

by Church Times


Good day Brethren/ Fellow Nigerians as I welcome us in to this new Month. May it favour us in all aspects of our lives endeavours in JESUS Name.

Early morning- Tuesday March 1st, 2022 around 4 to 5am, in my dream I saw and heard shootings from a lone aircraft

. As I beheld this spectacular scene, in order to avoid any incident of spray bullets, I had to run and took cover in a building.

After GOD woke me up, I started to ponder on the possible interpretations of the dream:

Could it be sign of an impending invasion from an external aggressor

Or Could this be a bad omen of a likely internal social disturbance or a civil unrest?

Whichever, let’s pray for GOD’S mercy and divine intervention so that GOD’S counsel shall be established concerning our Nation- Nigeria this very year in JESUS Name.

In a related development, let’s pray against the escalation of the ongoing hostilities between the nations of Russia and Ukraine with unspecified number of casualties already recorded on both sides.

A harrowing report on the social media pointed out the unfortunate incident of two Nigerians who allegedly froze to death at the border while trying to flee battle zone.

And in response to the sanctions being placed on the Moscow Warlords and oligarchs, President Putin is threatening to activate his nation’s nuclear weapons which may have devastating effects and far reaching consequences even beyond Ukraine.

Let’s therefore pray for GOD’S intervention so that He can wade into the matter in an attempt to checkmate this international show of rascality/ madness that is currently being displayed by President Vladimir Putin for whatever reasons which are more ego based.

Specifically, let’s pray that GOD will rein in the aggressors so that the peace of GOD can reign again in that region of the world in JESUS Name.

This is moreso when the nations of the world are just recovering from the devastating effects of the CONVID-19 pandemic.

Going into a needless crisis which may have far reaching consequences on humanity beyond Europe is uncalled for and should be nibbed in the bud.

And it is highly recommended that we should couple our prayers of intercession with a day fast especially for those of us who have not been participating in a long fasting period recently.

By the reason of the anointing, we shall not be victims of wrong decisions or power plays by our local and International Political Leaders in JESUS Name- Isaiah 10:27, KJV.

But we need to pray and invite GOD’s hands to move on our behalf. And as we do so, may GOD continue to answer our prayers in JESUS Name.

‘ Gbemiga OLAKUNLE, JP
National Prayer Movement

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