Isaac, son of Bishop David Oyedepo has given a clue to what made him an award-winning student despite being classified a dullard in his first few years of high school.
Isaac is the pastor of the Winner’s Chapel in Maryland, US. He shared the testimony during the third service of a recent Sunday service of the church while preaching on Understanding the cure and cost of ungodliness.
Giving a rundown of his own experience, he said it took a while for him to realize that it was the company he was keeping that made him turn out a dullard.
“Out of 26 students I was taking 24th position. At least I was beating two students. They used to anoint me but I still failed. One day I came to my senses and found out that all the people that were my friends were dullards. I had to change my friends.”
He said he discovered that his new friends played in the day but spent time to read in the night adding that it was through his new friends that he got to discover that he has a photographic brain.
“The moment I joined this new set of friends, things began to change for me. I discovered I had a photographic brain. I just needed to attend class and pay attention. Afterwards, I could recall all that I was taught. From coming last in the class, I came 10th and then 6th position till I began to win awards in the same school.”
He stressed that the kind of friends one keeps goes a long way to determine the kind of life one would live. “You want to stop fornicating stop hanging around with fornicators. You need to change your friends. One of the greatest things you can learn is the ability to say no. look for God chasers and it won’t be long you will start chasing God. The anointing can rub off on you by keeping company with the anointed.”
Isaac Oyedepo who is the second male Child of Bishop Oyedepo said further that ungodliness engenders failure and defeat.
“You may seem to be having some success but it will always end in defeat if you live an ungodly life. The success that does not end in succession is not a success. What happens after you leave the earth will determine if you were truly a success. Ungodliness brings shame and reproach.”
“Ungodliness blocks access to divine favour. It is not Covenant Day of favour that brings favour, it is separation to God in holiness. If you are not living a godly life favour will not come to you. When your life is straight even sinners will show you favour.”
He urged the congregation to also run away from all appearances of evil. “We must flee from all traps of the devil. flee! Abstain from all appearance of evil. If it appears evil, stay away from it that is what the Bible says. Don’t wait for it to be evil.
“As a pastor, I should not come to your house to conduct deliverance prayer in the middle of the night if you are a lady. It is an appearance of evil flee from such a pastor.”
He said he had never carried a woman other than his wife in his car because of the need to guard oneself against fornication. He challenged the women in the church to raise their hands if he had ever carried any of them in his car adding that he had “seen people fall for the trap of the devil because they are careless. Some women have asked me to touch their tummy when they were pregnant. But I never. Me, touch?”