ChurchTimes Nigeria is a publication of Church Times Agency . Its vision is to report the church in a professional way with a view to also promote what Christians are doing in politics, business, education, health and other spheres of human endeavours. With various pages including news, features and interviews, tit bits, social diary and light hearted humor, the publication is packaged in a way that offers the reader a refreshing insight into the activities that take place in the Church and carried out by Christians in every sphere of life.
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I salute Dr. Tunde Bakare’s sound exposition on the way forward. It should bring about medium and long term solutions, if properly understood. But this priest’s suggestions, though appear simplistic, may have preliminary instant effect if adopted, except that he didn’t consider the Executive arm where wastages and corruption also thrive. Our men of courage, Pat Utomi, Femi Falana, Prof. Soyinka and others had spoken in the same similitude as Pst. Bakare’s over the years and all seem to have been taken as mere rhetorics. What Bakare suggested would draw spontaneous attention and bring quicker results in USA, U.K., etc and that means more enlightened societies where the average man is relatively educated. I’m not sure if it is all the average people in leadership positions and of course the populace can resonate with all those beautiful but cognate adjectives and personifications. This is not the first time he would offer such laudsble and sound solutions which were never heeded. It has always been treated as another Aboyade Report, as very technical. If somehow and somehow, by a miracle or an act of God, the suggestions of this priest are realized for instance, 50% of Nigerians in diaspora may forsee the subsequent implications and be on the next available return flights. My only anxiety is that it may be a bit difficult to organize a demonstration, as he termed it, that will be peaceful as the majority desires it to be, and not be highjacked along the line by an angry and hungry populace. And the priest has also offered to physically join in the peaceful protests. But I don’t know how there will be no counter-reaction if there is an attempt to drastically cut someone’s income to relative insignificance. This priest is a trained theologian; he reminds me of Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who declared that “when Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die”. He left the safe and comfort zone of USA, in spite of widespread persuasions not to, and returned to Germany to join in the struggle of liberation against the Nazi administration. At 39, just being recently engaged to his fiancee, he was hanged by the Nazi government. All said, my final counsel to all of us is that we persist on bended knees to offer cognate prayers as appropriate for those in leadership at all strata of governance and as for the populace. It was not for nothing that the Queen of England declared that she feared John Knox on his knees than all the armies of the Enemy. Nigeria will triumph over this season’s trials and travails. Amen, SHALOM!