Peace the world lost and how to find it

by Church Times

By John Abiola

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" ( John 14:27)

Right from the day the first human, Adam, our father fell to Satan’s greatest weapon (deceptions and manipulation) in the Garden of Eden, the whole of humanity lost her peace. Note that this peace is “peace with God,”. Since then, the entire human race began to crave for peace. Humanity presently seeks and searches for absolute peace. Man so desires freedom from every discomfort ravaging the world.

There is a disconnect between God and his creations. Man in his limited (human) wisdom and devices tries to master his environment and dominate it Whether man has succeeded in this, is debatable. However, to a large extent, man has not at all discovered peace outside God his creator. Only Jesus Christ the prince of peace can give peace. Hence, the absence of absolute peace.

So, corruption, pain, suffering, violence, hunger, and evil ravages everywhere.. The economy continues to experience hitches with outbreaks of diseases, terrorism, famine, hunger, sickness, war, and lots more. Political and religious leaders and scientists have failed to procure real solutions to the myriad of global problems being experienced in the world.

The world has not and can not find a solution to the distress prevalent around the world because the world has not turned to God to gain peace. Salvation and faith in Christ alone is the only way to peace in the world.

A historian has found out that between 1500 and 1800 A.D., there were more than 800 peace treaties that have been ratified. Each was supposed to secure peace forever, but on average, they lasted for only two years. Why?

Listen to the words from America’s five-star General Omar N Bradley, ” Our knowledge of Science has outstripped our capacity to control it. We have too many men of science and too few men of God. We know more about war than peace, more about killing than about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the sermon on the mount”. We can only have peace in this world by recognizing and accepting Jesus Christ, the prince of peace…

Peace outside the cross

Romans 5:1 -the only one way to attain, peace. We should come to understand that the world has been justified. Her peace has been issued out on the cross, her redemption achieved on the same. Nevertheless, to access the reality of the finished work of Christ on the Cross, The world must certainly bow to Jesus Christ in humility to accept his atoning blood, only then can the peace she craves for be found. 

What the world calls peace is given to vain glory and futility. It was in search of this peace that Solomon resolved to be ‘chasing after the wind’. The world’s acclaimed peace is only for a short period which when gone, the vacuum becomes more bigger and apparent. Romans 5:1 speaks of what the world solely needs -the Cross is what the world needs to gain peace with God, for the world has to be at peace with God before she gains her desired peace (solution to the myriads of problems) in herself.

When Adam sinned, he immediately ran short of peace with God, instant separation occurred, and mutual disagreement heightened, Hence his peace was withheld and so calamities skyrocketed. Not long after his banishment,  distress, uncertainties, confusion, violence, hunger, famine, wars, and diseases started and grew rapidly. The world currently lacks peace because of the prevalence of evil around the world.

Notwithstanding, God in his love made a way in the person of Christ, who gave his life for the redemption of the world and the reinstatement of man’s peace with God. Romans 5:1 speaks of how the world can be restored and be at peace with God. Only through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Only through His death on the cross will the world ever gain peace, this would be possible when the world by faith accesses the justification done on the cross, solely through the action of repentance (acceptance of Jesus Christ).

The moment this is achieved, man gains peace with God. Let us come to understand that the world’s present calamities and distress are all because of the fall of man. When Adam was in right standing with God, there was no record of any discombobulation in the world, there was no calamity, no war, no disease, no problem.

It is only when the world comes to the cross in humility that it can have peace. If sin is the cause of the present casualties in the world, then let the world come to the cross to gain access to the righteousness of God that justifies, purifies, and makes perfect thereby reconciling man with God and  finding sure solution to the present distress in the world.

The world is sick, no wonder Jesus said ‘peace I leave with you. Not as the world giveth.” This is the light here, the world claims to have peace -peace in scientific inventions, and in riches, peace in materialism and in power. All this are given to falsehood because it achieves zero righteousness since the lack of peace was as a result of sin.

