Nigerian pastor called Monkey in the UK begins fight against racism

by Church Times

A visibly angry Nigerian Baptist Pastor based in Liverpool, United Kingdom, Philip Oyewale has taken to the social media to begin what he called war against racism in the country.


Oyewale who claimed to have been in the UK for close to 16 years said in a broadcast video which has been in circulation since December 2018 that he was poised to wage a full length war against racism in the UK because of the assault he and his family had suffered in that country.


While claiming to be legitimate citizen of the UK by naturalisation, Oyewale who pastors a Baptist Church in Liverpool said in the video that when he got to Liverpool about 12 years ago, he met a dying Baptist Church about to be sold which he graciously took over and has since pastored the church successfully for about 12 years.


His words, “When we came here the church was about being sold. Usually when churches are sold they sell to unbelievers. But we stepped in and decided to work on the church. We met just four women in the church two of them were old. Those two have died. But the other two have graciously been wonderful; supporting us to build the church.”


But the unexpected happened when they began to face attacks and racial discrimination. “We have since been getting attacks and criticism from some white folks from outside the church. It has become so bad that they call us monkeys and ridicule us at every opportunity. Our children are molested and they call them all manner of names. Some of them who call themselves Christians hate us with passion. Our house, cars and material possession are being burgled yet the police have refused to step in when we call them.”


While raising a greeting card with the picture of a monkey on it, Oyewale said, “just this morning a particular woman notorious for her racist position brought this card to my office and wrote on it that we are no better than the monkey in the picture. She is known for calling us terrible names.  She has been calling us names. She said this monkey in the card looks just like me. What a way to describe another person. Her house is directly opposite the church. She has written a lot of bizarre words on her house wall which faces the church saying “you animals go back to the zoo.”


Oyewale who said he had bagged his PhD in the UK said he had made several reports to the police on the matter but there had been no official response. He wondered why the government is silent on the matter noting that if care is not taken the situation may degenerate to the situation in the US where blacks are being killed in some states.”


While declaring that his church has been responsible of the feeding of close to 200 poor and homeless white folks in its neighbourhood, he called on the UK government and well-meaning people to step into the case of racism in the country.


“I earned my citizenship here.  We pay taxes. Our church members pay taxes. We are adding to the value of this country and yet nobody is willing to arrest this woman who keeps calling us monkey. We can call names too, we can call them bastards we can call them thieves because they stole our fathers’ properties and took them as slaves but we are not doing that.


He stressed, “We need to fight against this injustice. Somebody needs to stand and fight the UK for this injustice. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I will continue doing this campaign. She is not the only one. Blacks are maligned in their places of work. We came to UK to fulfil destiny. Some whites are not as educated as we are. But we accord them respect in Nigeria. This woman mentions the name of my children and ridicules them.


“We are not animals when we feed the homeless whites. The Police in Merseyside, Liverpool are not doing anything to address this issue. This racism should stop. In Liverpool where they brought our fore fathers in chains racism is still very strong. We must be treated with dignity and honour.” He concluded while urging listeners to the broadcast to help share the video.

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