“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6.
Asbury caught the fire of Great Awakening, ‘the time is now; it’s now Nigeria’s time To arise.
On February 13th, 2023 after reading about the events of the Asbury revival on the web, I went on my knees, crying in travailing prayer, asking God for the same occurrence in Nigeria’s Universities.
Sweating profusely, with tears streaming down my face, I told God to begin such revival again in my nation. Our youths who are the coming future Leaders are wasting and perishing. I cried out in piety, “Lord, we anticipate this kind of revival in our universities and in Nigeria” I wept and wept to God.
Basically, my prayer focus was the youth, the emerging future leaders who will take territories, communities, and nations for God. The upcoming preachers, Intercessors, missionaries, and gospel sponsors of generations to come… For in every of the great move of God, He often involves youths.
Unarguably, millions of Nigerian youth are going through the trauma of not being employed, more have become single mothers, prostitution is rampant, and more have transfigured into Yahoo boys -cyber crime, ritualists, kidnappers, and so on. It is ostensibly seen that our youths need a transformation, one that can set them on fire for God, one that can make them a vessel for their generation, one that can purge their heart and wheedle them to become debtors to the Holy Spirit not debtors to the flesh.
Undisputably, our youth are desperately in need of the true word of God, one that can make them garb themselves with self-debasement and compunction for sin, such that will lead to a new change in their heart.
We all know that the true word of God brings greater impact in the lives of men. It brings conviction of sin and confession.
These are signs of revival being poured out upon men. When revival comes, it does not hesitate to affect every area of our lives, personally, socially, professionally, business-wise, churches, and nations.
Time to go on our knees
I think it is time to go on our knees in supplication for a new revival, it’s time to start asking God for mercy and to pour out His Spirit upon our universities, just like in Asbury revival.
Beloved, our youth today are being submerged by the cravings of the flesh. But If all the youth are finally destroyed, who will be the vessel to propagate the gospel to the coming generation? Who will be the next Apostle Paul who will proclaim liberty to the Gentiles? And who will Christ handpick to shake territories and nations?
Will thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee”(Psalms 85:6), this was the cry of a man who knew the relevance of national revival and transformation in his generation. This was the voice of a prophet calling people to repentance. This was the deep burden and burning passion of a man who tarried for long hours for awakening among non-believers.
How many are ready to speak these words of supplication? Remember, sometimes God may not move until we move, He might not cause a change until there are vessels that can pay the price of prayer.
We need to be desperate and intensely praying for God’s move if we want real change in our nation. if we want national revival.
God sends revivals in the darkest period of time, in the most distressing situations of declension, apostasy, idolatry, sin, and persecution of followers of Christ. We need the kind of Asubry revival now in the darkest time of our nation.
2023 Asubry revival is deja vu all over again.* *By Terry Mattingly.*
The atmosphere in Hughes Auditorium was electric as Asbury students -many in tears streamed to the altar to pray, while worshippers sang hymns, mixed with bible readings, testimonies, and public prayers of repentance…For more details about this revival check the links:
*On the Precipice of a New Jesus Revolution’: Top Pastor Says Asbury and 2023 Point to Awakening. CBN News.*
One of the country’s most influential pastors says despite the darkness of our times, recent news events point to the hand of God at work in early 2023.”God’s moving in a new generation,” .”https://www2.cbn.com/news/ cwn/precipice-new-jesus- revolution-top-pastor-says- asbury-and-2023-point- awakening
While writing this edition I sent questions to three youths from three States in Nigeria. Read my questions and their response below:
Having been a youth minister in one of the mega-churches, a teacher of the word, and observant of the ills happening in the World, please can you write out some of the evil that has befallen the Nigerian youth as a result of the state of the church and the nation, which also indicate that we anticipate a revival with immediacy just like in Asbury University?
Bro Praise:
The youths have gone complacent when it comes to God and righteous living. We have accepted for ourselves teachers that would teach what suits our lusts (2 Timothy 4:3-4). The youth wants to live their life to the fullest and at the same time have God. They want to walk out of sin and still praise and worship God.
They have molded themselves into self-righteous religious acts. They derive pleasure in stretching in prayers as a form of competition to see who prays longer and has the best style of prayer. They know the Word without the reality of the Word. They know the Word but no experience no encounter, no revelation of Jesus.
We hope that God’s spirit is poured upon us in Nigeria and that we may encounter a revival as it happened in Asbury, even greater. I believe what happened in Asbury is a foretaste of what will come. I believe just as Pastor Dutch Sheets saw it, it would happen in Nigeria and all over the world. There have been so many words affirming God’s impending outpouring on the church. We can only like the Isaachaar generation seeing the times, contend for the fulfillment of the word in prayers.
Heritage, an undergraduate, a music minister, and youth president in one of the leading Pentecostal churches have this to say on Nigerian youth need God today.
Most of them have fallen prey to the enemy as a result of lustful pleasure, the drive to feel among, lack of contentment, and pride. There is also the issue of oppression too. Oh God help our youth!
Today, the majority of our youth have gone into internet crime because they want to live big and be on the high side of life as they often say.
