Every Samson must beware of Delilah’s lap, says Ajibade after 22 years in ministry

by Church Times
His dream was to be a pharmacist. But by the time he got to part two studying Pharmacy at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife the zeal of God’s work had consumed him. He abandoned school and veered into missions.
 Since that time in 1998, Pastor Paul Ajibade,  founder, Mercy Throne Christian Centre has not looked back.
 He has traversed various missions’ fields preaching the gospel of Jesus.
 He told Church Times that he became born again at the Deeper Life Bible Church shortly after his secondary education
 His exploits at Ede
While a student at the Federal Polytechnic Ede where he first obtained HND before proceeding to OAU; he started a group known as Gospel Messengers Campus Fellowship.
 The grace of God upon his life was so strong that he was appointed the president of the Joint Campus Christian Fellowships of the school. This position endeared him to many of the campus pastors.
 “While on campus there were about 40 brothers who were leaders in their own right. They were always around me. We had meetings together and went on missions trips together. When I gained admission to OAU, some of them also secured admission and we continued together while in Ife until the Lord called me to full-time work.” Ajibade said.
Pastor Paul Ajibade and his wife Elizabeth

 My mother was skeptical

Leaving OAU for missions, however, did not get the immediate blessing of his mother. “My mother was skeptical. When she knew I was going to full-time ministry, she said to me, do you want to go and join the beggars?
“To her, pastors are poor people. Her concern was understandable. She is the only child of her parents and I am her only child. She was looking forward to my graduation so I can be a blessing to the family. I assured her that God who called me will make provisions for me. But my father was quite supportive. He did not hesitate to give his blessings”
 Since Ajibade went the whole hug, he has had to go through the vicissitudes of life. But each experience has brought promotion.
 The year after leaving OAU was spent in the bush of Ilawe-Ekiti where he had his Bible training. From there, the Lord asked him to start a hospital ministry.
He and his team would go to hospitals to pray for the sick. He said he made so much impact that the Medical Director of a particular hospital in Oshogbo, Osun State became uncomfortable with him.
 “After my ministration, many of the sick folks who were billed to spend two weeks or more became well. Some of them would ask to be discharged. The MD of the hospital was not comfortable. It was like I was spoiling business for him. At a point, he told the security man at the gate not to allow me into the hospital again.”

Miraculous experiences

 It was during the hospital ministry that Ajibade experienced God in the most unbelievable way.“I tell you, God has shown himself mighty in many areas. I never get tired of sharing this testimony.
“There was a particular time we had nothing to eat. Then, I had so many people living with me; sometimes as many as 18 people. On this particular day, we had just one cup of rice. There was no kerosene to cook the rice. But I had this olive oil. By faith, we poured the olive oil into the stove and lit it.
 “Somebody had a sachet of butter and another brought tin tomato which we poured inside the rice. We covered it and just trusted that the food would be okay for us. By the time the rice was boiling, we started perceiving different odours.
“We were inquisitive but I told them to be patient. By the time we eventually opened the pot, it was full of rice and was sufficient enough for about 18 of us in that apartment. We also found gizzards in the pot. Each of us had two gizzards and we all ate to our fill.”
 He recounted yet another experience. This time it was an old Muslim man at the point of death that God used to bless him.
 “By that time I was owing rent and electricity bills. That day I went on the hospital mission and met this old man who obviously was a Muslim. He was holding a very long prayer bead.
“He was at the point of death. I preached to him and led him to Christ. I prayed with him. As I was about to go, he called me and pleaded with me that I should take what he wanted to give me.
“He dipped his hand into his pocket and gave me N1000. Shortly after, the man breathed his last. That money came at the right time. I was able to pay my rent and also the electricity bill. That was how God removed my reproach.”

Miracle curtain

 There was also a time God provided a curtain for him miraculously.  “I did not have a curtain on my window and I saw a scripture in Psalm 27 that God cloth the heavens with the curtain. I started praying that God would send the remaining curtain he used in covering the heavens. A few days after, someone coming for our convention bought curtains for us.”
 Ajibade said God has been blessing him with different kinds of cars right from his student days. “I remember in 1992 after praying for a man, God gave me a word of knowledge for him. The Lord blessed the man with a Volvo car and he later handed over the car to me.”
 Those were just a few instances of God’s provision according to him. Pointing to the magnificent edifice in the sleepy Oyero community in Ogun State, he said, “The whole thing you see here was put together exactly one year today. I have never solicited funds to build this place.”

God provides

Ajibade said he had discovered that anything you don’t take seriously which is part of your need in life, God takes seriously.
 “I have never thought of what to eat. When God called me, we didn’t discuss salary. The zeal of the house of the Lord is what has consumed me. I just want to preach. He told the apostles to take no thought of what they would eat. And that is what he is saying to us today. When God is in charge of a man’s life, the practicality of his provisions becomes evident with time.”


From being a hospital minister, Ajibade started The Mercy Throne Christian Ministry. This time, he had moved to Badagry in Lagos. But while in Badagry, he faced strong persecution.
Some community leaders drove him out of the place for daring to hold a vigil at a time of the Oro (deity) worship. That same day he was thrown out of the house he rented along with his family.
“When I was forced out of Badagry I saw the hand of God in the persecution. I believed I had not arrived at my destination. That is why it did not bother me. There is no man of God that has his destination in his calling.”
 Ajibade said it was in Badagry that God showed him a vision of his present location at Oyero Community in the Lisa area of Ogun State.
The Oyero Church has started attracting a huge number of people. Before the Oyero Church, he had established a thriving branch at Surulere, Lagos. He also has a vibrant branch of the church at Ifo.

Sent to the remnant of Israel

“When God called me, he said he was sending me to the remnant of Israel. By that, he meant he was sending me to jungles where life is still rural and rustic. My coming to Oyero is part of the grand plan of God for my ministry.” he said.
But it has not been a smooth sail for Pastor Ajibade. He said there were so many times he had prayed, yet there was no immediate manifestation. “Anybody that will live Godly in Christ will suffer persecution.
“If you don’t suffer persecution what is your evidence of living right in Christ Jesus? I have always believed bad times, are opportunities to tell beautiful stories in the future.”
 He said there was a time he was sick and had no money to buy drugs. He had to trust God for healing. It was a debilitating ailment that was evident to people around him.
 “I was going about with the ailment. In fact, because of the sickness, I failed exams for the first time as a student. During that time I took an active part in the Reinhard Bonnke crusade in Osun State. I told God I was ready to die working for him. I am used to hunger and persecution.”

 My wife is an angel of mercy

Ajibade described his wife, Elizabeth as an angel of mercy. “God created her with an extraordinary ability. My greatest joy in life is that God gave me my wife. She was the one that was in charge of the church here in the bush while I was at the Surulere branch. She has been so tenacious and supportive.” he said.
 Having been in ministry for 22 yrs Ajibade says he has learned not to trust any man “Do not trust mortal man. I have had bitter experiences. If God has called you stay with him alone.
“There is no good man anywhere. Man can only be good when God makes him good but the component that makes a man is a breakable component,” he said.
 He also counseled that a servant of God must not give his anointing to strange women.
 “A man that allows women to sway him will labour in vain. What you should accomplish in one year can become 10 years if you are not careful. Every Samson must beware of the laps of Delilah because it could make a mockery of your Nazareth,” he said.
He also believes anyone called of God should not plan for God. “If you try to plan for God, you will always fail. Also, don’t put your trust in finance. I have known God to the point that he does the visible from the invisible. Don’t put your trust in the mammon.” he warned.

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