By Moses Oludele Idowu
The world hasn’t learned much from her history. In point of fact she hasn’t learned anything. This is why till today we toy with information, sensitive information that could save a people and nation and even the world. Because of the source of the information.
 The Mainstream Media,- itself a tool of the Corporotocracy and the New World Order agenda driven and owned largely by the same group of people – globalists, the military – industrial complex, the international capitalist conspiracy and its Illuminati sponsors down to their local minions here in Nigeria -, was part of this game of misinformation.
Years ago when I was active as a consultant, a senior colleague who had dealt with the high and mighty told me, “Moses, if you see any information in your newspapers know that it is already stale; it is no longer news.” If the news is allowed to get out to the public then know the Occult Ruling Elites no longer need the information and it is no longer considered a threat to their agenda. The media is simply the Elites’ means of Mind Control of the masses. Â How true!
That is why you need to question the information and source of information. That information that is discredited by the popular Mainstream Media may in fact be the real information rather than the stale news they bandy about.
Will the world ever learn? When? How?
The first man that tried to alert Europe to the atrocities of the Nazis before the World War was ignored by these same Mainstream Media owned by the same sociopaths in the Illuminati cartel who sponsored Hitler and the Nazis; the same Switzerland Protocols, the Global Financial Imperialism who financed Hitler and the Nazis to power and also the two parties in the Second World War – the Allied and Axial powers. Just to reduce the global population. They discredited his information of a gas chambers and branded him as mad, hallucinatory dumbass.
But today history vindicates that man and his truth testifies against the world – a world that has no place again for honour and where truth has long been slain.
This why I asked whether the world has learned any lesson since then. Because it is still the same response today.
This brings me to the subject of latest discourse and the main issue of this intervention.
When Donald Trump made the public allegation that Barrack Obama’s administration created the ISIS to destabilize the Middle East beginning with Syria he was abused, insulted and called names – terrible and unprintable names by the same press, the same lackeys and home slaves of the Ruling Elites. He suddenly became an idiot, unintelligent, demagogue, dangerous criminal and rapist and forger.
I was in America when Hillary Clinton was being investigated and interrogated by the Congress and watched the whole proceedings in my hotel room. Despite the atrocities that was uncovered by the Congress about this woman the Media never used an unkind word against her. Because she was part of the Conspiracy and a member of the “cooperative mob.” But the American public wasn’t deceived and they rejected her at the poll going for the same narcissist Donald Trump.
Obama and ISIS
This is how the Press tries to manipulate events and obscure the real issues, the real truths that they are created to unfurl.
None of the popular Mainstream Media outlets considered the combustible information released by Trump accusing Obama of creating this disaster on other people’s soil. As usual the press went after the messenger rather than the message. That is not what journalism should be.
Today, truth has vindicated itself. Today truth has finally come out. As I always warn people, truth will vindicate itself. It was Martin Luther, a man who had worked with truth on the religious plane who said: “You don’t need to defend the truth, you only need to declare it. Truth will defend itself.”
How true!
Today truth is fighting back. Truth has come and the lies are being exposed. Truth may be wounded, beaten and bruised, as I said in another essay on Truth, but it will manage to win at last and survive every encounter with a lie. Truth has survived.
Recent investigations by the US Congress now admit that the USAID was actually (mis) used to fund ISIS, al- Qaeda and even Boko Haram in Nigeria.
So Donald Trump was right after all? So his insider information that he released to the American people and the world was dead accurate?
So Obama created ISIS. What then was his motive? Obviously to create chaos and instability in the region so as to create a flood of refugees in Europe and West to create a large population catchment of Muslims to distort the reality of those demographics for a future operation or global jihad.
Don’t forget he was also at the helms of gaslighting Europe to show mercy and allow the refugees in their countries. Possibly his plans was to use those refugees to destroy the culture and serve as a ready source of terrorist instruments to destabilize those nations themselves.
Research by Middle Eastern Forum shows that Obama administration ensured that even though Christians were the most persecuted and endangered by ISIS in Syria and Iraq he did not allow these to emigrate and American officials under Obama ensured that very few were given visas to America.
Instead the visas were given to the same islamists who were creating chaos in their own nation possibly to come and do the same in America. Meanwhile the Muslim nations in the Middle East like Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc were not under any pressure to take in their kinsmen as refugees; it was Europe and America that were being gaslighted to take the refugees. There was an agenda.
Obama, the blood of the innocent is on your hands even if your Mainstream Media won’t say so.
I want my readers to remember that it was Donald Trump administration during his first coming who destroyed ISIS knowing the real intentions behind its creation; and would have done the same with Boko Haram here but for the fact that another islamist like Obama was already on the throne of Nigeria and he preferred their existence. He was the one who conceived a scheme of “de- radicalising” the insurgents and murderers and reintegrating them back to the population and even asking the people to learn to live with the terrorists. Because they are their agents. Is it making sense now?
