The many platforms of leadership operations

by Church Times

By Prof. Oyewole O. Sarumi

William Shakespeare eloquently captured the essence of life and leadership in his famous quote: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts…”


For leaders, this metaphor rings especially true. Leadership is not confined to a single setting or role; instead, it unfolds across various platforms, each demanding a unique approach, skill set, and presence.
Leaders, by the very nature of their responsibilities, operate in a world that is continuously scrutinized by those they lead, their peers, and society at large.


To be effective, they must master the art of performing on different stages—whether in the office, at home, with customers, or in the public eye.

This article explores the many platforms of leadership operations, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and consistency across these diverse environments.



Leadership is a complex phenomenon that defies a singular, universally accepted definition. However, at its core, leadership is the ability to influence and inspire others to achieve a common goal. It’s about creating a vision, building relationships, and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

Effective leadership transcends hierarchical positions and encompasses a broader scope of influence. It involves guiding, motivating, and enabling others to work collaboratively towards shared objectives. Leadership is not merely about issuing commands but about fostering a culture of innovation, trust, and accountability.

Several key elements characterize leadership:

• Vision and Direction: Leaders articulate compelling visions that inspire and unify followers. They set clear goals and provide strategic direction.
• Influence and Persuasion: Leaders possess the ability to influence and persuade others without coercion. They build consensus and foster collaboration.
• Communication: Effective communication is essential for conveying ideas, building relationships, and motivating teams.
• Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions is crucial for building trust and empathy.
• Decision Making: Leaders make sound judgments and decisions, often under pressure.
• Accountability: Leaders take responsibility for their actions and the outcomes of their decisions.
• Ethical Conduct: Leaders demonstrate integrity, honesty, and fairness in their dealings with others.



Leadership is the ability to influence, inspire, and guide others toward the achievement of common goals. It is not merely about holding a position of authority but about embodying a vision that others can rally behind. As John Maxwell, a renowned leadership expert, aptly put it, “Leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less” (Maxwell, 2007).

Effective leadership involves making strategic decisions, encouraging collaboration, and creating an environment where individuals can thrive. However, what distinguishes great leaders from the rest is their ability to adapt their leadership style to different contexts and platforms while maintaining their core values and principles.

Leadership is a dynamic process that evolves with the changing context. It is not solely about personal attributes but also about the ability to adapt to different situations and leverage available resources. Ultimately, leadership is about making a positive impact on individuals and organizations.


The platforms on which leaders operate are as varied as the roles they play. These platforms provide the stage for leaders to demonstrate their capabilities, influence others, and achieve their organizational and personal goals.

Each platform presents its unique set of challenges and opportunities, requiring leaders to be versatile, self-aware, and resilient. Understanding and mastering these platforms is crucial for leaders who wish to navigate the complexities of their roles effectively. It is on these platforms that leaders build trust, establish credibility, and ultimately, leave a lasting impact.


Writing this piece is very easy for me. Why? I have been on most of these stages throughout my career on the corporate and religious fronts. What I discussed below is experiential – as a C-Suite executive in charge of a PLC and Assistant Head of Church clusters of over 150 branches with almost 2000 church leaders (full-time and bi-vocational) under my belt. So, let’s get cracking to unveil the kernel.

1. The Office Platform

The office is perhaps the most traditional and recognized platform for leadership. It is within the confines of the office that leaders make strategic decisions, manage teams, and oversee the day-to-day operations of their organizations. The office is where leadership is most formalized, with clearly defined hierarchies and responsibilities.
Importance for Leadership:

• Strategic Decision-Making: The office platform is where leaders are expected to make critical decisions that impact the entire organization. It is where strategic planning takes place, and where leaders must weigh the pros and cons of various courses of action.

Team Management: Effective leadership in the office involves managing and motivating teams, resolving conflicts, and fostering a collaborative work environment. Leaders must be adept at communicating their vision and ensuring that everyone is aligned with the organization’s goals.

Cultural Stewardship: The office is also where leaders shape the organizational culture. They set the tone for how work is done, how employees are treated, and what values are upheld.
Pros and Cons:
Pros: Leaders have direct control over their environment, access to resources, and the ability to shape the organizational culture.

Cons: The office can become a bubble, insulating leaders from the realities faced by their employees and customers. There is also the risk of becoming overly bureaucratic or rigid in decision-making.
Misuse of the Platform:
• Leaders who misuse their authority in the office can create a toxic work environment, stifling innovation and demotivating their teams. Over-reliance on hierarchical structures can lead to micromanagement and a lack of empowerment among employees.

