
Why God is against the mark of the beast-Oyakhilome, says 5g is lovely but…

by Church Times


…. it’s the final fusion of man and machine

The founder of Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has enumerated reasons why it is dangerous for anybody to take the mark of the beast; while also giving further insight on his position on the 5g technology


He also took time to give reasons why the Church should pray in times like this.


In a broadcast On Wednesday April 8 on his online platform, Oyakhilome stated that emergency periods in any nation are critical times that could be abused by those in power.


He said during emergency period like we are experiencing globally, the presidents of nations can take decision without consulting the parliament of their nations.


He said in the process of taking decisions, wrong decisions could be taken. “What I have found is that many leaders of nations that are facing emergency may take advantage of the period to carry out policies that are against the public good. At that time there is nothing like debate. They take decisions on the spur of the moment. That is why the church should pray for our leaders and ask that God will lead them aright.” He said.


The church leader also noted that many of the decisions taken by organisations like the World Health Organisations are also subject to the dictates of some interests in the business world.


He read a document where sugar manufacturers were threatening to withdraw their support from WHO if they don’t rescind the regulations that says sugar must not be more than 10 percent of diet.


Oyakhilome said many other organisations like the WHO are subject to the pressure of business owners because of some vested interest.


He called for a prayer altar for leaders of nations that they will be guided right. “We are not just going to be saying God bless our leaders but we will specifically ask God to guide them and lead them to making the right decision.”


Still talking about the 5g technology, he said, the speed of the 5g is lovely noting that the possibility it will bring are extra ordinary.


He however said “we can go as far as we can with technology but I think it should be with caution. God never uses his power to control our will. Instead, he comes to us with his love even though he made us. Satan is the tyrant. God negotiates with us with his word. He shows us what is right from what is not right. Jesus was God in the flesh but he did not intimidate anybody.”


He noted that anytime man has power he seeks to dominate other men adding that there is no limit to what man can do.


Citing the example of the tower of babel, he said “God knew if men were not stopped they would go on and even to their self-destruction. He said nothing could have been restrained from them.”


He said with the 5G, there are beautiful things to expect but one of the things it does which people must know is that it provides the capacity to have a new creation of man.


“it is the final union between man and machine where a human being becomes part man, part machine. His mind becomes two fold, a human mind and a computer mind. It brings the dream of science of so long. Just like God created a new man, Satan wants to create a new man that becomes part man part machine.”


He said “the machines will be programmed to understand the thoughts of man and the thoughts becomes electronic signals.”

Oyakhilome stated further that, “God is against the mark of the beast because you are no longer the perfect human being he created with the use of this high level technology. Satan is not like God. He can’t let people be free. He is unlike God. He has always wanted worship. This worship will lead to his complete destruction.”


The Christ Embassy founder said his duty as a servant of God is to pray for things to be put in the right place. Quoting Rev 14v9, he said “it is dangerous to take the mark of the beast which will come in the form of technology.”


He then urged believers to pray to be counted worthy to escape from the impending doom.

You can watch the broadcast here

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