Pray that God will heal our nation, Trump pleads with Americans in Easter message

by Church Times



President of the United States of America, Donald Trump has appealed to Americans to spend the Easter period to pray and seek the face of God to take away the plague that is ravaging the land.

In an emotion laden broadcast on Friday, Trump said it would be impossible for the churches to gather to celebrate as they had hoped stating however that believers all over the country should spend the time to pray and ask for the intervention of God in the country to take away the novel coronavirus


Donald Trump

He said, “At this time of our nation we are fighting an unseen enemy. Our people are making tremendous sacrifices to fight this enemy. We will not be able to gather as we had expected but we can use this sacred time to focus on prayer reflection and growing in our personal lives.

“I will like to ask us to pray that God will heal our land, that God will give strength to the doctors and nurses, that God will comfort all those who have lost loved ones and those who are grieving and for help to those who are suffering”

He expressed confidence that America will come through recalling the words of Prophet Isaiah who said 3000 years ago “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you.”

He took time to thank those who have prayed for his family saying he felt the impact of their prayers, stating, “I thank those who have prayed for my family I am grateful. I see the impact of your prayers. I thank God for the vice president and his wonderful wife for the incredible job they do and for their service to God. We give thanks for the gift of eternal life.

“As our nation battles the invincible enemy we affirm that Americans believe in the power of prayers we place our trust in the almighty. We give thanks for the majesty of creation. We are going to be celebrating a special day. We pray for all the countries affected by the virus.”

He then invited Bishop Harry Jackson who came up to take prayers and thanked President Trump for the way he has been handling the pandemic.

He noted that Good Friday is one of the darkest days in the history of the Christian faith in that Christ stood in substitution for our sins but “the resurrection is our Passover.” He then prayed that the angels of death will pass over America and that the country will come out of the crisis  strong.

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