Benny Hinn recounts regrets in ministry says, “I was under pressure”

by Church Times

Television evangelist, Dr Benny Hinn has said the two regrets he has in ministry were the way he handled prophecy and the fact that he preached the prosperity message.

This is the second time Hinn would make a public confession about his excesses regarding the prosperity message.

The first time he made such a confession was in 2019 when he granted a video interview with Charisma magazine.

In the interview, he said he had hurt God enough. He regretted preaching the prosperity message,

His words, “My TV hardly comes up in my house. I don’t watch TV anymore. I study the Bible morning and evening. That is what I do. I read my precious Bible two times per day. I read the Bible in Hebrew too.

“That is what inspired the change in me. I don’t care what my critics say. I don’t even read what they say. It is the Lord that is moving me to make all these changes. It is about my soul. When I get to heaven I want the Lord to look at me and smile.”

But not long after he made that public confession, he went back to the prosperity message. This time according to him, in the latest confession, it was due to pressure from certain people.

He said in a recent interview shared online that one of the regrets he has in ministry is preaching the prosperity message. He referred to his 2019 confession and repentance saying, “I concluded in 2019 that I did not want to be part of the gimmickry.”

But according to him, he was faced with so much pressure which made him do what he was not supposed to do.

Pressure made me backslide

He said, “Pressure came on me and I did what I was not supposed to do. I am striving in my heart to be as biblical as possible. Right now my focus is the Lord and only the Lord. If I may have to raise funds for our ministry I will do that biblically and balance. I want my teachings to be about Jesus and only Jesus and the gospel. The heart of the gospel is true biblical prosperity. That is what I will strive to do for the rest of my life.”

Earlier in the interview which was conducted in early May, he agreed he had made several mistakes in ministry. “I am a human being. I have made mistakes. We all make mistakes”

He said he was not too wise with how to handle prophecy. “I had guests come to the Crusades that I think brought harm to my reputation and people’s lives. Their prophecies went outside the borders of redemption.

“We know prophecy is for edification and comfort. But it must be within the confines of redemption. And when people come and go beyond that we should not allow that. But I allowed it.”

Wrong prophecy

Hinn who is 72 said there were also times he thought God was showing him something that he was not showing him. “But in 1c0r 13 we see that we all prophesy in part.

“That means we don’t see the full picture. There were some prophecies I gave that were not accurate or from God. For that, I ask people to forgive me. I am just human and I made mistakes and I hope to make them up again because I am not perfect.

“We will be perfect one day when we are with the Lord. As long as we are in an imperfect body, we are not going to make perfect decisions or say the things we need to say or should say.”

He said however that there were times he got it right too, adding that people only focus on “the time we missed it.”


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