end game of ‘perishing’ continues.
Therefore, due to a shortage of these special men with special office and a great price which I am going to reveal, the harvest remains untouched, leading to an accrued number of people slipping into Hell.
Romans 13:14 records that no one is calling because no one has believed the Good News, and even if they can believe, no knowledge has been sowed into their hearts to lead them to believe. Moreover, no preacher is available to give them this knowledge of the cross. So they are stuck in the quagmire of spiritual blindness and ignorance.
Their fate is recorded in a broad way leading to death. This scripture reveals the present fate of those ignorant of the gospel of Christ, they are the harvest Jesus was talking about to the seventy in Luke 10:2.
Who are the needed labourers to harvest them into the kingdom of God? Who are the labourers Jesus was referring to?
Was He referring to preachers? Yes and No.

Let’s kindly evaluate the scriptures on this.

Still in Romans,13: 14; if there are available preachers, there is a high assurance that the people would call because the preachers would be giving them the knowledge of the Cross for them to believe and be saved.

Thank God for that!

But then verse 15 reveals something significant. It  says, “How shall they preach unless they are sent?”
The word sent is derived from the Greek word ‘apostellō’ which means to set apart, set out, send away, send forth. From the Aramaic definition we can draw from here that the activity of sending suggests ‘a call’, in a broader evaluation it suggests ‘a call to preach’.
Therefore, for the preacher to be licensed to go into the harvest field to preach to this ignoramus sect of people, He must first be sent. But this concerns a larger scale, mainly preaching to a large number of persons. (I do not mean you have to be sent to preach to your unsaved friend or neighbour).
Now, this is the revelation,  for the preacher to be sent, He must have been saved to be considered to receive a call. Now the question is, Who is going to save the preacher?

A tricky question in itself

Yes! And you may say, another preacher was used to save the preacher which is correct but then it’s worth asking how the other preacher got saved, and by who?

