“As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same to one another, as GOOD STEWARDS of the manifold Grace of GOD”-1 Peter 4:10, KJV.
A Message was sent to me by a friend through WhatsApp which made a deep impression on me as regards the widespread protests that started in our Land about a week ago. Reproduced below is the message which I copied verbatim even though the original author was unknown:
“A boy was sent by his father to urgently buy him food from a restaurant. On his way going, he was in a hurry because of the urgency of the assignment.
However, on his way back, he passed where his mates were playing football. He slowed down and began to watch the game, gradually slowing down until he finally stopped. He watched for a while and got carried away, he became interested and indicated his interest in playing, and he was invited.
He left the food in the care of some unknown people and entered the field. He forgot the assignment completely and played his heart out. He became the man of the match, dribbled opponents, created chances, scored goals, and changed the face of the entire game.
When night came, the owner of the ball picked it up. It was time for everyone to go home; to go back to their parents, the game was over!
It now dawned on the boy after everyone had left that he had been sent to buy food by his hungry father. He went to where he kept the food, it had already been eaten by goats and dogs, “but I kept this food with some guys here a moment ago.” He said.
He picked up the plates but was no longer happy, all the excitement of the game disappeared, the people clapping for him were all gone, the opponents he was playing against were all gone, the ball itself was gone, time was gone, those selling food were gone, he couldn’t buy another!
Regrets took over him, and he sluggishly walked home, with tears of sorrow and regrets whilst hiding in the dark.
When people saw him, they asked him why he was crying and hiding in the dark with empty plates! He had left with clean plates full of excitement, but returned with the same empty plates, so dirty and stained!
When they asked him “Why he couldn’t go home, he said his father would beat him”. He knew the implications of the wasted time. So sad, too late.
Hear this: We have a home and a Father to return to at the end of life’s journey when all is said and done.
Don’t be distracted, don’t rejoice when people are clapping for you while doing the wrong thing, they won’t be there when you are to give an account.
Avoid Distractions, we are sent here for an assignment, the Father is waiting for us, and this ball we are busy playing, when night comes, the owner will pick it up, the crowd will disappear, and we’ll be left alone to go back and give a report to our Maker. What will you tell Him? _Think about it_ .”
About gifts and talents
*The story is all about the subjects of Gifts/ Talents and Stewardship through the Grace of GOD.*
The boy in the story was gifted or talented as a good footballer and because of the great applause that he was receiving from the crowd of spectators watching him, he failed to deliver on the core mandate given to him by his father. Hence was afraid and ashamed to return to his father because of the dire consequences that might be awaiting him.
In the same vein, we should all see ourselves as Stewards of GOD with various Gifts/ Talents through the Grace of GOD to deliver His Mandates in the Fields of Politics, Business, Entertainment, Religion, Education, and Civil Service, just to mention a few. How are we making use of the chances and opportunities that GOD has given us to serve our Communities, Nations, or Generations to fulfill GOD’S Plans and Purposes?
As Political Leaders, are we using such opportunities to enrich ourselves at the expense of the masses that GOD expects us to serve? Are we living in opulent lifestyles while the masses are living in abject poverty and dying of hunger?
These set of questions and many more apply to our Leaders ( both Spiritual and Secular) from Communities to National levels.
Let us all know that one day- at the time appointed to each of us as Stewards through His manifold Grace, we shall all return to our Maker to render our accounts to Him.
Is our Leadership style inflicting more pain on our Citizens or Followers while we are living in luxuries?
Let’s think about it and make the necessary adjustments to the glory of GOD- our Father Who has commissioned us with our various Mandates to deliver in our respective Areas of Responsibility. And as we do so, may His Grace continue to be multiplied upon our lives in JESUS’ Name.
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