Why I left Deeper Life Church for Cherubim and Seraphim-Pastor Ogunbunmi

by Church Times


Why I left Deeper Life Church for Cherubim and Seraphim-Pastor Ogunbunmi

By Damilola Akingbagbohun



He looks so ordinary. But he is greatly gifted. Hardly can anyone sense the extraordinary anointing he carries and the knowledge of the word that he has. Pastor Ayodele Adebayo Ogunbunmi is the senior pastor of C and S Ayo Ni O, Surulere district, AFOBAJE branch in Ota, Ogun State


This man of God took time to enlighten this reporter about the need for the body of Christ to be united and the erroneous belief that God recognise some ministries than others

Cherubim, Seraphim

Pastor Ogunbunmi


Pastor Ogunbunmi began his Christian life at the African Church where he gave his life to Christ and diligently served God. After serving the Lord so fervently at the African church, God moved him further in the vineyard as he was asked to proceed to the Deeper Life Church. It was from Deeper Life that he joined Cherubim and Seraphim Church.


On why he kept changing church he stressed that there is nothing like denomination in heaven. But then, “in my case I was responding to the way God was leading me. It has being a major challenge in the body of Christ where some ministries are seen to be superior to others and that God recognises some ministries more than the others. But that is not true.


He stressed that his experience in ministry is a clear indication that God does not see any church as more important than others According to him, there are no churches in heaven and the interest of God is not denominations but sincere service to God and genuine repentance of the heart.


He blamed the misconception on some church leaders who will do anything to ensure they paint the image of superiority of their denomination.


According to him the controversy that trailed his move from Deeper Life Church to Cherubim And Seraphim (Ayo Ni O) was so much that some almost suggested that he had backslidden. But he was adamant on the reality of his calling


Our reporter asked him that apart from the confirmation of the transition, what were his conviction to move to the C AND S MOVEMENT, he stresses that the unique love exhibited in the C and S when he joined was a major factor also.


He recalled the special case of his brother who was very sick to the point of death and how members of the C and S movement who were medical practitioners were running over one another to provide medical help until his brother eventually recovered.


According to him this singular experience was a confirmation that the love which Christ preached is not predicated upon the name of any ministry but the true presence of God. If the true love of Christ exist in the church today, the world will be a better place for everyone to live. He advised church leaders to desist from poisoning the mind of members about other ministries outside theirs.


Asked about the ground shaking miracles which people testify to in the church, Ogunbunmi attribute it to total power of God. According to him, “there is absolutely nothing I can do on my own.” He declared that people must not be of the opinion that he or the church has any hand in the great miracles. “It is God who uses an ordinary vessel like me to glorify his name.” He stated.


Pastor Ogunbunmi said the uniqueness of these testimonies is that majority of the beneficiaries of these miracles are individuals who God directed through their own dreams to trace the church from very far places. When they come, the rest is put in the hands of God.



He blamed the misconception on some church leaders who will do anything to ensure they paint the image of superiority of their denomination.


According to him the controversy that trailed his move from Deeper Life Church to Cherubim And Seraphim (Ayo Ni O) was so much that some almost suggested that he had backslide. But he was adamant on the reality of his calling


Our reporter asked him that apart from the confirmation of the transition, what were his conviction to move to the C AND S MOVEMENT, he stresses that the unique love exhibited in the C and S when he joined was a major factor also. He recalled the special case of his brother who was very sick to the point of death and how members of the C and S movement who were medical practitioners were running over one another to provide medical help until his brother eventually recovered.


According to him this singular experience was a confirmation that the love which Christ preached is not predicated upon the name of any ministry but the true presence of God. If the true love of Christ exist in the church today, the world will be a better place for everyone to live. He advise church leaders to desist from poisoning the mind of members about other ministries outside theirs.


Asked about the ground shaking miracles which people testify to in the church, Ogunbunmi attribute it to total power of God. According to him, “there is absolutely nothing he can do on his own.” He declared that people must not be of the opinion that he or the church has any hand in the great miracles. “It is God who uses an ordinary vessel like me to glorify his name.” He stated.


Pastor Ogunbunmi says the uniqueness of these testimonies is that majority of the beneficiaries of these miracles are individuals who God directed through their own dreams to trace the church from very far places. When they come, the rest is in the hands of God.


Pastor Ogunbunmi could be reached on 08023254139.

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