We are celebrating Christmas amidst uncertainty-CAN, says, “there is hope for Nigeria”

by Church Times

The Christian Association of Nigeria has noted that Nigeria is celebrating the 2022 Christmas season amidst uncertainty, untold hardship, and pain.  It likened what Nigeria is going through to what Israel experienced in Bible times.

The Christian body however expressed hope that the nation would overcome its challenges and experience a new life.

This observation was contained in a Christmas message on Saturday signed by CAN president,  Archbishop Daniel Okoh.

The statement reads in part,  “This year, we are celebrating Christmas in Nigeria amidst uncertainty, fear, untold suffering, hardship, and pain in the face of a harsh economy, record inflation figures, a worsening poverty situation, and a weakened security system due to bad governance.

“This precarious situation in our national life can be likened to the sufferings, helplessness, and hopelessness of the Israelites as a result of the decisions of their leaders to forsake God and pursue after their bellies which they have made into gods through greed, selfishness, and blatant corruption.”

Christmas season according to CAN reminds us of “the unfailing and never-ending love of God for us. The story of Christmas tells us of God’s loving intervention in the human situation of helplessness and hopelessness. It radiates brilliantly for us, as a people and a nation because we are expecting the coming of a new leadership ordained by God to restore the fortunes of our country and ensure peace, justice, and righteousness in the land.”.

The Christian body assured that God will not abandon Nigeria, rather, “He will continue to intervene in the affairs of mankind through Jesus Christ, the Messiah He sent to save the world.’

It urged Nigerians to shun the temptation to speak the language of despair and division adding, “Let the story of Christmas provide us with inspiration to speak the language of peace to our neighbours regardless of differences in religion, ethnicity, or political leanings.”

CAN urged politicians to use this Christmas season to reflect on the words of the newborn Messiah who stated that he was “anointed to preach the good news to the poor and deliverance to the captives.

It called on the government to be prepared to ensure justice by insisting that the resources and positions in governance are shared equitably among people of all regions and tribes. “Equitable distribution of positions will help us to harness the abundance of potential in our dear country for national development.” the statement noted.

While stating that it is God who gives power to whoever He pleases, CAN prayed that God would the eyes of Nigerians to be able to discern and vote for those who will govern the nation with godly fear and devotion.”

The Christians association also pleaded with Nigerians not to “allow the fear of insecurity and violence to cause us to stay away from voting during the 2023 general election”


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