Why I abandoned Islam for Christ- ELDER ISIAKA AMUSA @ 70

by Church Times

By Olusegun Abifarin

Isiaka Amusa is a member of the Board of Elders of the Christ Apostolic Church, CAC, Agbala Itura, Sango Ota, Ogun State. Last Sunday October 20, he did a thanksgiving in Church to mark his 70th birthday after he had visited hospital and other centers for the less privileged in Abeokuta 48 hours earlier.

Elder Amusa was born a Muslim and was very faithful to Islam to the extent that he rose to become the Baba Adinni of the mosques in his area. There was also a church in his neighborhood. Things were going on well for him and his commitment to Islam was equally growing to the extent that he bought a powerful sound/speaker systems for the mosque to dwarf the service and prayers of the Church.

After some years, things started a downward journey for him; even his health started failing. He searched for solution from various places without success, while his condition became precarious.
By December 1995, he was alone in the house praying when he heard a voice that he should proceed to the nearest church. He resisted but the voice was persistent.

After a bitter struggle, he succumbed and entered the church. At the end of the prayer session, he went back home and slept. In his dream that night. He saw a man dressed in white cassock and was told the man’s name is Abiara and that he should go and look for him.

As a Muslim, he has not heard that name before. After asking few people, he was directed to the great prophet who coincidentally was holding a great crusade in Sango Ota that time.

Elder Amusa went to the crusade ground, saw Abiara, got saved, converted and got healed.
Since then, he has marching on as a Christian soldier. Today he has cause to thank God for that transformation. His joy knew no bound as friends and well-wishers rallied round to appreciate God on his behalf.

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