Politics was my priority in school- OOU First Class graduate

by Church Times


Kenneth  Akinyelure was more than a student at the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State. He was into campus politics and tried his hands on some money yielding ventures. He combined all this with being zonal pastor and evangelism coordinator of his church; and still obtained a First Class degree in Pharmacology. He shared his experience in school with Oluwatise Osinaike in this interview


Was making a First-Class degree your dream, or it just happened along the way?

Yes, it was a dream. I was a first-class student right from my 100-level days.

Why was that a pursuit for you? What was the motivation?

Well, I like doing well in any place I find myself. I believe whatever you find yourself doing, do it well. So that was what drove and inspired me to excel while in school.

So how do you react to failure or when you discover you’re not meeting up to expectation?

I don’t think I have ever been in that scenario, but in case I find myself in such a situation, I will move to learn from others who have walked the path before me so I can do better.

Now that you have always been the best right from time, what are the things you do that make you excel?

Actually, during my 100-level and 200-level days, I read extensively every day. And I don’t think it was less than 6 hours. But from the 300 level, I was more used to the system, I already knew the style of questions that were probably going to be asked in exams. So I spent more time doing other things. I also read every time, especially during the morning but if exams were approaching I’d read morning, afternoon, and night. I read on my own as well, especially if it’s for the first time. But when it comes to brainstorming, I can do it with three to four other people.

Did anything take you off balance from academics, especially a lack of funds?

Talking about finances yes. During my 200-level days, it was tough for me. But during my 300 and 400 level, I went into politics and business, so that was what made me stable financially.

Maybe you want to share your experience in politics and business while on campus?

Yes, I mentioned earlier that I was involved in politics. I served as the BAMSSA (Basic Medical Science Students Association) vice president in my 300 level and the BAMSSA president for the faculty in my 400 level. I also served in my church fellowship as the zonal Pastor and the Ast. Evangelism Coordinator. Along with that, I organized tutorials for students all over the campus. I love teaching and I love to impart lives. I believe in helping people in any little way you can, that was primarily the motivation behind the tutorials.

Did politics ever interfere with academics, which one did you give priority?

Politics was indeed my priority. I also know that everything has its own time. Normally if exams were approaching, all political activities were to be suspended. I also leave classes a lot when a need arises in the political space.

Read also: I never used library, never read textbook, yet made first class: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/i-never-used-library-never-read-textbooks-yet-made-a-first-class/

How were you able to balance both?

Time management. I believe so much in timetable. I know what to do, per time. I have a daily and a weekly timetable. There is a time I set aside to attend to political matters and there’s a time I set aside for academic activities. I also have time I message people and come online. So I know how to balance them well and meet the target.

Was there any time when you missed your target?

Yes, there were times when some emergencies came up. I find myself trying to help some students pay their school fees and look for ways to raise funds for them. Some of these things come as distractions but I still have to do them because I feel committed to my fellow students. In that case, I go against my schedule and attend to such cases.

Was there any fear as regards failure in academics while going into politics?

Not from me though, many people thought that for someone like me who already had good grades, going into politics would make me less serious. I don’t believe that. No extracurricular activities can affect one’s academics as long as one knows what one is doing. I also wanted to gain other experiences in life. Politics also helped me to connect with a lot of reputable people.

Did your parents or siblings contribute to your academic success?

Well, I won’t say they did. Maybe only financially.  Although while I was in primary school we were all being advised to do well academically. But on entering university, it was more like you were on your own. Throughout my stay at the university, nobody asked for my results. My parents only got to know about my first class grade at graduation. They were amazed when they saw I came out with a First Class. It was deliberate on my part to surprise them.

What’s your advice to a 400-level student who isn’t in the First Class grade, do you think there is hope for such student?

Yes. This thing is not by magic, it’s something that can be calculated. If the student is close to say 4.47 or 4.46, it’s still very much possible to attain a first class. Another thing I can advise is to make sure they have A’s in courses with high grade point average  I know of two people who did this and still got their first-class honors.

I’d also advise undergraduates to be involved in other things. Not necessarily politics, but something that can fetch them income. This would become handy for them when they graduate especially if their course of study is not profitable in Nigeria. Today, it is advisable to acquire tech skills and many other profitable skills. Diversification is needed especially in our present economy.


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