More tricky, or probably you say, he received a revelation from God, or he encountered God like Paul the Apostle. Then I would ask, honestly though, who propelled God to give the preacher an encounter for his salvation? Pause and calmly think of it.
Well, here is the answer. THE INTERCESSOR, yeah the Intercessor, you see until the Church comes to understand the significance of the work of an Intercessor, only then will they experience and increase. Intercessors should be supported and encouraged for this work is strenuous and exerting work in all areas and spheres.
The Intercessor is a warrior positioned at the forefront of the battlefield, releasing captives from the dark dungeon of death. How I wish there were more Intercessors.
In Romans 10:14 & 15 Verse 15 applies first to the Intercessor “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things”. In our case, the Intercessor preaches on his knees (feet) in prayers to break the land free from the bondage of sin and Satan, mediate between God, access God’s mercy, and then what follows up is the salvation of the preacher’s soul.
So far, a series of revivals we have read and witnessed sprung out by an unknown Intercessor in the wilderness where He constantly wars for the breaking of the land meditates between God, and for the release of God’s flood of awakening.
It is an eye-opener on the work of an Intercessor and his relevance in the body of Christ. When God told the disciples that the harvest is plenty and the labourers are few,  the first category of people He referred to as labourers are the Intercessors, because Naturally, in our world today, preachers and teachers are not few, we have pastors in thousands, we have evangelists, we have ministers in their numbers. However, intercessors are few, so few that God had to seek with all vigour and might for just one man. ( Ezekiel 22:30).
This set of Intercessors are specifically called into the office to intercede, also called prophetic Intercessors. They are in seclusion for interceding. Hence, the labourers that are few are the Intercessors, they are few because it is a ministry that is although despised on earth yet highly regarded in Heaven.
Intercessors are frontier warriors, they face Satan the captor face to face to set captives free, cause revival, and propel the miraculous, and until we rise in understanding the work of Intercessors, only then will many ever be raised and supported. We can intercede and change will come.
Revival will not come until there is a man to stand in the gap to propel God to bless his people. The present decay in the body of Christ is because of a lack of intercessors, and until we rise in understanding the relevance of an Intercessor, the Church can never rise in fulfillment of her purpose on earth.( Matt 24:14).
It is the knowledge of the Intercessor’s office that would cause us to cry out loud for more, give ourselves out as one, and support the ones who are already in this relevant work. Had Moses not interceded, the victory won against the Amalek would never have happened.
Had Moses not interceded for the house of Israel when they formed a false god, they would have been wiped out in split seconds. If Epaphras had not interceded for the Colossians, the church never have stood perfect and complete.
If there had been more Intercessors, there would have been more revivals. God had to raise Anna the Prophetess to reside in the temple day and night for 84 years in Intercession to propel God to start up the redemption of Isreal before Jesus Christ came.
She was in seclusion, praying and fasting for the redemption of Isreal. (Luke 2:36-38). This is the truth, God has decided to work with man to accomplish His purpose. God does not need a man to accomplish his desire and is not limited.
However, He has from the foundation of this world chosen to work hand in hand with man to accomplish his will. In fact, that is one of the main reasons He created man.(Gen 1:26-31). We are left with no option but to accept God’s will and work with Him. This charge is to call forth prophetic Intercessors, and partners in other to support and encourage intercessors, and to call forth laymen and women to intercede.
For Intercession is every believer’s duty, nevertheless, some people are specifically called into it, who are fully committed, day and night, pleading, supplicating, meditating, in prayer for God’s mighty move, God’s mercy to avert judgment, and for the release o  God’s blessings.
The power of Intercessors( those specifically called into it) can not be overstressed.
The Church would be revived. If there are more Intercessors. The nation would experience a change if more Intercessory prayers were ringing in the ears of God. The world would be transformed if we could but cry out to God in Intercession, and cry out to God to raise Intercessors and support the Intercessors (full time).
This was the charge given by God in 1 Timothy 2:1-6, God has given every one of us the privilege to intercede, a ministry done by Jesus Christ himself ( Heb 7:25).
Let us get down on our knees and intercede for the Church, plead for revival, plead for more prophetic Intercessors, plead for the salvation of our loved ones, for unbelievers, for the nation and the world at large. If everyone in the body of Christ can rise to God in prayers, God will without doubt hear and be pleased.
He would hear and would shower us the rain of revival, He would hear and our communities would be set on fire, He would hear and the decadence in the Church would be eroded, revival would break forth, in her, the nation would be transformed and reformed, prophetic Intercessors would be raised, ordinary Intercessor would be raised and then all men would be saved.
The Charge is to intercede.
Let us pray!
“Intercession be made for all men. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. I will therefore that men pray every where”. 1Timothy 2:1,3&8. “Watch one hour. Watch ye and pray”. Mark 14:37,38.
Join us in giving God a minimum of one hour out of your 24 hours engagement daily. Join us for Christ sake, by praying for revival in the Church and the lost souls into  God’s Kingdom wherever you may be in one, two, or more groups, in a prayer room, office, home, church, or gathering, wherever you are on planet earth. Great is our reward in heaven. Thank you. By John Abiola
Revive Us Again series 98. Nigeria Global Intercessors.
To get the previous series of “Revive Us Again” it’s available on request, kindly contact John Abiola through his mail nigeriaglobalintercessorsngi@gmail.com.

1 comment

James Dina July 13, 2024 - 6:38 pm

This is a detailed and resourceful information, and clear roles of intercessors and prophetic intercessors.

To be sincere, every church need an intercessor to support the ministry, and advance the kingdom of God on earth.

Intercessors are not well known, because they are set apart for God, but they are the great support behind the well known ministers of God and servants of God worldwide.

Many servants of God will do the work of the ministry better if there are enough intercessors to support them. Also, many souls will be saved into the kingdom of God if there are intercessors to intervene for them.

Our nations need revival, our churches need divine intervention, our servants of God need great support, the unsaved souls need to be swiftly saved into the kingdom of God, the saved souls need to be retained into the kingdom of God, church workers need to be discipled also……O GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, PLEASE RAISE MANY INTERCESSORS AND PROPHETIC INTERCESSORS FOR US, PLEASE SUPPORT AND MEET THE NEEDS OF THE FAITHFUL AND COMMITTED PROPHETIC INTERCESSORS, SO THAT THEY SERVE GOD WITH ALL THEIR HEARTS IN JESUS NAME,Amen.


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