We now know where Boko Haram got its weapons from and we now know where those foreign currencies often found on some of them came from. We now know why Obama refused to sell weapons to Nigeria to fight the monsters and why he threatened other nations from selling to Nigeria. Thus turning mole hill of religious disaffection to a mountain of full blown religious war.
And when Jonathan tried to use the black market to buy weapons elements suspected to be islamists in the Intelligence services, contrary to their oath of office, leaked the information to the Press – the corrupt, inept and largely- illiterate press ready to serve any interest and agenda.
We now know why the children of Chibok were kidnapped, to make Jonathan look bad and incompetent and his opponent, an islamist army general a ready and superior alternative. [This is not to say that Jonathan was innocent, he wasn’t. He was corrupt, incompetent and clueless.]
 We now know why Barrack Obama had to address the whole nation on the eve of a crucial election and urging Nigeria to do the right thing. It has never happened in the history of the world for a leader of a nation to interfere in the electoral choice of another nation. How many protested the intrusion?
Even the Press carried the story. That is how you know the Nigerian Press is not only mischievous, it is also ignorant and illiterate.
We now know why Obama loaned Buhari and APC his own publicist and strategist in the 2015 campaign and why “Change”, the same mantra that Obama used to bamboozled Americans was imported lock, stock and barrel here to deceive Nigerians and put in place the largest assortment of the most ill- prepared, incompetent crew and corrupt politicians ever assembled in modern government.
Is it making sense to you now? Because if I had said this then you won’t understand.
The whole thing was to plant another islamist on the throne of Nigeria and create another zone of influence for the New World Order conspiracy. You will now understand why Buhari was such an unmitigated disaster to Nigeria. He was not serving us but the Global Corporotocracy who installed him. You will now understand why he was always borrowing even for future generations and selling out oil proactively to castrate Nigerian economy, tie the hands of future administrations, limit our choices in the future Global Order.
You will now understand why APC government both then and now takes orders from the neocolonial enslavers of IMF/ World Bank school of Global Financial Imperialism.
You will now understand why Buhari was building refinery in Niger Republic and connecting it by rail to Nigeria. It is part of the agenda of the Globalist Conspiracy. He was only carrying out orders.
You now know why Obama was praising Buhari to high heavens even when there was nothing to show on ground. Because he was such a good lackey in the hands of the globalists.
I know all these then and even shared them with some of my followers and disciples but who do we speak to and who would believe us if we speak? Which newspapers will publish it, sold as they were to Political Correctness – another effective tool of the Thought Police meant to castrate genuine opinion and truth?
Barrack Obama an islamist
Barrack Obama was an islamist who pretended to being a Christian. He wasn’t. He has practiced taquiyya on Americans. Taquiyya is a strategy of dissimulation and deception by which a Muslim is allowed to lie or deceive an opponent for the purpose of furthering the goals of global jihad.
We now know why he continued to defend ISIS drawing a most ignorant allusion and incompetent parallels to the Crusades – just as many ignorant Muslims still do – as if the two were the same and for the same purpose.
We now know why he promoted and legalized the Homosexual and Gay agenda under his reign and same- sex marriage to destroy public morality and create chaos and widespread division among the Christian segment.
We now know why he knelt to greet the King of Bahrain or is it Saudi Arabia which is against diplomatic conventions.
We now know why he quickly released Iran from sanctions and ensured that Iran took all its money away from America even while the issues were still unresolved and Iran is still proceeding with its nuclear project.
We now know why he continued to insist – against every evidence of history and scholarship – that America was not a Christian nation and has never been a Christian nation or founded as a Christian nation. Sure, America is not a Christian nation today but the foundation of America was Christian. Will Obama meet me in a debate over this? I will silence him under 30 minutes.
We now know why when he visited Germany and he gave his speech titled “The World that Stands as One” in Berlin in July 24, 2008 he chose to speak from the front of Berlin’s Victory Column – the exact location that Hitler had planned to enthrone himself in the Welthauptstadt Germania, the new World Capital upon winning the World War II.Â
He also saluted the German people in the way eerily similar to how Hitler used to do which was acknowledged and followed by thousands returning the salute contrary to German Law and a great provocation to Christians and Jews. ( See Thomas Horn 2012:104) Of particular significance was that the same spot was closer to the great Altar of Zeus in the Pergamon Museum – the same Altar that Christ referred to in Revelation 2:12-13 as the seat of Satan or throne to Satan. Pergamon in Asia minor was a place where the Altar or seat of Satan actually was and where people of ancient times visited.
It was also called Altar of Zeus. German archaeologists exhumed this Altar and brought it to Berlin and the Nazis known for their occult involvement, participation and usage patronised this Altar in the great Pergamon Museum in Berlin. It is believed that Germany’s sudden advances especially in Engineering and Technology during the World War II was largely facilitated by it.
Its anti- gravity technology and many innovation in science which astounded the allies after the war because it was far more advanced than their own was believed to be the product of this extra- spiritual dabbling into satanism and occult. Recent scholarships now conclusively affirm the Nazis dabbling into the Occult and Satanism.
Strangely when Obama visited he choose to speak from this same spot and site.
