
Bible Vs Abel Damina: The dividing line

by Church Times

By Taiwo Olokun

Matt 24v4 . 1John 4v1 . 1Tim 4v16 . Matt 24v11-14.

It’s wonderful and a rejoicing in the Lord that Abel Damina allowed this much transformation to happen within him by which he has been exposing spiritual deception. I’m new to Damina’s messages and since Oct-2024 that a relative of mine has been drawing my attention to his messages, i’m compelled to shed-light on them which, although better than most Nigerian preachers, still have a great need to be scrutinised because of their excesses.

Proverbs 9v8-9, says rebuke the Wise and they will love you and add to their understanding. Fools are the opposite.

In this article, i will be referencing three videos of Damina: video1: https://youtu.be/NJJJo1vndkw?si=vMEXjP4PgkHjmmxV. video2 (https://youtu.be/WR2XYFoPt8g?si=pzMrNLZ6ch0Giyfz) . video3 (https://youtu.be/Z5gPb8lvtNE?si=xf0YeRM3nppoFGwg) .

From 1min 44sec to 4 min 30 sec of video1, Damina says that: Jesus laid the foundational framework for Bible interpretation which DIFFERS from the Jewish authorities at that time.

Yet Damina says: Matthew to John is Old Testament, SO WHY ARE THEY NOT PART OF THE TANAKH ?? Simply email any Jewish Rabbi to confirm Damina’s Non-sense. Is Matthew to John not filled with the Teachings of Jesus, where He laid the foundational framework for Bible Interpretation??

Please see Acts 21v20-32 (NKJV), does this mean the Book of Acts is Old Testament?? The New Testament allows the followers of YahShua(Jesus) in the Land of YisraEl to use the Torah Ceremonials and symbols as long as they UNDERSTAND that these are not the Essence which the symbols are speaking of (communicating about). However, in Gentile Lands, we are exempt from the burden of Torah Ceremonials (Acts 21v20-32 NKJV).

Although it’s commendable that Damina is exposing false teachings and traditions of many churches including the Catholic False Teachings, in video 2 and other presentations, Damina contradicts his own “new testament” which he says is from “Book of Acts” onward.

Abel Damina, be free to correct me If I misunderstood you.
Although it is true that Eternal Life is an internal matter and that outward ceremonies don’t contribute to spiritual life, how dare Church Leaders (e.g., Abel Damina in video 2) reject New Testament Traditions (e.g., symbolic baptism Acts 8v36-39; symbolic communion 1 Cor 11v23-26; head covering instructions 1 Cor 11).

Gal 5v6, “In Christ Jesus neither circumcision (outward) nor uncircumcision avails anything, but Faith (internal) working through Love” . Contrary to what Damina was saying in video2, this message of internal renewal/circumcision is present in every era, whether Old or New (Jeremiah 4v4 . Deut 10v16 . Joel 2v13 . Ezekiel 18v31 . Lev 26v41) . Isaiah 29v13 from Tanakh(Old T) is stated in the New Testament:

“These people honour Me outwardly (and with their lips: prayers and songs) but their SPIRITS are far from Me” . Matt 23v23, you keep the outward and ceremonial laws “but have neglected the weightier matters of the TORAH: righteousness and Mercy and Faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone” (i.e., both the Essence and the God ordered ceremonials must be kept, but tithing is Not New Testament Tradition).

Around 31 min 25sec of video 2 (https://youtu.be/WR2XYFoPt8g?si=pzMrNLZ6ch0Giyfz) only God knows what version Damina read the following from: “Matt 23v6, And Jesus love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief priest in the synagogue” . Damina’s satanic PRIDE wouldn’t allow him to announce an apology and correction of this error. This is the same satanic pride of the Catholic Magisterium’s self-proclaimed Infallibility.

Around 1hr 26 min of video 3 (https://youtu.be/Z5gPb8lvtNE?si=xf0YeRM3nppoFGwg), Damina said: “nobody was born-again until Jesus rose from the dead” . THAT’S A LIE in-light of Romans 4v1-6 and Hebrews 4v2-3. Renewal of Life is a phenomena that’s always present in every generation, although Communicated In Various Ways (Hebrews 1v1-2). The Good News exists in the Old Testament too for those who Accepted it, and it was less mysterious for such. In the New Testament, there are many so-called “Christians” today that are not living under the Good News, and they are receiving Fake Messages.