Many are lost in occultism since they decided to plus-up and of course, top their game.
Nowadays, we hear of young boys using their girlfriends for rituals, and sons using their parents and siblings for money. The question is: What has our society turned into?
Prostitution is rampant because our ladies don’t believe help can come from any other place, they believe they can get what they want with their bodies and as such defile their bodies in order to meet end needs. How will they pay their bills? they’d ask you.
Nobody wants to hear God’s time is best anymore, they believe God’s ways are just too higher than ours and God’s timing can’t necessarily fit into ours. So, they take the shortest possible route to so-called success and end up losing all.
Fornication is now the order of the day. Virgins are now counted as fools and not enlightened.
They explore what God meant for married people and call it enjoyment. They spend the night at clubs and hotels, defiling their bodies with all sorts of sexual immorality.
Did I mention masturbation too? They watch adulterated movies, corrupting their minds with all sorts of sexual constructs.
What used to be known as a bad character is now seen as a mood swing…no more respect for parents or elders, rather rebellion and disobedience, double lifestyles, and so on and so forth.
There is no more sense of repentance or the feeling of guilt for the wrong done.
Oh! God, help our youths to know the truth.
Adeshina an O’level student, a writer, and a poet has this to say
The Fate of the Nigerian Youth. The evil vices that have befallen the world are heartbreaking. And most painfully, they are most prevalent among the subject matter you pinpointed- the youths. From biblical times, God has always had a plan for the youth, and they have always been chosen by God to steer an assignment.
Notwithstanding, the devil also is not asleep to cause a halt to the plans of God. It is apparent that the youths have been wheedled and coaxed to see that the things of God are foolishness or a waste of time.
As a result of this propaganda propounded by the anchor, Satan, many youths are sweet-talked to yield to the cravings of the Flesh and show negligence to the things of the spirit.
And you know the devil would not just bring up an idea branded in a malevolent and baneful package, He would bring a kind of jugglery and deceit packed to look enticing and charming In order to persuade the youths to indulge themselves in it until their destiny is submerged.
Many atrocious atrocities done by the youths remain countless in number and if care is not taken many more would spring out and this would lead to a high rife of despicable and heinousness prevalent in our World.
One out of many obscenities that the youth are involved in is the well-known internet fraud: There is a rife of this sinful indulgence among the youth.
Many youths have immersed themselves copiously in this gross and seething abomination. They see it as an easy but subtle way of gaining money. As a result of this, countless youths are involved in this nefarious ness, and the number increases every day.
One of the reasons why some youth are involved in it is indisputably because of the economic situation in the country, as I have stated earlier the devil is not lackluster in the work of obliterating the destinies of souls. Every time, he develops new ideas and notions to progress his activity.
Many people don’t know that the economic changes happening are being controlled by Satanic agents in order to precipitate his works efficaciously, and definitely without affecting the economy would be hard for the devil to work his way out since the youth mind have been hyped to focus their hearts on materialism at the expense of their soul.
It is unfortunate to know that many Youths even termed school as a scam, meaning education is a waste of time and verve. And so we can imagine the action of the youth towards the things of God if they can scorn education as spurious. They would rather be focused on prodigality and profusion rather than spirituality.
Some youth even go as far as consulting a spiritualist to get a tool to enhance their money-making or to reduce their life, for them to be wealthy for a particular period of time. Is this not outrageous and shocking that the evangelists and Paul the Apostles of tomorrow have shortened their life to get wealthy? It is petrifying to deduce the future of this Youth.
To crown it all, out of this Internet Fraud has sprung out so many atrocious atrocities done by the youth, the likes of drug abuse, prostitution, worldliness, immoralities, etc.
And if adequate care is not taken, the destinies of youths would be tarnished.
I can espy and perceive that only a revivalistic mutation can restore back our youth on the right track to Repentance and salvation. We anticipate this kind of prophecy:
Prophecy on Nigerian youths, university students, and the nation
The Lord says to Nigeria:” I have given you a missionary spirit and I am going to change the nations of the earth through you. But now I will give you anointing to change your nation”. The Lord says, ” I am going to begin to unravel the corrupt system in Nigeria and men will say it is impossible, but I say with God all things are possible”.There is going to be a revival in the universities and this revival is going to be such as large magnitude, that the revival in the Universities will affect the secondary schools and will affect the primary schools. And I am going to change Nigeria to the next generation says God. And the Lord says the unity of the leaders is coming.I’m going to uproot and dethrone the occult; for I’m going to use Nigeria to heal the rest of Africa because what happens in Nigeria will affect the whole continent. The Lord says I’m going to use your nation; I’m going to use you in the Middle East. God says I’m getting ready to expose the occult at the highest level.
In the next few months, I’m going to begin to tear it down and I’m going to make it shift and there will be day violence will no longer be heard of in the streets of Nigeria. And it will be one of the safest nations on the face of the earth, says God.
Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs (president of General of Intercession and leader in the Global prayer movement) in Guatemala, South America, October 2002.
May this kind of prophecy come true.
John Abiola.Revive us again series 79.