United Kingdom based body, US news medium back CAN protests, prayer walk

by Church Times

United Kingdom based body, US news medium back CAN protests, prayer walk


prayer walk

Abuja protest cum prayer walk

A United Kingdom based group, Christian Solidarity Worldwide has lent its support to the prayer walk cum protests organized by the Christian Association of Nigeria.


The prayer walk and peaceful protest held in many churches across the country on Sunday February 2.

In Lagos, Pastor Enoch Adeboye led his congregation through the streets  praying and displaying banners with inscription: All Souls are precious to God.


The leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria led Christians in Abuja and major cities in Nigeria.

They took to major streets singing and praying while also denouncing the killing of innocent lives especially in the northern parts of the country.


In a statement, a member of the CAN national executive committee,  Rev Gideon Para-Mallam said CAN has since been getting encouraging notes from world bodies including the United Kingdom based Christian Solidarity Worldwide and Christianity Today, a foremost global Christian magazine showing interest in the protest and prayer walk


The news medium according to Para-Mallam has promised to highlight the unfolding story about the prayer walk cum protest.


Para-Mallam in the statement said the decision by the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) at the national level and supported by the States, to call Christians to fast and pray for three days is not only a step in the right direction but highly commendable.


He said the support so far received is signifying CAN’s commitment to collectively unite in the face of evil.


“By uniting in this way, we are also making a powerful statement both locally and globally.

Several friends in and out of Nigeria have reached out to commend this step. The Managing Editor of the USA based Christianity Today, the foremost leading global Christian Magazine said they would like to do a story on these prayer gatherings and are eagerly waiting for updates and the photos.


Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) UK has issued a very encouraging and supportive Statement. I believe more also are doing this.


He said he had two critical meetings on January 28 in Switzerland ??, one at the United Nation’s office in Geneva and the second at the World Council of Churches.


He said top on the agenda was the insecurity situation affecting the citizens of Nigeria and the travails of the Church.


He said the experience he had at these meetings shows that the attention of the world is on Nigeria and the world is eagerly interested in what is happening in Nigeria.


Para-Mallam who is also the leader of Continental Church and Missions, stated that “the Church will do well to commit itself to being salt and light to the world as Jesus called us to be in Matt 5:13-16.  This should reassure and encourage our hearts. We need to both believe and live as counter-cultural agents against corruption in the Church and country.”


He gave the assurance that “God is listening and acting in His own way. Let’s not be discouraged or tempted to either give up or give in and act carnally. He is Lord and as always: He has the FINAL SAY”


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