Tope Alabi

How I got inspiration for Toluwani, my new album- Tope Alabi

by Church Times

Nigerian gospel singer, Evangelist Tope Alabi has said her reliance on God has been her staying power despite the many controversies that have trailed her career.

She made the statement in a chat with Church Times just as she announced the release of another album titled,  Toluwani.

Alabi who is also planning a one-day concert in Lagos titled Revival told Church Times that but for God, she would have not been able to attain anything in her music career.

Talking of the musical concert tagged, Praise the almighty. Alabi said, “It is an event designed to give back to God and a means of appreciating him for his love and care for the whole of 2023.

According to her, ‘Praise the almighty has come to have a life of its own. ‘We are having the 14th edition at the Police College in Lagos on February 18. It is going to be a mind-blowing experience with God.”

February Concert

Alabi said the choice of February 18 for the concert which will attract other gospel artists and servants of God is deliberate. “we needed to look for a time that is not crowded. We needed a free time where we could freely express thanks to God in a formal way. February seems to be that time. November, December and January are usually busy. We saw that February is always free. That is why we fixed the date in February.’

Besides, Alabi explained that February is a month of love. ‘”For us as believers, our definition of love is the love of Jesus. He is our Valentine. So we are giving love and showing love by separating time to glorify our Father in heaven. ‘

tope alabi new album

Tope Alabi


The music icon used the opportunity to shed light on her new album titled, Toluwani..

She said it was God that made the album a reality. ‘normally we don’t release album every year. But this particular album was not something we deliberately set out to do. We had just finished recording a particular track and we were rounding up.

‘ In fact, we had rounded up. It was my husband who said we should spend time praising God. Since the camera man was still around we decided to engage him. I quickly went to change my clothes while my husband invited some of our neighbours to join us. That was it.

‘What you see in Toluwani is a product of that spontaneous praise. God manifested himself greatly as we decided to praise him.’

Praise Night

She explained further that the 2024 praise night will be a time of refreshing and revival for all participants.

The theme of the event is revival. Many other gospel artists will join us in praising God. As we do that everything dead in our lives will be revived. The hearts of all participants will, at the end of the event yearn for more of God.’

Despite the controversies that have trailed her career in the last couple of years, Alabi says she has remained undaunted because ‘God has been solidly behind me. He has been my staying power. ‘

He counselled her fans and indeed Nigerians not to lose hope. “we all know things are tough everywhere. We need not lose hope. God will always glorify himself in our land. Ours is to continue to praise him and honour him ‘ she said.



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1 comment

Biola February 16, 2024 - 3:07 pm

Glory be to God for his mercy. God grace alone


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