
Being born again is just 5 percent of our journey to heaven- Akin John

by Church Times

Being born again is just 5 percent of our journey to heaven- Akin John


President of Church Growth international ministries Dr. Francis Bola Akin John has said being born again is just about five percent of the Christian walk.

He made the submission on Thursday, the third day of the pastors’ conference holding at the Faith Revival Apostolic Church, Faith bus stop on Egbeda-Idimu road, Lagos.

The conference which started on Tuesday February 11 will end on Friday February 14. It is tagged, power to grow, increase and multiply.

At the meeting which attracted hundreds of pastors and founders of ministries, Akin John said the greatest undoing of a pastor is to remain stagnant and refuse to grow.

He said “many of us think being born again is all we need in the Christian walk. But you got it wrong because if that is all we need then we should just go home and relax. But God expects us to grow and develop ourselves while depending on the Holy Spirit.’

The church growth expert noted that the Bible is replete with scriptures that encourage people to grow in the things of the spirit.

Quoting 2peter1v5,6, he said “the Bible tells us to add to our faith virtue. In modern language that word virtue means character. The Lord is saying we should add character to our faith. The implication of that is that there are people who are born again but who lack character. If being born again is just okay the Bible will not ask us to add virtue to our faith’

He explained further “the epistle of Peter explains that we need to add to our faith, knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness”

According to him “many believers lack godly character. The fruit of the spirit in us should produce godly character. We need that and that is what will make our faith relevant to the people of the world. There is no place for boasting in the house of God. We need to display undue arrogance in our relationship with people.”

Using several other scriptures to buttress his point he wondered why many churches no longer emphasise the truth about Christian character that is in the Bible.

”The Christian life is unique. The Christian does not discriminate. A Christian does not fight. A Christian does not condone tribalism. So many believers are tribal bigots. All such trait is not of God.’ he said

He said there are three groups of people: the Jews, the Gentiles and the Church of God. ‘The Church of God are the called out ones and there is no room for discrimination among God’s people. We are one because we have one father and one source of life”

Believers according to him are supposed to walk in the light and walk in love. ‘Unfortunately many Church people are not growing because leaders in these Churches are not growing. They still pander to earthly things’

He noted that many churches are being run in the wrong way, pointing out that the epistles explain in clear terms how Churches should be run.

Quoting from the epistle of Paul to the Ephesians, he explained that believers need all armours of war which include; salvation, breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, feet shod with the preparation of the gospel and sword of the spirit which is the word of God”

The picture of the Roman soldier is the picture of the Christian life.

He said all believers including leaders need these elements to be able to stand firm in the Lord.

He then urged church leaders to embrace growth as that is the only sure way they can grow their churches. “If a member of your church is experiencing spiritual growth more than you, such member would leave the church. It’s just a matter of time. So the leader has to be growing consistently in his relationship with God and man.”



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