Nagging is a nauseating character trait that provokes dislike, disaffection and separation. It is a cross-gender character flaw that is more identified with females. There are fewer nagging men than women.
Nagging is a way of expressing dissatisfaction, disappointment or worry over serious or minor issues repeatedly. A nagger is difficult to please. They pick holes in everything and read unsavoury meanings to statements and issues. They see things from their own end only.
They rush to judgment without balancing issues from the other side. They assume a lot; they take their guesses as facts, find faults in every other thing or person but hardly acknowledge their own faults. Some of them find it difficult to apologise even when they realise their mistakes but they usually demand same from other people. They are easily offended and do keep records of offences and wrongdoings of other people.
They are naturally temperamental, bossy and reactionary. Their provocative, offensive and careless utterances can destroy friendship/relationship of many years and even their homes.
Nagging women have trust issues because they find it hard to trust anybody else. They are too suspicious and misrepresent body movements, gesticulations and looks. They feel insecure even in the midst of their own people and friends. They are intolerant of other people’s mistakes. Nagging women are nightmares to their spouses. Not a few of them have lost their homes solely to this negative character trait.
A woman nagged from evening throughout the night hours because her husband failed to replace her damaged mobile phone. The man restrained himself from hitting her despite provocative and spiteful utterances till daybreak.
In the morning, he left home much earlier than the usual time (around 4:30am) hoping to catch some sleep at work before the day’s work started. Unfortunately, he had an accident on his way while he dosed off behind the wheel. Thank God the man survived the mishap but he sustained permanent disability after spending four months in the hospital.
A grandma left her son’s place after 10pm unannounced and in protest because she could no longer endure the nagging attitude of her daughter-in-law. She had tried in vain to mediate between the couple to no avail. On her way to nowhere in particular, a hit-and-run driver knocked down the grandma on the main road. Her remains was identified later that night by the roadside.
Nagging is a killer of joy. It pollutes every peaceful atmosphere. Emotional hemorrhage, snappy responses, uncouth remarks, harsh utterances and repeated complaints are the attributes of nagging.
Naggers are not pretenders. They are predictable and easy to understand. Naggers can be managed if paired with gentlemen. Whoever wants to live with a nagger successfully must be patient, calm, forgiving, mature, discerning, romantic, tender, full of sweet surprises, and endowed with wisdom with positive attitudes as responses to their daring and stubborn dispositions.
Despite being temperamental, they can be tamed. Naggers are sometimes good and reliable partners. They are focused, loyal, passionate lovers and spouses. They channel their energy towards whatever they are involved in including relationships. They can be accommodating though they like to dominate. Many of them are disciplined parents. They sometimes apply their intuitive capacity to arrive at right conclusions. They are naturally assertive and sometimes audacious. Sincerely, some of them are hospitable and generous. Unconsciously, however, their abrasive disposition do exhibit arrogance, pride and class.
They are sensitive, firm and protective of their own. Naggers are fighters in terms of defending their interests, families, businesses and convictions. It is better they remain nagging than feign calmness. When they cease nagging, it shows all is not well. Perhaps they have lost interest in their spouses and are already seeking attention from external sources. In the process, they could betray their love and violate their commitment through emotional infidelity. The development could also indicate that they are prepared for the worst outcome of the situation.
To those who can decode naggers, nagging attitude is a veritable signal to measure their commitment, loyalty, love and sense of belonging. Conversely, a change in their attitude (if it is not due to spiritual reengineering or maturity and willful character modification) could be a sign that she has shifted attention elsewhere for solace, intimacy and understanding.
Husbands of nagging women should be calm and wise enough to know how best to handle issues with them. If wisely managed, a nagging woman could turn out to be an amazing wife, mother and friend.
From the Mailbox
Hushpuppi and Ibrahim Magu which one are you going to choose? Mike, I think you know that there are many Hushpuppis in this present government. Please don’t judge him. – 08100369454.
Investing in a relationship is neither here nor there. This is why caution should be taken so that one’s emotions are not damaged. Every relationship involves the heart; so, one should learn to guide their while investing in any relationship with the opposite sex. My submission. – Mrs. B. Aluko, Lagos.
Re: Love-snatching scheme
Mr. West, frankly speaking, there was nothing wrong with the lady who took her friend’s husband. Our people do say, one man’s poison is another’s man’s meal. Since her husband was not good enough and resorted to complaining about his actions, what else? The man was not good for her but better for her friend. What then should stop her friend from seizing the opportunity to get a God-given husband? This is so because we are living in a world where men are gradually becoming scarce resources. – Chief Emo, Abuja.
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“Naggers are fighters in terms of defending their interests, families, businesses and convictions. It is better they remain nagging than feign calmness. When they cease nagging, it shows all is not well.”