2. The Home Platform

Leadership does not end when leaders leave the office. The home is another critical platform where leadership plays out, often in more subtle and personal ways. For many leaders, balancing work and home life is a significant challenge, but it is also an opportunity to model values such as integrity, empathy, and resilience.
Importance for Leadership
• Work-Life Balance: Effective leadership at home is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Leaders who manage their time well and prioritize their personal lives are often more focused, energized, and capable of making sound decisions at work.

• Role Modeling: Leaders are often role models for their families and communities. How they conduct themselves at home can have a profound impact on their children, partners, and others around them.

• Emotional Intelligence: The home is where leaders can develop and demonstrate emotional intelligence. It is a platform for practicing empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution in a more personal context.
Pros and Cons:
• Pros: The home platform allows leaders to recharge, reflect, and gain perspective. It provides a space for personal growth and the development of deeper relationships.

• Cons: The demands of leadership can spill over into home life, leading to stress and burnout. Leaders may struggle to disconnect from work, leading to strained relationships and a lack of fulfillment in their personal lives.
Misuse of the Platform:
• Leaders who fail to prioritize their home life may find themselves disconnected from their families and personal values. Neglecting the home platform can lead to a lack of emotional support, which is crucial for sustaining long-term leadership success.

3. The Customer Platform

Customers are the lifeblood of any organization, and how leaders interact with them can make or break a business. The customer platform is where leaders engage with those who use their products or services, gather feedback, and build lasting relationships.

Importance for Leadership:

• Customer-Centric Leadership: Effective leaders understand the importance of putting the customer first. They listen to customer feedback, anticipate their needs, and strive to exceed their expectations.

• Brand Ambassadorship: Leaders on the customer platform act as brand ambassadors. They represent the organization and its values, ensuring that every customer interaction reflects positively on the company.

• Building Trust: Engaging with customers builds trust and loyalty. Leaders who are accessible, transparent, and responsive can create a strong customer base that supports the organization through thick and thin.
Pros and Cons
• Pros: Direct engagement with customers provides valuable insights into how the organization is perceived and where improvements can be made. It also fosters a customer-centric culture within the organization.

• Cons: The customer platform can be demanding, requiring leaders to be constantly attentive and responsive. There is also the challenge of managing customer expectations and dealing with negative feedback.
Misuse of the Platform:
• Leaders who ignore customer feedback or fail to address customer concerns risk damaging the organization’s reputation. Over-promising and under-delivering can lead to a loss of trust and customer attrition.
4. The Public or Society Platform
Leaders do not operate in a vacuum; they are part of a larger society and have a responsibility to contribute to the public good. The public platform is where leaders engage with the broader community, whether through public speaking, corporate social responsibility initiatives, or advocacy work.
Importance for Leadership:
• Public Influence: Leaders on the public platform have the power to influence public opinion and drive social change. They can use their platforms to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize resources for the greater good.

• Corporate Social Responsibility: Engaging with society through CSR initiatives is essential for building a positive organizational image and contributing to the well-being of the community.
• Thought Leadership: Leaders on the public platform often serve as thought leaders, sharing their expertise and insights with a wider audience. This helps establish them as authorities in their fields and builds credibility for their organizations.
Pros and Cons:
• Pros: The public platform offers leaders the opportunity to expand their influence beyond their organizations and make a meaningful impact on society. It also enhances the leader’s visibility and reputation.

• Cons: The public platform can be highly scrutinized, with every action and statement subject to public judgment. Leaders must be cautious about their public image and avoid actions that could lead to negative publicity.
Misuse of the Platform
• Leaders who misuse the public platform by engaging in unethical behavior, making controversial statements, or failing to live up to their public commitments can cause significant damage to their personal and organizational reputations.
5. The Digital Platform
In the 21st century, the digital platform has become an increasingly important stage for leadership. Leaders must navigate the complexities of digital communication, social media, and online collaboration to effectively lead in a connected world.
Importance for Leadership:
• Digital Communication: The digital platform allows leaders to communicate with a global audience in real time. Leaders who are proficient in digital communication can engage with their teams, customers, and the public more effectively.

• Brand Building: Social media and online presence are critical for building and maintaining a strong personal and organizational brand. Leaders who leverage digital platforms can reach a wider audience and amplify their messages.

