
Olakunle: Despite present challenge, God will sanctify His name in Nigeria

by Church Times

The General Secretary of the National Prayer Movement, Mr. Gbemiga Olakunle has urged Nigerians not to despair saying despite the bloodshed and atrocities in the country, God will ultimately sanctify his name and glorify Himself in Nigeria.

Olakunle, in an Easter message sent to Church Times, said God will not allow his name to be dragged in the mud.

He said, “The Name of GOD is Holy and is Great. In fact, that Name that is raised above all other names is greater than the greatest. No wonder, the Bible says the Name of the LORD is a Strong Tower, the Righteous runs into it and he is saved. ( Prov. 10:18, KJV),“he said

According to him many Nigerians “consciously or unconsciously profane or defile this Great Name by our behaviour, what we do in the land, worship of idols and by shedding of innocent blood as it is commonplace in Nigeria now. Another way by which the Name of the LORD is profaned or defiled is when the heathen (those who do not believe in our GOD) mock us and our GOD- Ezekiel 36:20, KJV.”

But he said, “GOD will rise up to sanctify His Name mainly so as to protect the reputation of His Name, and to make the heathen to know that He is the LORD”

While quoting several scriptures on God’s promise to sanctify His Great Name he said, “God will bring us to dwell in the land that He has promised- our own destiny (Ezekiel 36:28).

“And so, the LORD shall protect the reputation of His Name in our lives, Communities, in our Nation and ensure that we fulfill our individual and collective destinies in the name of the Lord.”

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