The Bishop of the Diocese of Lagos West, Anglican Communion, The Rt Rev. James Olusola Odedeji, has likened a life that does not have the holy spirit to a fish taken out of water.
According to him, such life is exposed to calamities and eternal death in the long run.
He made the comparison at the confirmation service of over 70 Anglicans at the Opebi Archdeaconry of the diocese recently. The event was held at the Anglican Church of Ascension, Opebi.
The Bishop urged those that are being confirmed into the body of Christ to always walk in the light of God’s word.
He compared flesh to darkness and Holy Spirit to light. He then advised the congregation to embrace the Holy Spirit and walk in the light, as the Holy Spirit will shield them from shame and disgrace.
Taking his text from Galatians 5:16-25, the bishop exhorted his listeners to walk in the spirit and flee from anything that could jeopardize their God-ordained future.
He hinted that many times, doing God’s will is not convenient adding however that in the end, it is profitable.
Confirmation, he said, would be useful when the confirmed persons allow the Holy Spirit to control and direct their lives.
Shun works of darkness
The Anglican Bishop encouraged everyone to shun all works of the flesh which include adultery, fornication, uncleanness, idolatry, and a host of other vices.
He however urged them to imbibe the fruit of the spirit which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, temperance, and many other virtues
The high point of the service which was the laying of hands by the Bishop on the confirmees.
The confirmation service had in attendance the priests of the diocese, parents, and well-wishers of the confirmees
It witnessed the gracious preferment of the Reverend (and Dr. Mrs) Idowu Akinola as Canon of the Diocese of Lagos West by the Lord Bishop.