• Innovation and Agility: The digital platform is also a space for innovation. Leaders who embrace digital tools and technologies can drive organizational agility and stay ahead of the competition.

Pros and Cons:

• Pros: The digital platform offers unparalleled reach and the ability to connect with diverse audiences. It also provides valuable data and insights that can inform decision-making.

• Cons: The digital platform can be a double-edged sword, with the potential for information overload, cyber threats, and the spread of misinformation. Leaders must be vigilant about their digital security and online reputation.
Misuse of the Platform:
• Leaders who misuse the digital platform by spreading false information, engaging in online conflicts, or neglecting digital security can face significant backlash and damage to their credibility.
6. The Peer Platform
The peer platform is where leaders interact with their colleagues and peers within and outside their organizations. It is a platform for collaboration, networking, and mutual support.
Importance for Leadership:
• Collaboration: The peer platform is essential for encouraging collaboration and teamwork. Leaders who build strong relationships with their peers can create a more cohesive and effective leadership team.

• Learning and Growth: Interacting with peers provides opportunities for learning and professional development. Leaders can gain new perspectives, share best practices, and receive valuable feedback.

• Support System: The peer platform also serves as a support system for leaders. Having a network of trusted peers can provide emotional support and guidance during challenging times.
Pros and Cons:
• Pros: The peer platform offers a space for shared learning and mutual support. It can enhance leadership effectiveness by encouraging collaboration and collective problem-solving.

• Cons: The peer platform can also be competitive, with the potential for power struggles and conflicts. Leaders must navigate these dynamics carefully to maintain positive relationships.

Misuse of the Platform

• Leaders who misuse the peer platform by undermining their colleagues, engaging in office politics, or failing to support their peers can create a toxic work environment and damage their own leadership credibility.
7. The Self-Leadership Platform
Perhaps the most fundamental platform for leadership is self-leadership. This is the stage where leaders manage their own emotions, behaviours, and personal development. It is about choosing who we are, what we do, and who we become. It is the foundation upon which all other leadership platforms are built.
The practice of self-leadership is to constantly develop the ‘inner game’ (mindset) and the ‘outer game’ (action). The inner game consists of Intention, Self-awareness, Self-confidence, and Self-efficacy (self-belief) to achieve Personal Mastery, whilst the outer game consists of influence and impact.
Importance for Leadership:
• Self-awareness: Effective self-leadership requires a high degree of self-awareness. Leaders must understand their strengths, weaknesses, and motivations to lead others effectively.

• Personal Development: Self-leadership is also about continuous personal development. Leaders who invest in their own growth are better equipped to inspire and lead others.

• Resilience: The self-leadership platform is where leaders build resilience and mental toughness. It is where they develop the habits and mindsets that enable them to navigate challenges and setbacks.
Pros and Cons:
• Pros: Strong self-leadership enhances a leader’s ability to manage stress, make sound decisions, and lead with integrity. It also provides a strong foundation for leading others.

• Cons: Self-leadership can be challenging, requiring a high level of discipline, self-reflection, and personal accountability. Leaders who neglect self-leadership may struggle with unrealised human potential, blaming, complaining, victim mindset and poor decision-making.

Misuse of the Platform:
• Leaders who neglect self-leadership may become reactive, emotionally unstable, or disconnected from their values. This can lead to poor decision-making and a loss of credibility with their teams.


Leadership is a multifaceted role that unfolds across various platforms, each requiring a unique set of skills and approaches. From the office to the home, from engaging with customers to navigating the digital landscape, effective leaders understand the importance of mastering these platforms to achieve success.

Each platform offers its own set of challenges and opportunities, and wise leaders recognize that they must perform well on all stages to maintain credibility and influence.
As Shakespeare noted, “All the world’s a stage,” and for leaders, every platform is an opportunity to lead, inspire, and make a difference.

When leaders have a proper understanding of the dynamics of each platform and leverage their strengths, they can navigate the complexities of their roles with confidence and effectiveness. Leadership is indeed a public calling, and those who embrace the many platforms of leadership operations will find themselves well-equipped to make a lasting impact on their organizations and the world.


Prof Sarumi is of the  Faculty, Strategy and Leadership Development, ICLED Business School, Lekki, Lagos.

1 comment

Femi Kolajo. August 7, 2024 - 12:28 pm

Impactful as always. Gracias, Prof.


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