My passion is to plant churches despite odds- David Adewusi

by Church Times

Adewusi: My passion is to plant churches


David Adewusi

He has just one passion; to plant churches. That has been his obsession for close to 30 years now. For David Adewusi, living for God is not complete until one engages in kingdom building. Since he gave his life to Christ at Jesus Care Crusader Ministry, Kaduna in the 80s, he has not relented in reaching out to souls and getting them into God’s vineyard.


He was a staff of the ministry where he met the Lord; but then his passion for soul winning went beyond the four walls of the church. “I think my passion for the unreached is God-given. There has been challenges but the challenges have not been able to take away the passion from me completely. No matter how I try; I still find myself on the missions’ field.


Adewusi further stated that he had been distributing tracts to people and had always longed to go where the unreached people are from his early days of his conversion. It was the passion for souls that led him to Mangu Local Government of Plateau State in the late 80s to start a church after being commissioned by Bishop Joseph Afolabi.


“God used Bishop Afolabi greatly for me. He is my mentor and we still relate very well. He was the one who commissioned me into missions work.”

Adewusi: He lost his wife on the field

While in Mangu God used him to start a church. He was there for 11 years and was able to raise about 11 disciples who are also doing missions all over the world today. But the unexpected happened. He lost his wife in 1997 and it seemed the world was going to crash on him. But he was undaunted. “By the time I lost my wife, I was demoralized. I had to leave the community and handed over the church to the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry. But it was a temporal setback. I am happy that the church is there and it is growing.”


From Mangu Adewusi moved to Lagos where he met a brother who pleaded with him to help start a branch of his church in Abuja. He took up the challenge and went to start the church as instructed. “In Abuja we were able to get a hotel as venue for the church. When he came and saw that the church was growing, the pastor relocated to Abuja and took over the church. But I was not bothered because my vision was to see that the work of God grows irrespective of who is in charge.”


Adewusi left the church after handing over properly and moved to Lagos. While in Lagos he tried to travel out of the country. But all efforts met with a brickwall. But he did not relent in his church planting drive. “In Lagos a friend met me and invited me to help with a church in Offa, Kwara State.  “I was there for two months. God moved in mysterious ways. The church population moved from 24 to 92 in a space of two months. It was incredible. People were coming in droves because there were outstanding miracles. When he saw the hand of God in that assembly, he asked me to come and help with another assembly in Ibadan. But that did not materialize. Eventually I had to leave the church after my work was done.”

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Reflecting he said, “The time I spent in Offa was about two months but it was for a purpose. That was where I met the woman I married after the loss of my first wife. And that has really helped me to gain myself back in ministry. I can now fully concentrate and do the work.”


Adewusi however noted that it was through Agape Generation International Church that he came back to missions fully. “When I came in contact with the ministry some years ago, my interest in missions was rekindled. I was able to embark on some outreaches in some parts of the North.”


But as God would have it, Adewusi is back in Offa doing an independent work. “We now have a missions post in Offa separate from the former church I worked and God has been helping us to grow the church. Lives are being transformed. The community where we operate is dominated by Muslims but God is helping us and some are coming to know the Lord now.”

Story by Gbenga Osinaike



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