Fulani Evangelist

I’m too busy winning souls for Christ to engage in debate-Fulani evangelist

by Church Times

A Fulani evangelist, Musa B.M, has said he is too busy winning souls for Christ to engage in any theological debate with any Muslim scholar.

Musa took to his Facebook page to explain to his followers that his time was too precious to engage in arguing with people about the Bible and issues of salvation.

Musa preaching during one of the village outreaches

It is God who converts

He made the declaration in response to those who have been calling him out to come and engage an Islamic scholar, Dr Zakir Naik in a live debate on the Christian Faith and Islam.

Musa who is a Muslim convert to Christianity said the issue of salvation is not something that can be explained to those whose eyes have not been opened.

He said it is God who converts people adding that there is no amount of debate that can bring people to Jesus except the Lord himself touch the heart of the person.

While disclosing that he has been moving from one village to another in the bush to share the gospel, he said, ‘ The Lord Jesus commands us to go to the whole world and preach the gospel. Jesus wants us to go everywhere to share the gospel. That is what me and my colleagues who have experienced the saving grace of Jesus is doing.’

He said the Lord used him to win about 217 souls in a recent outreach while also calling for prayers that God will continue to sustain the work.

Musa with some of his converts

We are preaching the gospel

In an earlier post, Musa had said, “We are going from village to village bush to bush, preaching to our #Fulanis and everyone who is yet to know Christ and many of them are converting for knowing the truth while some people are there wasting their time looking for a debaters just because Dr Zakir Naik is in Nigeria. And later they will come and start lamenting that we are converting their brothers to Christianity.

Also read My conversion story, what the holy spirit told me: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/conversion-fulani-christianity/

“Dear believers, remember those who are not in the Spirit can never understand the things of the Spirit. Debate an unbeliever from now till eternity, it will take that person only by the grace of God to understand that which you want the person to understand.

“Therefore, don’t waste your precious time which you are supposed to use to do something that can add value and meaning to the body of Christ and your life for debate.

Find below the link to the full video of Musa’s latest broadcast: https://fb.watch/o4UDZFftZM/?mibextid=Nif5oz



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