Around 1hr 32min of video 3, Damina stated: “once you know (Hebrew and Greek), you can be able to do what i’m doing now (teaching)” . THAT’S A LIE. No one needs to be fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek to be able to truly teach the Message of Life.

Resources (e.g., lexicons) are available today for anyone to use in their study of Scripture. Judas who betrayed Jesus including many false prophets were fluent in the original languages (1John 2v18-19) just as the Popes and Magisterium . Acts 4v13, “When they saw the freedom of Peter and John, and perceived that they were UNEDUCATED and UNTRAINED, they marveled and realized that they had been with (A Particular Teacher) YahShua (Jesus)”.

Regarding what Damina was saying at 1hr 34min of video 3, the reason why Jesus instructed people not to tell of the miracles they received is because He was trying to limit His followership increasing for the wrong reason

(Earthly/Sensual Needs) which was then limiting his ability to travel and reach other places to TEACH The Gospel for Internal Miracle of Transformation and Empowerment of Souls (John 6v15 . Matt 13v1-3 . John 6v25-36).

Around 1hr 37min of video3 (https://youtu.be/Z5gPb8lvtNE?si=xf0YeRM3nppoFGwg) Damina said: “God did miracles for 40 years in Israel and nobody believed” . THAT’S A LIE because there’s always a remnant of Jewish Believers in every generation (e.g., Kaleb, Joshua, Moishe/Moses and their disciples, Levi and others who carried-on their legacy).

At 1hr 37min, where Abel Damina said: “clapping is not worship…but we should lift-up holy hands” . THAT’S A LIE because true-worship is internal: Matt 15v8 (Isaiah 29v13), “These people honour Me outwardly (lifting holy hands, lip-service, outward prayers and songs) but their SPIRITS are far from Me” .

Whether you clap or lift-up holy hands, true worship is INTERNAL, therefore deceitful-Christians can have an outward show of worship, lifting holy hands yet they are perishing internally (Matt 23v27 … which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness).

At 1hr 38min of video3, Damina is right in saying that: “miracles are not exclusive to Christianity” . Concerning the uniqueness of the Gospel, let me shed some light on this matter as i quote from a writing of mine at Quora website: . . . Gen 2v7 is the first time the Spirit was felt in humans, messaging in humans: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13v5).

This is why PAGANS too have some form of this truth which Paul used as a link in Acts 17v27-28 to bring them into the purity of that ancient truth(gospel) which has undergone deformity universally .

Mark 12v16-17, no matter how deformed/dead souls have become, they are actually not animals or barbecue which they keep transforming themselves into by the Lie of Autonomy (Gen 3v5, Prov 3v7) . Psalm 19v2-3 . . . Acts 17v27-28 was spoken to pagans by Paul as he sought to bring them into the consciousness of Gen 2v7, that, in reality they too are “sons of God” (offsprings of God, Mark 12v16-17) . What God has joined to Himself, let nothing separate (John 20v22, 1Cor 6v16-17). . . .

At 1hr 39min, Damina is right in saying that: praying “in Jesus Name” doesn’t mean saying or attaching the phrase “in Jesus Name” . Matt 15v8 (Isaiah 29v13), “These people honour Me with their lips but their Spirits are far from Me”.

At 1hr 40min, the issue discussed here (Matt 4v9 . Luke 4v5-7) IS VERY IMPORTANT BECAUSE OF A DILEMMA: Deficient Human Language of Scripture, which has caused so many Church Leaders to wrongly teach this as an external matter when it’s actually something that happened INTERNALLY within YahShua(Jesus).

However, Damina is wrong in saying that: Jesus wasn’t “on an exceedingly high mountain” as Scripture says, and that Jesus wasn’t “on the pinnacle of the temple … “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here” . DAMINA IS WRONG IN SAYING THAT JESUS WAS NOT ON THOSE HIGH PLACES PHYSICALLY, otherwise how did Jesus experience the temptation of “throw Yourself down from here”, AS HE FOUGHT AGAINST HIS OWN HUMAN DESIRES “… Not My Will But Yours Be Done” (Luke 22v42) . Also, Damina is wrong in saying that: “Eve misquoted God”; which version was given to Eve ?? Which version was given to Damina ?? If it’s the same Message of Life, then Eve didn’t misquote the Message of Life Given Within Us (Gen 2v7).

