Lagos PFN on Adeboye

No soul winning, no heaven -Adeboye, chides those who give grudgingly

by Church Times

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Pastor Enoch Adeboye has said Christians who don’t win souls to God’s kingdom should not expect to enter heaven.

Adeboye made this known at the monthly Holy Ghost service of the Church on Friday May 6.

According to him any Christian that does not bear fruit should not expect to inherit God’s kingdom.

He said many believers will be shocked when they die and are not given access to heaven .

Adeboye who spoke on the topic  Open Doors said every believer is expected by God to bear fruit.

He gave the example of a monarch who was his friend. ‘ that monarch was over 80 years when he called me and said he was ready to go home to meet with God. He said there was nothing left for him to do again in the world.

“He used to call me E, A because we were quite close. Then I told him he was not going anywhere. I said if he fails to win souls to Gods kingdom he may not enter heaven.

“He was shocked. Eventually he sprang into action. He asked me to accompany him to some of his friends. This happened several years ago. We got to the place and he said he had come to share the gospel with them. They gave him audience. He was able to preach  and he won his first soul ‘

The RCCG overseer said it is possible for God to open doors and at the same time close doors.

Citing the example of the parable of the  10  virgins  he said the door was closed against the five foolish virgins  when the bridegroom entered.

Adeboye also pleaded with members of the church to make efforts to attend the monthly Holy Ghost. Night.

He observed that many people now prefer to watch the programme on TV rather than coming for the physical meeting.

He said it was understandable for those who live far from the church adding however that those who could easily come to the service have no excuse.

He said , ‘when God says there is someone here. He means somebody who is physically present at the programme . If that person is in Jamaica, it is understandable. But for those who are at traffic distance they have no excuse not to be here.’ he said.

Adeboye also used the opportunity to chide worshipers who are not cheerful when it comes to offering time.

He said those who will not rejoice while giving their offering should keep their money rather than giving  grudgingly

‘God loves a cheerful giver..if you know you won’t give cheerfully please keep your money. ‘ he said. 

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1 comment

Olufemi Emmanuel PhD May 7, 2022 - 3:14 pm

The comments of the GO in this piece has for me raised a very serious theological question: is soul winning really the fruit bearing that the Lord mentioned in Jn 15? Is it the same fruit of the Spirit mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Gal5:22ff ?
As much as much as soul winning is an important aspect of the Christian life and for which every fruitful Christian will be rewarded at the end of time, it is never a ticket to making heaven.
If without soul winning a person cannot be allowed in heaven, then what about the thief that was hanged at the Lord’s right hand? He repented on the cross and he was the first convert to enter Paradise after the death of Christ.
Additionally, how much can we trust a criterion for making heaven when it seems to violate a clear position of scriptures?


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