Bad worship habits you must stop now

by Church Times

By Ladi Ayodeji

When we come before God in worship, we ought to do so with the utmost reverence, with total devotion and respect,much more than we do when we are in the presence of world leaders or any other secular personage.

This is not what we see in many churches today. I am talking about wrong attitudes in worship. There are so many bad habits that christians exhibit in church, before our God, the Almighty; our creator without whom we are nothing.

I will point out these bad habits, itemize and comment on them.

1: Checking phone or answering calls. It’s not unusual to see people answering calls or checking phones during worship or while the Pastor is preaching.People won’t do this before their bosses in the office. If you’re guilty of this bad behaviour,stop it.

2:Late coming. Many christians come late to church and get other worshippers distracted with their movements. It’s bad enough to come late to church, disturbing other worshippers with your cat walk or swagger,is rude.Those who do this dare not go late to work because they know they could be fired. It’s a bad habit,stop it.

3: Leaving church before closing time. This is very common. Many walk out on the preacher in the middle of a sermon or during announcements because they are in a hurry to go home or keep some important appointment elsewhere. This is not just disrespectful of the Pastor; it’s an insult to God. Who’s greater than your God that you want to rush to meet? It’s a bad habit,stop it.

4: Roaming inside the auditorium. People move about inside the auditorium even as worship is going on,to meet someone for God knows what! What’s going on here? This is wrong,stop it!

5: Disruptive exclamations. Some scream out of excitement in the middle of a sermon or in the climax of a popular song, and then cause mild panic or needles distractions all over the place. Those who do this just want some attention, obviously. It’s a bad habit,stop it.

6: Hailing the Pastor. Some are in the habit of shouting and screaming the praises of the preacher as the servant of God is doing his job, delivering his message. This is wrong. You don’t do this at seminars or in places of learning. Why do it in church? Stop it.

7: Some break into loud, spontaneous laughter or dance routines when on a spiritual high, causing irritation and vexation. It’s a bad habit.A man’s spirit is subject to his control.

8: Fashion show has its place.It is certainly not a church environment.Most women are guilty of this unnecessary display of their classy dressing to attract attention. They just want to impress with what they wear, but not many people It’s a distraction.

9: Some eat, take refreshments and other stuff right inside the church when it’s not authorized. It’s okay if a food feast is going on.Churches organize this regularly, which is great.It’s not right if you are the only one doing it.
The church is not an eatery.Stop it.

10: Disobedience. Every so often, some ignore their Pastor’s instructions to clap, dance or sing for reasons best know to them. That is rude. Whoever is too big to obey the preacher should stay at home.

11: Talking and gossiping. Yes,it happens. People chat,gossip and exchange banters inside the church. You are not supposed to do that. It’s a bad habit. Stop it.

Beloved, this list is by no means exhaustive. I have listed them to show you which one you’re guilty of. Let’s respect our God; let’s worship him with due reverence and love. Let’s develop good worship habits. Hallelujah!

Ladi Ayodeji is a counselor, author and motivational speaker. He can be reached on 09059243004(WhatsApp only).

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