By Gbemiga Olakunle
” When JESUS therefore had received the vinegar, He said IT IS FINISHED: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost “…John 29:30, KJV.
It is finished can also connote it is completed. It marks the end of a task or the successful completion of a Mission.
It is finished was the last statement that our LORD JESUS CHRIST made on the Cross of Calvary before He yielded the ghost. It meant the successful completion of the assignment given to Him by His Father as far as the Redemption Plan of Mankind is concerned.
And this Redemption Plan was designed to be a total package for Mankind. For those who believe in the Son of GOD, this total package includes good health, divine healing, provision, protection, and deliverances from all kinds of spiritual and physical attacks. And above all, the Salvation of souls from hell fire is also part of it.
And so for whatever unpleasant situation that a person, group of people, or even a Nation may be passing through, our LORD JESUS CHRIST has paid the Supreme Sacrifice to remedy these ugly situations.
IT IS FINISHED is a message of Hope and Assurance from the Cross. And as we lay claim on these Farewell Words from our LORD, we can rest assured that our tomorrow shall be alright at our micro and macro levels in JESUS’ Name.
As the daybreak follows the night period, every trace of darkness in our lives, Communities, and our Nation shall give way to the glorious dawn of the New Day. And specifically in Nigeria, every trace of security challenges and alleged corrupt practices in high places shall become past issues as this Nation leaps into her glorious future to become a Superpower to be reckoned with among the Comity of Nations very soon in JESUS Name.
And so we are saying, Thank You JESUS – the Author and the Finisher of our Faith as we share this unique message of Hope to individuals and our Nation who may be passing through distressing moments. Happy Easter.
Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP is the General Secretary of National Prayer Movement