Providence University

Truth in trouble in the Church- Maxey, writes book on Juju VS Christianity

by Church Times



The Founder of West Africa Theological Seminary, Dr. Gary Maxey has observed that the truth has been caged in the Church urging preachers of the gospel not to relent in their pursuit of the truth despite the challenging times.

He also informed that a new book is being put together to address some of the heretical teachings and errors of the modern church.

The book is in the mold of one of his best sellers: The Seduction of the Nigerian Church which he said has sold over 10000 copies and still selling.

Maxey spoke with Church Times at the 2019 edition of the Glorious Freedom Assembly organised by the seminary which held at the school’s premises between March 21 and 23. The assembly is in its fourth edition and has always had its theme centred on holiness. It currently comes at no cost to participants.

Dr. Gary Maxey and Rev Mike Oye

Maxey stated, “We are hoping that we will continue to get sponsors so that the seminars will be open to all and we will be able to provide resources. We have started with this edition to make it free and we do not hope to go back to charging. But then we trust that people will continue to make available their resources so that the programme will always be free”.

He said the assembly is the birthright of every born again child of God. “When we gather, our goal is freedom from the carnal mind that enables every child of God to live up to his full potential as a blood-washed sanctified child of God filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Read also: The sheep and shepherd: What pastors fail to do for the flock

The theme of the assembly this year was: The Thessalonian road, sanctification made plain.

Dr. Mike Oye, a veteran preacher and first Nigerian traveling Secretary of the Scripture Union featured prominently in this year’s convention.



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Prison lessons for palace purpose..An xray of the life of Joseph April 4, 2019 - 10:48 pm

[…] Read also: Truth in trouble in the church-Gary Maxey […]


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