At 1hr 47min of video3 (https://youtu.be/Z5gPb8lvtNE?si=xf0YeRM3nppoFGwg), Damina claims that prior to the Law(Torah), Abraham and others had more than one wife BECAUSE THERE WAS NO LAW (Romans 5v13) . DAMINA IS TWISTING SCRIPTURE; when the Torah was given via Moishe(Moses) IT CONTAINS NO PROHIBITION AGAINST HAVING MORE THAN ONE WIFE . At 1hr 44min, the question that was presented to Damina is concerning whether it’s okay to have more than one wife (see 1hr 45min). Damina is wrong in saying that: this is the same question that was presented to Jesus in Matt 19 which is concerning Permission To Divorce . The following from my website sheds light on these matters:

“Polygyny is not condemned in Scripture (2Sam 12v8), however, based on 1Cor 7v28-40, the New Testament encourages singles to remain unmarried, but it says: “if you marry, you have not sinned”. This same principle (encouraging Christians to remain single) also encourages monogamy more than polygyny which Scripture doesn’t condemn at all . “the two shall become one flesh” can be interpreted as HETERO-Sexuality (the two, opposites, shall become one) which Polygyny doesn’t contradict. Matt 19v7-9, Mark 10v4-9 is not addressing the issue of whether Tanakh(Old Testament) is wrong in supporting polygyny. In Matt 19v7-9, Mark 10v4-9, Jesus/YahShua is speaking against MISUSE of Permission to divorce. . . .”

At 1hr 57min, Damina spoke of Esther(Khadashah) as if she was the only one who fasted three days and three nights, and that she’s a typology for Messiah . THAT’S A LIE against the account (Esther 4v15-17) which shows that all the Jews were fasting, even from verse one Mordecai was already fasting (Esther 4v1).

At 1hr 59min, DAMINA SAYS that the Bible says: “because of fasting and prayer, avoid having any sexual relationship (with your spouse)” . There’s Another Interpretation that’s more fair to 1Cor 7v5, but before i post that interpretation from my website, SEE JOHN 13v8 AND ALLOW IT TO TURN YOU INTO HIS BABY, flip you upside-down (right side up – Acts 17v6) . JOHN 13v8 PLEASE:

. . . The answer to: what is fasting? is found in John 3v30, “He must increase, but i must decrease”. This does not necessarily mean abstention from foods, drinks, enjoyment or marriage (Col 2v23 . 1Tim 4v1-5). Fasting is the humbling of the soul before God (Ezra 8v21) . . .

. . . 1Cor 7v5 may sound as if spouses that abstain from romance and sexual relations are devoted in prayer, but this is a misunderstanding of that verse. The true understanding is this: both spouses or one of them, for a period, really desires to be alone in undistracted consciousness of God, not desiring to be with ANYONE AT ALL including work or school (i.e., fasting, recharging by Refocus). Marriage’s romance and sexual relations cannot hinder consciousness of God’s goodness (prayer) IF perspective is filled with the Lover of our souls (Matt 6v22-23) couples can rejoice in the Lord together spiritually (prayer) while enjoying earthly-love as they exalt the Spirit who is making A NAME FOR HIMSELF by our existence and His Providence (internal) showing that He claims us and bears responsibility for us; this means bliss for those “toddlers” in flow with this Meaning of Life (Mark 10v15 . Romans 8v15 . YishaYah 55v1-3) . . .

At 2hr 5min of video3 (https://youtu.be/Z5gPb8lvtNE?si=xf0YeRM3nppoFGwg), Damina says that: what the Bible says is: “out of the belly of Jesus shall flow rivers of living water”, but if this Supreme Spirit is in a believer, we surely can say: “out of the believer shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7v38). Jesus calls us “the light of the world” (Matt 5v14), although He is the Light of the world. Believers are also called “the word of God” (2Cor 3v3), although Jesus is The Word of God (Rev 19v13 . John 1v14).

At 2hr 25min, regarding whether there’s “heaven” and “hell”, what Damina says here at first is true, however, he later said: “A Place has been prepared for Satan and his demons” (at 2hr 26min), which contradicts what he was initially rightly saying . These phenomena are experiential (metaphysical) IN THE SPIRIT/Soul, not of sensual “place” or physical world, but experiential (states of being), and there are different levels of Bliss-Peace or Torment as souls are currently sealing/cementing their soul-condition forever by their current resolves for truth/light or ignorance/darkness . After this earthly existence, the condition or feelings you’re currently sealing your soul under will be vastly INTENSE/Concentrated beyond anything we can describe in this present existence, either of passions that cannot be satiated by the world, or satiated by The Eternal Loving Presence . Rev 14v10 “… in the Presence of the Lamb and His holy angels”, humans (and satanic spirits too) are locking themselves up in a hellish state in the Presence of Love, the antidote/neutralizer of the hellish state. Psalm 139v8 “If i ascend to heaven, You are there. If i descend into hell, You are there”.

