Paul Enenche in Pakistan, preaches love on day 1 of his healing and deliverance crusade

by Church Times

An unprecedented crowd attended the healing and deliverance crusade organised by Dunamis Gospel Church in Pakistan..

The country which is  officially known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is in South Asia. It is the fifth-most populous country, with a population of over 241.5 million, having the second-largest Muslim population as of 2023. 

Despite being a Muslim country with strict islamic rules, Pastor Enenche was given a red carpet treatment with many Pakistanis showing their willingness to embrace the gospel.

Enenche who is the founder of Dunamis Gospel Centre with headquarters in Abuja was given a special welcome to the country .

He preached on the subject of love on day one of the event describing God as a God who loves his creations

He began, ‘Tonight is the night of destiny for the city of Islamabad and the country of Pakistan. Tonight I am going to the sharing briefly on the subject, the God of love. That God that is the God of love in whose authority and dominion we have come here tonight.

Quoting 1John 4v 8, he said ‘he that does not love does not know God for God is love. We serve a God of love. Many of us know God as a God of power and might. Many know God as the God of holiness and judgement. Some know him as the God of miracles. But above all of that our God is a God of love..Our God is a God of mercy. ‘

He went on the outline the area of love of God for mankind pointing out the number one sign that he loves us is that God created us in His image..

A clip of the video showing massive crowd is shared below;

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