‘Wearing make-up won’t take people to hell’

by Church Times


Dayo Emmanuel

A make-up artist and CEO of E-lix Glamour, Hope Okunmahie has said that wearing makeup cannot lead anyone to hell.
Okunmahie who is a trained accountant told our correspondent in an interview that it is a misconception to say making up can take one to hell. It is like saying taking your bath can take you to hell.
What the make-up artist does is to maintain the gift of God. We have our body and we have a responsibility to maintain it. That is what we do. But we do not subscribe to damaging the body in the name of make-up that is where we have to be responsible.”
Citing the example of Esther who had to make-up before appearing before the king, Okunmahie who is a trained accountant noted that the make-up industry in Nigeria has not been thriving because of the mindset of people adding however that things are changing by the day.
The artiste who claimed to be born again said she started her trade in 2015. “Most clients would like to use makeup artiste who have made their mark in the industry than those who are upcoming.”
Countering those who preach against wearing makeups, she said, “It is the choice of those denominations who do not believe in wearing makeup. In a way it is affecting the industry because their ladies could be potential clients.”
She however said the business is evolving. “I believe making up cannot lead anyone to hell. Those who don’t subscribe to it are entitled to their belief. But we must understand that it is motive that matters in all we do. Personally, I do not subscribe to extreme make up which makes the person look weird. That is why those who make-up have to be responsible in the art.”
On how long it takes to achieve a nice makeover, she said, “It depends on the kind of look I am trying to achieve. For a wedding guest it could take me between 35 minutes and 40 minutes. For a bride it takes between 55 minutes and one hour while a photo shoot session will be about 45minutes.”

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