Prophecy for 2023: UK-based Nigerian prophetess calls for prayers against another deadly virus

says, 'terroble shaking coming in the Body of Christ'

by Church Times


United Kingdom based Nigerian Prophetess, Magaret Mayaki has called for serious intercession to avert another deadly virus that may disrupt global activities.

 She made the call in her yearly prophetic broadcast for many nations of the world starting from Pakistan to Ghana.

 Mayaki who said God has been giving her insight into every new year for the past 15 years said prophecies are meant to prepare intercessors to have a direction on what to pray for.

 She gave scriptural backing to all her prophetic offerings, adding also that “it is the spirit of the Lord that gives me utterance on what will happen in the new year so that intercessors can know how to channel their prayers.

 For 2023, she emphasised prayer against another deadly virus that is being planned for the world.

 She urged her listeners to engage Psalm 91 in the course of the year.  

 The Psalm according to her should be on their lips as they go about their daily lives to avert impending danger.

 Her words, “The intercessors will have to take up the challenge. If we are going to manage the whole year without problem, we need to pray against deadly virus that is being planned by the enemy.”

 She declared that 2023 is a  year of divine fulfilment. “No weapon of the enemy will prosper against us. Make psalm 91 your daily scripture because of the turbulence ahead. None will be wasted. Our lives will not be destroyed.” She said.

 Mayaki said God will visit some altars and uproot polluted ones in 2023. “It is a year of divine visitation. Some youths will encounter the Lord. New mantles will be released, old generals will be called home. Some prophets that were driven to the caves because of Jezebel spirit are going to be released to do exploits. God is going to release power gifts to those who will not commercialise the gifts. We need to get ready for that.” she said.

She said the year will also be the year of exposure of fake pastors and prophets. “Some of their candlestick will be taken from them says the spirit of the Lord. The Lord will chastise those who are lukewarm, Power and fresh oil will be released to the church. New prophetess and young prophets will be released. . It is a year of joy and peace for those who seek the Lord diligently. A year of open heaven for those who do business.

 She however called for prayer against gagging of the voice and word of God across the globe.

 In her prophecy for Nigeria, she called for prayers for the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Mr. Peter Obi against being assassinated by political opponents. She also called for prayers against external aggression.

 Find below details of the prophecies



 A lot of prayers need to be offered to this nation for peace and stability. Pray for the government that they will not experience chaos. Pray against the breakdown of law and order. The role of the watchmen and intercessors is to listen and take action.

United Kingdom

Pray for the health of the king of England, Prince Charles.  Pray against stress-related problems that may arise for him. I Tim 2v1-2 urges us to pray for kings and rulers.

Pray for stability in the UK so that there won’t be an urgent general election. Pray for the new Prime Minister against the gang-up that might force him to resign. Pray against hardship on her citizens as the economy bites harder and against the increase in energy bills.

Pray for the National Health Service so they will not be overwhelmed with work. Pray against the devaluation of the pound sterling.  Pray for the economy that it will not nosedive. Pray for peace and reconciliation for the royal household.

When we are praying in this regard, we are acting in accordance with Ezekiel 22v30. The king needs to apply divine wisdom for his son. Pray for forgiveness so that his reign will not be too messy. Pray that the heart of the nation will turn back to God.

 If they do not repent, the Lord will shake the nation the way it had not seen before. Pray that the UK will not need to say urgent prayers says the spirit of the Lord.

Pray that the children will not rebel against their parents. Pray against the spirit of Absalom where children will rise against their fathers referencing Matt 15v14, 2Sam 14v27-30.

Pray against strange altars and idol worshiping in the UK  referencing Judges 6v21-28. Pray against the sudden crash of the stock exchange. The PM needs to give his heart to God otherwise his reign will be short-lived.

 The gang up the enemy is planning against the incumbent PM will be worse than that of Boris Johnson if we do not pray. There will be a terrible shake-up in the media of the UK. It’s not going to be business as usual.

God is saying I will bring a terrible shaking to the nation of the UK because they have forsaken me and the word of God. The nation will be brought to her knees if they do not repent says the word of the Lord.


 Pray there won’t be a change of government. Pray against the break out of a strange sickness from France. The Lord says they should seek my face like never before. Pray for the first lady of France so she will not be sick to the point of death referencing James 5v14-16.


Pray against famine, drought. Pray for rain in the Land. Pray for political stability.


Pray they will not make another law that will put their citizens in captivity. Pray against the anger of God in the Land. Pray for peace and for the stability of the country’s currency.


 God said to me, America, America America. Pray that another pandemic will not break out from there. Pray for the economy of the nation. Pray against the devaluation of the dollar. Pray against external aggression into America.

 Pray for Biden’s health. Pray we will not hear bad news about him in 2023. Pray for him. Pray against a tornado. Pray against a strong wind that may take lives in the US. Pray for strength for Americans. Pray that true revival will break out in the US.

