spiritual warfare
In the past, when referring to incidence of death on our roads, the first area to focus our minds on are issues of fatal accidents being caused by bad road networks, reckless driving on the part of drivers/ other road users or a combination of the two. And of course, armed robbers used to take advantage of failed portions on these roads to attack motorists and made away with their valuables.
But nowadays, another new dimension that has been added are the nefarious activities of armed bandits/ kidnappers who kidnap their victims to extort money as ransom, for rituals or to harvest their vital organs for sale to human parts dealers. These evil trends have become worrisome to our Security Agencies and the challenges have made our roads unsafe to road users during daylight and night periods.
In the same vein, our neighborhoods, including homes and places of worship have been invaded by another set of merchants of deaths who not only forcefully sexually abused/ raped their innocent or unsuspecting victims but these evil children of Belial also went ahead to murder their victims in their bids to cover their evil tracks. And in the last 2 or 3 weeks now, our Security Agents, especially the Police are battling to unravel these cases that are not less than 7 or 8 in quick succession as at the time of writing this.
The purpose of this article is not to lay the blame on the doorsteps of anybody or organ of Government. Rather, it is to awake us to our duties as The Called Out by His Grace, to stand in the gap for our land and raise our land to say ‘ Enough is enough’ and ask GOD for His divine intervention without using our myopic minds to figure out how GOD will do it. Our own is to issue the decrees as we are commanded and thereafter leave the Spirit of God to do the rest as we watch out for the results. ( Ezekiel 37).
Let’s, therefore, arrest the evil spirits behind armed banditry, kidnapping, terrorism, rape, murder and other Social vices in the land and throw confusion into their midsts until they are fully dislodged from our land in JESUS NAME.
Secondly, after the dethronement of these evil principalities from their high places, let us send storms and wild winds of the LORD against their human agents until they either bow out and let the Eternal Plan and Purpose be done in this country or be submerged in the ongoing spiritual warfare for the soul of this country in JESUS NAME. And may the Lord answer our prayers as we cry unto Him on behalf of our land in JESUS NAME – Psalm 122: 6, KJV.
– Gbemiga Olakunle
General Secretary Nigeria Prayer Movement