“The story of the best Valentine’s gift I ever received”

by Church Times

By Oluwatise Osinaike

Yaay!!! I got Valentine’s gift. For the past 8 years, I’ve longed to receive a Valentine’s package. But this time, I was lucky enough to get two packages. One was from a longtime friend, Michael. The other was from an unknown source. Who could this unknown person be?

With all curiosity, I unraveled the one from Michael. Oh my! I was blown away with the wonderful gifts.

Think of all the earthly things in this world, I had them in my package. There were lots of necklaces, bags, shoes, gowns, money, bangles, perfumes, chocolates, a whole lot, Michael must have emptied his account to get the gifts, I thought.

I must certainly go meet with him and say a big thank you, but as I dashed out the house I saw again the other package with the inscription unknown, what could this be? With so much nudging in my heart I determined to open it.

The most exciting package

Right in the process of opening Michael’s package, another package came my way. The package was love personified. It came with mercy, justice, peace, and righteousness. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

It was the gift of one who never sinned or deceived anyone, one who didn’t retaliate when insulted or threaten revenge when he suffered. It was the gift of the one who personally carried the sins of the whole world in his body on the cross. He died for the sins of the whole world.

I was startled, how did you get here I asked. He said he had been there all along waiting for me to open up the package. Why was I blind to all these all along if you have been here for a while now? He said there were too many distractions that had shut my heart towards him.

He said my sheep hear my voice and they come to me. I walk ahead of them and they follow me because they know my voice. Come unto me all you who are thirsty and are of heavy heart and I will give you rest, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. My purpose is to give you life and to give it more abundantly.

Not worthy of His love

No no, this can’t be me, I can’t be this worthy to receive this wonderful package. He is too good for me. I have lied, cheated, manipulated people, been unfaithful, and many more. This can’t be for me, you are most likely to be in the wrong address.

Of course, you can never measure up to my wonderful package He said, “but my blood has qualified you for it. On the cross I paid the price, I gave my life just so you can have it in full, I bore all the pains so that you can have a fulfilled life and all you have to do is believe in me for your salvation.”

Read also: Valentine’s Day: What has Christians got to do with it: https://churchtimesnigeria.net/valentines-christians/

I knew this package was nothing compared to the one Michael gave me. This assured me of eternity. With great joy in my heart, I asked how I could receive this package, and he asked a very funny question that still amazes me today. He said, when you received the package from Michael, how did you receive it?

I said I must have stretched my arm to accept the package and open it. He said there you go, open your hands and accept me. Behold I stand at the door and knock if any man would open the door I would come into his home and fellowship with him, my acceptance of him shows I believe in him.

Friends, salvation has been the best Valentine’s package I have ever received since I’ve been living. Guess what! It’s still very much available. It’s not even limited to the season of Valentine, and it’s available every single day.

Accept the person of Jesus today. He has been knocking on the door of your heart for way too long now, enough of the distractions. Give room for His word in your life, allow Him to be the Lord and savior of your life. It would also be the best decision of your life.


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