The wise will understand.
What does all these sum up to? An Islamist was in the White House for 8 years. The damage Obama did to the world and to regional and geopolitical realities and alliances and the distortion he caused in the population of Europe and America will continue to lead to disturbances.
Terrorism is now surging in those places. It is now normal that during holidays especially Christmas period considered hateful to islamists, incidents like an islamist motorist driving large vehicle into the crowds and killing many is now common and standard practice. These are the seeds of Barrack Obama, – that morbid islamist, closet jihadist, smooth- talking, astute deceiver, antichrist and a forerunner of the Antichrist.
In Islamic Eschatology there is the provision for the return of the Mahdi, the 12th Imam who suddenly disappeared and who is eagerly being expected by many Muslims for a global takeover. This same person is the one recognized in Christian Eschatology as the Antichrist whose work and operations will trigger such global chaos that will necessitate the Second Coming of Christ, – this time not as a Lamb but as a Lion of Tribe of Judah and Lord of the Earth – and whom He will finally destroy with the breath of His Mouth.
So you see, two spirits are now at work in the world and a collision is imminent. As A. W. Tozer said, ” Two sovereign wills cannot continue to operate within the same space; sooner or later they will collide.” We are now at the hour of collision. Soon everyone will have to make his own choice in the Conflict but your choice will determine everything about your future both now and hereafter.
Obama only worked to lay the foundation of this Global Order of the Antichrist using guile, deception, bluff, intrigues, intimidation, coercion, fear, etc.
Donald Trump is not better either. I am neither his fan nor his disciple as well and I am not praising him. However if given the choice between two devils: the one who speaks his mind and the other who conceal his real intentions and worked in the background – I should choose the former. Because I am not a fool.
With Trump at least you know where you are going and where he is headed and what he is going to do. He doesn’t leave you with doubts except you are a fool yourself, unlike most conventional politicians.
This is why I cannot blame Trump for insisting that unaccredited persons should be properly accredited or leave the country.
Do you know the havoc that was done to this nation under Muhammadu Buhari by announcing a free entry to a certain ethnic group without any visa or documentation? We now have many roaming in Nigeria who do not speak any Nigerian languages except that they have been promised houses, money, jobs – possibly after a successful jihad.
That is what the Republicans say their own country won’t become. And Kemi Badenoch is saying the same thing on the British front. [ Be careful with that lady and what you say about her; she is a child of destiny and has her purpose at this time]
I cannot condemn them. Neither do I blame them. Not all politicians are deceived about the game of manipulation going on the global stage. Some are sufficiently awakened enough and are now also ready to resist even if they will die in the process. As Yorubas say, “Omo oko loogun omo ale.” ( a legitimate son is the answer to a bastard).
There are many bastards now among your politicians and global rulers. But there are also some legitimate sons and daughters. They will not be enslaved and they will not enslave their people. Like the late Rotimi Akeredolu who stood against Fulani hegemony first in Ondo State and also in Yoruba land as Chair of Southwest Governors Forum by inaugurating the Amotekun,. For that singular effort may his seeds have rest and peace.
More information will still come out about Obama. I have not even released a tiny fraction of what is in my possession as a researcher. It is not yet time.
Stop believing every lie told by your conventional press. They are part of the Conspiracy although many of their workers may not know this. I stopped buying newspapers long ago.
 The modern world is built on lies. The Occult Ruling Elites hide their heads under a refuge of lies. It is time to sweep away the refuge of lies.
Thank you patient reader. Thanks for your patience.
Thomas Horn, _Apollyon Rising 2012: The Lost Symbol Found and the Final Mystery of the Great Seal Revealed_ [A Terrifying and Prophetic Cipher Hidden from the World by the U.S. Government for Over 200 Years]
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© Moses Oludele Idowu
February 15, 2025
All Rights Reserved
1 comment
There’s still (much) more information about Obama.
Trump said Obama had no birth certificate in 2012.
When Obama did produce one after a week, was that valid? No. Still not so.
So what’s Obama’s real name on the real certificate he’s hiding?
The Antichrist is the “Man of a System”.
What system?
Is Obama prevented from revealing his real family?
Look at Obama’s grandfather’s Wiki page: “Stanley Armour Dunham”.
Obama’s related to Bush and Cheney and to six US presidents.
Was it to prevent a black man from revealing he’s of the most powerful people in the USA’s family and kin?
But all powerful as he is, Newsweek published an article that got Senior Editor Lisa Miller fired. (@lisaxmiller)
Google it: “Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist?”
You can be the “Witness” of the Bible, Mr Moses Oludele Idowu. In that article, it says that the day of Obama’s election (20 hours after the election) the lottery of Obamas State drew 666, the Mark of the Beast (aka the Antichrist.)
In Wikipedia “Cleromancy” page, it says theat there are 47 examples in the Bible of the old Bible prophets drawing lots, lotteries, rolling dice to request the gods’ wishes.
The Illinois Lottery was the gods’ voice.
The gods were clearly speaking: “Obama’s the Antichrist” they said.