 God is saying a lot of prophets have buried their heads in the sand. But the Lord is saying they should rise and be bold to declare the word of the Lord. They should declare “thus says the Lord”

 God is raising new youth armies that will be fearless and upright. God is going to bring a cleansing fire on some altars in the US. Pray against temples of Baals and idol worship. Pray against wildfire and earthquakes.

 Pray for the health of Nansi Pelosi and that she will not fall ill and lose her life. Pray for the Church of God in the US. Pray against the love of money, I see some generals of God being called home. This will lead to the release of some mantles.

 Pray to position ourselves so we can get hold of the mantle that will be vacant. Pray for a fresh outbreak of reawakening. I see the release of some batons. I see a mighty shaking in the US. Pray against a thick cloud forming in the Land. Pray for the body of Christ in the US. Pray for fresh fire in the US. The Lord is saying turn and return to your first love.

 The continent of Europe

Pray against hardship in some countries of Europe. I see some countries wanting to pull out of the union. Pray that judgement will not fall on some of the EU countries. Pray for stability and for wisdom for her leaders. Pray against another member nation going to war apart from Ukraine. Pray against  Russia from attacking one of her neighbouring countries. Pray revival fire in the continent. Pray against a tower of babel in the Land.

Republic of Ireland

 Pray for peace in this region. Pray for the president. Pray for peace and against border clashes. Pray for her parliament that disagreement will not disrupt their activities. Pray against  the rise of terrorism in the country 

Saudi Arabia

 Pray for peace in this land and against the rise of militants. Pray that God will begin a new thing in the country and that the voice of God will begin to be heard again.


Pray against the release of another virus that will seek to destroy the world. Pray that a new virus will not be produced. Pray that China will not go to war against South Korea. Pray against chemical and virus weapons being manufactured. Pray against aggression between China and America.

 Pray for peace in the land of china. Pray against deadly earthquakes in the streets of China says the spirit of the Lord and that the body of Christ will no more be gagged. Pray for the underground Church that God will give them strength and that the heart of the country’s leadership will be softened towards Christianity referencing Jer 22v29. Pray that the light of the gospel will shine brighter and brighter.


 Israel my land says the Lord. Pray that there will not be a gang up against Israel. Pray against the increase of aggression of Palestinians against Israel. God is saying there will be new discoveries that will be made in Israel that will advance the world. Pray against internal unrest in the country.


Pray against wildfire, hardship, and the increase of new youth on fire for God. God will bring massive shaking. Sadly some candle sticks are going to be removed. Pray for the country’s currency that it will not suffer devaluation. Pray against drought


 The first time God will be revealing this country to me. Pray against tornadoes in that part of the world.


Pray that the enemy will not instigate unrest in the land. Pray it won’t be a house divided against itself that cannot stand.



Pray against civil war. The Lord is saying to me that we should pray seriously about the coming election so there will be peace in the land. Pray against the invasion of terrorists in some states. Some great trees (human beings) will be uprooted.

Pray against serious hunger in the land. Pray against economic hardship and serious youth agitation throughout the land. Pray for Peter Obi, against the plot to have him taken out. Pray against the plot of assassination against his life. Pray for Peter Obi, and pray against external aggression against our borders.

 Pray that the borders will be manned by competent folks as I see some strangers coming to the land. Pray that the nation’s borders will be well-manned.

 Pray for the economy of the nation that we will not see a complete collapse. Pray against some politicians that are planning unrest in the land.

 Pray against the assassination of political opponents. Pray against spirit of fear and agitation in the land. I saw a blanket covering the eyes of the youth have been destroyed.

 The youths are rising and demanding to take over the land of Nigeria. Pray against the wastage of the lives of some youths. Pray against corruption as this has eaten into the fabric of Nigeria.

 Body of Christ in Nigeria to get ready for divine visitation and the outpouring of the holy spirit. God is set to purge and prune His church in Nigeria. A lot of exposure is going to be made in 2023. Some great generals might be recalled home.

Terrible shaking is coming to weed out the corrupt leaders in the Body of Christ. God is cleansing his church with purity New set of prophets will be released to take territories for Jesus. Pray against attacks in Lagos, Abuja, Portharcourt, Oyo, Ogun, Narasarawa, and Kogi states. Churches should increase their security against the deadly strike of the enemy. More gold locations are going to be discovered in Osun, Oyo, and Ondo states.


Pray for Jackie Apia that the enemy will not strike her health. She is playing with a venomous viper. Pray for the President of Ghana that his health will not fail him, pray against agitation in the land of Ghana, and for New discoveries.


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1 comment

God warned about the gang-up against Israel- Magaret Mayaki October 10, 2023 - 11:23 pm

[…] 2023 prophecies were published in Church Times Nigeria and a few other media on January […]


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