For years now, i have been challenging “Christians” with the following:
When was Eternal Love (Jesus) poured-out as the life, breath, and covering for humanity? . What scriptural reference shows the first time LOVE communicated this to humanity: “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13v5).

Before it was spoken in Moses’ generation (Deut 31v6), their forefathers received it (Gen 28v15-17 . BethEl), however, the earliest expression that LOVE is forever committed to you and pours-out His life and breath for humanity (for His praise), is found in Gen 2v7 so humanity can be birth: LOVE breathed into man the breath of life and it became a living being . “… promised before time began” (Titus 1v2) . “this grace was given to us in Christ BEFORE TIME began” (2Tim 1v9) . Rev 13v8 “… of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” . Hebrews 4v3-4 “… the works were finished from the foundation of the world …” . Scripture says that Eternal Love was poured-out before anything was created. Sacrificial Love was poured-out from the foundation of the world, before time began, OTHERWISE THERE CAN BE NO LIFE or Human Love or Time.

Col 1v20 teaches that there are spirits in heaven in need of Salvation just as we have humans (in the visible realm) whose perspectives and feelings are contrary to the ways of the Lord, this is also the case in the spirit realm (heaven, the invisible, secret place, metaphysical). Gal 1v8 warns us about angels from heaven who are contrary to the ways of the Lord (Gen 6v4, spiritual intercourse not physical, Gen 3v1) . Col 1v20 says this salvation is available for those in heaven (fallen stars) and those on earth (humans). Rev 12v7, “War broke-out in heaven” . Not physical but of persuasion/argument to convince and change the satanic spirit and its messengers. 2Cor 10v4-5.

Based on what Damina said around 1hr 25min of video3 (https://youtu.be/Z5gPb8lvtNE?si=xf0YeRM3nppoFGwg), this means the following New Testament Acts are satanic and not of God: the Death of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5v1-11) . the Blinding of Bar’Jesus (Acts 13v6-1), just as the manifestations that attended EliYah (2Kings 1v12) for El Elohe YisraEl were satanic, including the Capital Punishments instituted in the Torah (satanic). BASED ON DAMINA’S

TEACHING AGAINST 2Kings 1v12, all these are satanic because those who were opposing God were destroyed contrary to the love expressed in Luke 9v54-56 saying that God is a saviour who doesn’t destroy those opposing Him (ALTHOUGH THEY ARE DESTROYING THEMSELVES, THE TEMPLE OF GOD, SPIRITUALLY BY PRIDE – 1Cor 3v17) . Psalm 106v15, He granted their desires but it became sickness in their Souls.

Around 1hr 25min, Damina said: “A Man of God can cooperate with Satan over his congregation and bring Satan to destroy people” . THIS IS MANIPULATIVE and DECEPTIVE TALK To Make People Fear “Man of God”. The Truth is this: Satanic Spirits In Man of God Can Do Nothing Except God Allows It. When Balaam (a man deep in the occult) was seeking to curse YisraEl, what happened?? Was Balaam successful with the satanic spirit to curse Israel?? See Num 23 and Num 24 .

Every satanic spirit is under the Authority of God in regards to their external acts (against others, or as a miracle for someone), although they have internal Free Will similar to humans. Satanic spirits can do nothing (against someone, or as a miracle for someone) except God allows them. See iyob(Job) 1v6-12, iyob 2v1-6 and 2THESSALONIANS 2v9-12 . YahShua(Jesus) told Peter that Satan was Requesting for Peter (Luke 22v31).

1Kings 18v36, “. . . let it be known this day that You are God in Israel and i am Your servant, and that i have done all these things AT YOUR WISH” . Understand this: EliYah’s motive for any miracle (e.g., destruction of God’s enemies) that he experienced, was NOT OF SELF-Will but as a manifestation for El Elohe YisraEl. This is a different motive and spirit in comparison to Nigerians wishing death on those they hate; very different spirit.

In this same video3, Damina said that he knows trustworthy teachers but would not name them . Why?? Damina wants Nigerians to keep following all the deceitful teachers?? See 3John 1v8-12.

http://GraceTruth7.org http://www.gracetruth7.org

  • Taiwo A. Olokun

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