Deliverance: How I had to go for deliverance 14 years after doing deliverance for people-Oyor

by Church Times

Deliverance: How I had to go for deliverance 14 years after doing deliverance for people-Oyor



Gomba Oyor


By Gbenga Osinaike

It is incredible; but true. Gomba Fortune Oyor, one of Nigeria’s leading figures in deliverance ministry and President of God Will Do It Ministry, based in Ibadan, Nigeria also had to go for personal deliverance. His deliverance came after being used of God to set people free from demonic oppression for almost 14 years .

Oyor who was in Lagos for a two-day programme at the LTV complex told our correspondent that he personally had to travel over 400 kilometeres to meet the servant of God who prayed for him to set him loose from the seeming backside of life that he was entrenched in.

He revealed, “I had been used of God to set many people free but personally I was experiencing hardship. Things were not going on well. I remember going to minister in a place and they gave four of us N100. It was that bad. People benefitted from our ministry but there was no appreciation. Galatians 6v6 which says “let him who receives instructions in the word of God share all good things with his teacher contributing to his support (Amp) did not work in my case. I saw the opposite of that scripture.

“When I could no longer take it I had to cry to God. And God told me I needed deliverance. It came to me as a shock because I had been ministering deliverance to people and I didn’t understand why I had to go for deliverance. But God insisted and directed me to a man of God I had known for a while. He had come to minister in our church.

“I had to go looking for him. I travelled over 400km to meet this man of God who was then about 70 years. When I got to him he laughed and wondered what kind of deliverance I needed. He later agreed to pray along with me. He did. It was a simple prayer for my wife and I. We thanked him and left the place. But I was not happy. I thought he would hold at least a three-hour prayer with me. As I was ruminating on this, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked whether what I wanted is long prayers on answered prayers. I told him I wanted answered prayers. And that was it.”

He returned from that journey a changed person.  He said, “Few days after that encounter I was invited to minister in a church in Lagos and the honorarium I got was mind boggling. I carried the money with my two hands. That was the first time I would get such. Few days after, somebody wrote a cheque of N500, 000 for our ministry. That had never happened before.” He said.

That was the beginning of ministry without stress. Before that glorious encounter, Oyor said he was always hurting because of financial lack. “Many people thought I was okay but I knew I had real challenges with my finance. There was an interesting case of a sister that the Lord asked to give us some money. Each time she brought the money she would return it or divert it because according to her she taught I was okay. She was looking at the outward appearance. She said she always saw that we were well dressed and we never talked about money as such. But the reality then was that I was financially down.”

He explained further that with the amazing result he experienced he went back to the man of God who prayed for him that the Lord will open foreign doors of ministry for him. “That too happened. After his prayers I began to get invitation from foreign countries to minister. The Lord used him to bless my life. And things have not remained the same again ever since.”

In his view however there is nothing unusual about deliverance ministry. Every Christian is expected to operate in the ministry because we all have the mind of Christ and the Lord gives us power to cast out devils. But there are some people the Lord has given the grace to operate in the ministry. They are supposed to complement the work done by other ministers of God in the church. They play strategic role in ensuring that Christians reach their full potential.

While recalling several cases of people that were tormented of the devil that the Lord used him to liberate he said, “The general thinking is that a Christian does not need deliverance because once you are born again, old things are passed away. It is true. But the challenge is that when a man becomes born again, it is the spirit of the man that is born again. The flesh and the soul have to be worked on. The soul is the seat of the mind and the mind has to be renewed while the body has to be presented holy before God.

“The body ought to be cleansed or purified. What happens is that many Christians are still suffering from satanic hold because of the property of the devil around them which is always in their body not their spirit. So at deliverance what is done is to remove what is stopping the Christian from reaching his full potentials. In most cases a Christian benefits more from deliverance because he is born again so when the elements of the devil in his or her body are cast out, he knows how to keep himself using the word of God so that the devils don’t stage a comeback”

On what it takes to be delivered, he said, “There is no magic about deliverance. Self-deliverance works and I always advise people to pray by themselves and be set free from delay and stagnation in their lives. But there are instances where you have to agree with somebody with a greater anointing to put the devil where he belongs. Many Christians who have the mark of the devil on them often experience delay or have to go through real tough times to get what others get without stress. There are several instance of delayed marriage, financial frustrations that are direct consequences of demonic operations and oppression.”

He said the situation is common in African because there are generational issues that are largely unsettled. “Many people in this part of the world have submitted themselves to all kinds of cults and covenants that give the devil the right over their lives. When they get born again they still carry the mark because it is their spirit that is born again not their body. At deliverance, the veil is removed. There are several instances of people that have been delivered from the hold of the enemy.”

He debunked the notion that deliverance ministers don’t live long. “That is not a correct statement. Nobody goes to war at his own expense. The Lord who calls has a way of keeping his servants from evil and attacks. God has a way of blessing His children who operate in the ministry and I think it is not scriptural to say they die young. Deliverance ministry is like any other calling. On football pitch there are defenders, strikers and attackers. No role is more important that the others.” He said.

Oyo however warned that somebody who takes it upon himself to rout the devil from his hiding place in the lives of people must be ready to always live a holy life. “There are some sins you cannot commit and plan to repent later. You may be consumed in the process. There are some sins you dare not dabble into because the enemy is after you for 24 hours. You have to keep yourself holy and free from immorality.”