True peace isn’t found outside the cross. Jesus helps us  understand what true peace is and where it can be found -ONLY IN JESUS. In essence, ON THE CROSS, yes only on the Cross, and you can only get to the cross by Faith in Jesus Christ. Christ was also sounding a warning; there’s a false peace that is present in the world, the peace that pertains to the world -the glamour, the fame, the riches, all this are only a shadow of the true peace in Christ. True peace lies on the cross, and the Cross cries out for men to submit to it’s uncomely but atoning work. 


The desire for peace cuts across all facets of human existence and social strata. In politics, small countries want to be free from economic domination, women cry out for equality, this explains the popular liberation movement among women. Some people desire spiritual excellence which they believe will lead to peace. Others feel peace can be found in single-parenthood or by indulging in various excesses and vices like alcoholism, bestiality, lesbianism, rape, and other social vices.

The desire for peace has led people to seek help in the wrong place. For those who seek spiritual renewal and fulfillment, places like the parapsychologist’s homes, spiritual homes of all sorts and prayer houses are familiar places they visit for peace. Others who seek socio- economic peace believe that the answer is in their qualifications, titles, prominence, wealth, fame, and diplomacy. Unfortunately, again, this is not so. None of these things can give real peace. The peace they seem to offer is ephemeral, it is just for a moment, after that fleeting moment of pleasure boredom sets in.

Billy Grahams note

World-acclaimed American Evangelist, Billy Graham wrote in a magazine capturing some of his last moments, true confessions of some prominent people who were convinced that real peace is not attained through acquisition of wealth, power and fame. 

Below is an except of some of these confessions:

A Texas millionaire concluded, ” I thought money could buy happiness, I have been miserably disillusioned.”

A famous film star suddenly broke down and lamented, “I have got money, fame and beauty, but I am miserable”.

One of Britain’s top social leaders also lamented, ” The more pleasure of leisure we enjoy the less satisfied and contented we are with life. We are like a restless sea always finding a resting place”.


Humanity’s problems are not physical but spiritual. The  solution (peace) the world need is not physical but spiritual. The myraid of human problems has its roots in sin and only God could  atone for our sins to enable us have peace through his  son, Jesus Christ who is the prince of life, the prince of peace, and the prince of the kings of the earth.

Rev.1.5 – And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

6 – And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

7 – Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

8 – I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty”.

Isa.9:6, “And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Psalm 4:8,

 “I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Dr.Mathew Skariah wrote in his book, “Talk Less and Pray More,”  One day a gentleman had an appointment to meet Abraham Lincoln (American President) at 5 a.m. But he arrived 15 minutes early. He heard a voice in the next room and asked the attendant, ” Who is in the next room? Is there someone with the President ?

“No, he is reading his Bible and praying”. Is that his habit so early in the morning? ” Yes sir, he spends each morning from 4 to 5 reading the scriptures and praying”. Once Lincoln said, ” I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go; my conviction and that of those around me seemed insufficient for the day”. No wonder, we cannot forget President Lincoln and the legacy he left behind”. The legacy of prayer.

Steps to true peace 

 The first step is to accept Jesus into your heart.

Pray this prayer out deeply from your heart.

Lord Jesus, thank you for the death on the cross of Calvary for my sake. I come to you today, realizing that I am a sinner. I repent of all my sins and ask for forgiveness. I accept you as my Lord and personal Saviour.

Today I choose the way of peace by turning from my past mistakes and sin. Jesus Christ, I confess that I believe that Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. Thank you Lord for your peace in my heart. Amen!

Let the world strip off her pride, her show off, her buffoonery, and run towards the cross to access true and real peace. If God who is and who is to come, the one who created the Heaven and the earth and it’s inhabitants by his power has said no peace can be found elsewhere, expect that which I give to you, then the world should be certain of fruitless  results in finding peace in everydays inventions to make life more easy. The cross is the only way to real peace, let us all meet at the feet of the ctoss clamoring out ‘Have Mercy O Lord. 

By John Abiola.

Revive Us Again series 100.Revive Us Again series is a publications of Nigeria Global Intercessors.

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