
Nigeria: Dry bones shall live again, time to keep hope alive

by Church Times

By Gbemiga Olakunle

The Biblical records contain in the Book of Prophet Ezekiel, chapter 37 is a Classical example of how our GOD can turn a very hopeless situation around to a very beautiful one that might be difficult to believe.

The bones were not just dried, they were also scattered. Even when GOD asked Prophet Ezekiel whether those bones could live. He responded that it was only GOD that knew.

The Prophet thereafter cooperated with GOD by raising a Mighty Army from the Valley of Dry Bones through Prophetic Declarations as He was led by the Creator of the whole Universe Himself.

And so in a man’s life, family, Community or a Nation especially Nigeria, there can be some moments of hopelessness.

Rather than allowing depression to set in or seek for help from Egypt or turn to other gods, let us keep our hopes alive and cooperate with GOD as He takes us through the processes of turning the seemingly ugly situations around for our own good.

The Psalmist in the Book of Psalm 30: 5(b) says “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”. Night experience may not be a palatable one. It may be likened to a wilderness experience in the life of an individual or a Society.

But the night time will surely pass to give way to the breaking forth of a New Dawn that is heralding a New Day with its associated joyful moments.

Just as Prophet Ezekiel cooperated with GOD, we too as individuals or group of are admonished to cooperate with Him so that He can bring us out and make us stronger whenever we may be passing through our respective Valley of Dry bones experiences. And may GOD grant us the grace to do so in JESUS Name.


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