He shared an experience where a lady who was designated to give him food after a meeting attempted to meet him in the hotel room where he lodged. “I had to quickly disappear from that hotel. There are sins you don’t joke with. A deliverance minister has no liberty to toy with sin. As a matter of fact all Christians should not toy with the devil. It gives an opening for the devil.”

On ministers who dialogue with devil possessed people in the course of deliverance, he said, “I don’t believe it is scriptural to engage possessed people in dialogue. They will tell you lies because the devil is the father of lies. It is true Jesus had dialogue with a possessed man. But it was not Jesus who initiated the dialogue. It was the possessed man who first talked in Mark chapter 1 v23-26 and in Mark 5v8-9 But then Jesus did not spend time with them asking them series of questions. He just simply cast them out.”

Author of several books on deliverance including; Freedom of Satanic Marks, Self Deliverance Works, Who Needs Deliverance and a host of others, Oyo explained that the lack of awareness and the preponderance of ministers with little understanding on Biblical deliverance has put the deliverance ministry in bad mold”

On how he manages the ministry and his family, he disclosed, “I take my children along when they were younger and now they are also involved in the ministry. A man of God should not joke with his family because if he fails in that area he will ultimately fail in ministry. So my family members are wonderful and we are all together in the business of delivering lives from the shackles of the enemy.”

He sees a great Nigeria adding, “Nigerians should appreciate their country and should stay put because the potentials in this country are great and the Lord is about doing a great thing that will amuse the whole world. I see a Nigeria that is blessed. This is a country where what you have is yours. You don’t live a borrowed life in Nigeria unlike what obtains in some other parts of the world.”

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OLUWOLE ISAAC February 23, 2017 - 3:15 pm

Dear Sir,
My name is Oluwole, in the year 1994 I slept one night in our family house and had a nightmare, in that dream, I saw my grandma standing on me and saying some incarnations inside a small black pot and pouring the black powder on me. I tried to scream, but a monster press me down that I could not talk, when I later woke up that midnight. I got fainted and my mummy started saying some prayers to that night. When my grandma, came out of her room, she asked what happen, my mum said she understand what happen that my grandma should not worry.
Since then, it has been occurring that monster will be pressing me down in the sleep, either at night or during that day. I even went to celestial church for deliverance vigil, after the night programed, same monster came and press me inside the church.
I have tried all best to conquer the monster, but my faith and spiritual is not enough and recently I began seeing myself schooling , playing and doing things in that my grandma house in the village even eating her food cook food. In 2003 when my grandma died I thought it will stop, as at date is still happening. This I know its not good for progress of a man, my work has being struggling to move on, all connections I have are not helping me at all.
In a summary, I really need deliverance to brake every yoke of monitoring sprit assigned on me.
Oluwole Isaac.

Omoba April 12, 2017 - 9:27 pm

If you live in Nigeria then try to visit GodWillDoIt Ministry at Bodija in Ibadan, Oyo State because Pastor Oyor is an expert in deliverance. Pastors from other churches go there to study deliverance. Miracles happen there!

Arendale December 14, 2017 - 10:14 pm

I’m a Nigerian living in America. My dad and other members of my family are occultists who are keeping me homeless and in poverty and friendless through witchcraft. This has made me both homeless and isolated from believers who can help me since at least 2003. Please help.

Pastor Emmanuel April 12, 2018 - 9:53 am

The Lord is your strength fear not just believe in Jesus Christ for your Divine freedom and breakthrough in all areas. John. 8:36 pls Read thanks

Pastor Emmanuel April 12, 2018 - 10:00 am

Pastor Emmanuel E.. Call me for prayers and deliverance cancelling on this numbers +2348032061037 or +2348059976337.

Pastor Emmanuel E April 12, 2018 - 10:16 am

From today may Grace of God Almighty speak for you all in Jesus Christ name.

Philippians 4:13

Pastor Fodeke Adedeji February 3, 2019 - 5:17 pm

I have by God’s grace been at the school of Healing and Deliverance a arm of God will do it ministries. For basic and advance program. Planing to go for diploma. It is been a great blessing to me.

Pst Oludele Phineas dele September 10, 2019 - 8:02 pm

Want to know school calendar of God will do it Ministry and cost implications. God bless His work.

Gbenga Osinaike September 11, 2019 - 10:07 am

1. Crash Program: Last 10 days of April and July, preceding last Friday of those months.
2. Regular Program: Thursday to Saturday, once a month, determined by last Friday of the months, January to June and July to December. Thanks

Gomba Oyor first to live beyond 50 from father’s line...worry not-WaleOke September 4, 2020 - 2:46 pm

[…] Read also:  I had to go for deliverance 14 years after doing deliverance for people: […]

MAHBUBUL HASAN RAFI December 5, 2021 - 4:40 am

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Juliet January 10, 2023 - 7:02 am

By name Juliet, i just need to know if marriage is God’s plan for me or not because at this point, it either all the suicide i have to try and yet it didn’t work, it is not worth it, i have done deliverance countless time, fast countless time, prayed, sacrifice, sow and preach to the lost soul. the only thing that adds to life year in and year out is my age. Please help me, i don’t know what to do anymore, am 37 years.

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[…] Also, read: I had to go for deliverance 14 years after conducting deliverance for people: […]


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