Ex-Fulani Muslim recounts attempt on life says, “I was bathed with petrol, to be set ablaze”

by Church Times

A former Fulani Muslim who got converted to the Christian faith, Evang Musa B. Musa has recounted how he was almost allegedly killed by some Muslim fanatics because of his faith in Jesus.

Musa whose security man was killed in the course of the attack gave the account in a Facebook video post on Sunday, March 10.

Since his conversion, Musa has been doing aggressive evangelism among his kinsmen. But his evangelical moves seem not to have gone well with some people.

Way from Niger

Musa in the Facebook video post said he was on his way from Niger State where he went to distribute Bibles to some ex-Muslims when he was accosted by the fanatics.

He said, “We went to Niger State to share Bibles when I was attacked on my way. They collected some things from my security man. They used a tricycle to block our vehicle and blocked vehicles from passing the road. I was bathed with a gallon of petrol and was about to be set ablaze. The plan was to burn me, but the policemen came and rescued me and took me to their station.”

Police tortured me

While regretting that his security man was killed in the process, he said, “They succeeded in killing my security man. I was rescued from being killed and was later detained and tortured severely by the police. I used to think I was dreaming when I thought of the allegation levelled against me when I got to the station. The plan was to silence me completely. I was denied access to my family.

“I thought I was being protected but I was tortured severely. I still thank God. Many things happened I can’t say for now. Time is coming I will expose all those who sponsored the attack on me”

It will be recalled that Musa was in police custody for many days after he was rescued from the assassins. Rather than being released to his family, he was kept in custody for a long time until there was pressure from civil society groups and many Nigerians on the police to release him.

Genesis of the attack

Musa said the last assassination attempt was the third in a row. He said the first time was around July 2023 when one of his mission efforts in the north trended online.

He said he received a threat call a particular night and had to move out of the house around midnight with his family. The second attempt according to him was around Maraba Plaza in Abuja. He said God used some Muslim brothers to rescue him. The third one is the one in which his security man was killed.

Musa said he was the target but his security man insisted he would not allow anything to happen to him. “That was why they killed him and took his dead body to the police station. It was when I got to the police station that they cooked up all kinds of allegations against me. The police were asking how I killed my security man. Me, who was rescued from being burnt alive.”

Sponsors of my attack

He said the police did not make any arrests at the scene of the incident

Musa said he got wind of those behind the attack through a young man who was in the police station with him.

“The police arrested the boy and brought him to the cell where I was locked. His arrest was not connected with the incident. He was brought in four days after I was put in the cell.

“He was the one who gave me the information about the attack’s masterminds. I believe him because immediately he came to the cell, he asked if they allowed me to use my phone. I told him no. That was when he mentioned the people behind the attack.”

Musa said the case is yet to be over adding that he wanted the world to know that Christians are not finding it easy in Nigeria.

“Just because I am preaching the gospel and my Fulani brothers are coming to light, that is why they want to silence me. Let me make this clear that no man born of a woman can touch me if God did not permit it.”

Ex- Muslims beneficiaries of free Bible

Persecution has emboldened me

He said the persecution has only emboldened him to further propagate the gospel. “It is now I am starting the mission outreach. You think I will be afraid because of this? I can never be silenced. My life is in God’s hands. I have to come out and make this clear.”

Musa said because of the torture that he passed through in the hands of the police and his attackers, his health has been affected. “I can’t trek for five minutes because of the torture. I am still undergoing treatment. Even with the torture the gospel is moving forward. The message is going on. I have my team on the field. It is now the preaching has begun.

“All those who think I will be silenced are liars. I know my security man was killed. It was God who permitted it. Do you think this will shake my faith in Christ Jesus? I am a typical Fulani by tribe, when it comes to my faith nobody can do anything to stop me from preaching the gospel of Jesus to Fulani and everybody who is yet to know Christ.

Read also: Muslim convert to Christianity cries out over threat to life: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/muslim-convert-to-christianity-cries-out-over-threat-to-life/

I am fearless

“When it comes to my faith I am fearless. I don’t fear anybody born of a woman because my life is not in your hands. It is God’s work I am doing. He knows how he would protect me.”

Expressing more confidence, he said, “If you are still planning my assassination, continue, no man born of a woman can do me anything if God has not permitted it. I count it as honour to pass through this persecution.”

He said further, “My wife would bring food for me at the cell and the police would not allow her to give me the food. I was left starving and tortured by the police. I am so proud of my faith I am proud of my salvation because it is the best thing that can happen to anyone on earth”

Beware of fraudsters

Musa in the video also called on believers to intensify their prayers warning that people should beware of those who use his pictures to raise funds.

“Please note that what I can ask you to do for us is to pray for us. I will never send a message to your inbox asking for money. Beware of those who use my name to raise money. I will not do that.” he said.

He thanked all those who laboured tirelessly to ensure his freedom from police custody.

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