wisdom nugget

The principles and power of consistent action in life (1)

by Church Times

“It’s a simple and generous rule of life that whatever you practice, you will improve at. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert

One thing you need to know from the foregoing is that the life you live has its ups and downs. Even though sometimes it looks like a roller coaster ride, it’s part of living in this world, and we are eagerly searching for ways to be more consistent in our dealings on the face of the earth.

It was Marie Forleo that said, “Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.”

With consistency, you will have an easier time maintaining relationships with your family members and friends, meeting your goals, and performing well in school or at work.

However, this assertion doesn’t come as a surprise as many of us know that consistent actions will provide the results we’re looking for in life. Even so, we still struggle with consistency. And unfortunately, there are a lot of people who have trouble being consistent in life.

Why is it so hard to overcome a lack of consistency? That’s the question we intend to resolve here as we illuminate your heart. Lack of consistency as we know can be incredibly frustrating and painful.

We know that consistency is the key to progress in all areas of our lives, but somehow, we continue to falter and fail. The only thing you find yourself being consistent at is starting something, then stopping before you get any results. You never ever complete a task no matter how greatly inspiring at the onset.

There is hope

You may beat yourself up for this, but there’s hope. This hope comes from first understanding why we fall into these cycles and then taking the necessary steps to overcome the potential pitfalls.

I have discovered from experience that many people struggled with goal-setting pursuance. Several writers have concluded that consistency is one of the obstacles they face. Many times, when we set goals, we’re too focused on motivation. When we’re motivated, we naturally create a full-blown plan of how we’re going to achieve our goals, and that plan is typically extreme.

So – maybe for a few days or even weeks, we’re able to maintain our motivation and keep up with the intense plan we made. But then we lose our motivation, life gets in the way, and we feel discouraged that we didn’t stay consistent with the ridiculously intense plan we set way back when we were motivated.

That’s why Harvey Mackay says, “If you are persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it.” This quote applies to some of the world’s greatest athletes and leaders. The people who have made a real impact and left their mark are not necessarily the most talented or the most intelligent; they are the most consistent.

The Michael Jordan example

Michael Jordan, one of the best basketball players of all time, didn’t make his varsity team on the first try. Throughout his career, he counted the number of times he failed: 300 lost games and he missed the game-winning shot 26 times.

But rather than let his disappointment derail him, he used it to motivate himself. Along with being persistent, he was consistent – practicing day after day, honing his skills, and getting closer to reaching his goals. His consistency was the key to his success.

Friends, consistency is also critical in business. Consistently providing good work and good service builds trust and boosts your credibility. Customers will continue coming back to the companies they can rely on.

So, why is being consistent so important but it’s difficult for people? Whether you want to write a novel or lose some kilogramme,, it requires consistent effort to reach that goal. If you don’t stay consistently focused, chances are you will revert to old patterns.

I realise that consistency ties directly into building habits that can positively change your behavior. When you’re consistent, you build the momentum you need to get (and stay) motivated and make progress.

Most of our habits are unconscious. Habits are made up of thoughts and behaviors that have become ingrained in our minds. How we act is rooted in what we believe, so to change our behavior, we must first change our mindset.

In this piece, you’ll have to rethink what consistency means in your lives and how you can overcome a lack of consistency. I hope you’re ready because while learning to be consistent may not be exciting, it’s definitely one of the most impactful things you can learn to reshape your future. I hope you are ready to go with me on this expedition.


Consistency means different things in different situations.

Consistency is putting forth a consistent effort day in and day out no matter what you do.

Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way has the same attitudes towards people or things or achieves the same level of success in something. (Collins dictionary).

It is the state or condition of always happening or behaving in the same way. (Cambridge online dictionary)

Consistency at work involves producing the same standard of work throughout a long period of time. Consistency affects the quality of work that you develop, the speed at which you produce work, your attendance and your communication with others in your workplace.

There are numerous ways where consistency can be applied. For example, students need to put forth a consistent effort in their classes. Employees and managers should put forth a consistent effort in their jobs every day. Everyone should be consistent in the effort they put forth in their relationships with their family members, friends, and colleagues.

You may also perform the same patterns and behaviors while working. You can improve your consistency by maintaining the same habits and committing yourself to improvement. Remaining consistent may show your employer that you have a positive work ethic and good character, which may help you as you advance in your career.

Continued on https://churchtimesnigeria.net/priciiples-power-consistency/

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