by Church Times



For five days last October Uyo, the capital of Akwa Ibom State, stood still as people in their multitude enthusiastically trooped to the Township Stadium to be part of a National Crusade. The crusade with the theme “DRY BONES SHALL LIVE” (Ezekiel 37 v 5) was organised by the Apostolic Church Nigeria (TACN) from 10th  to 14th October, 2018.

The atmosphere was thick for signs and wonders, people’s expectations were high and their expectations were not cut off as God performed miracles like the days of Jesus Christ and the Apostles.

Even the experience of those days no doubt would linger on in the memory of the thousands that thronged the stadium with astonishing miracles and wonders recorded. Hundreds gave their lives to Christ while many renounced idolatory and fetish practices. A self-acclaimed student cult member confessed and renounced cultism.

The capacity filled stadium roared in shouts of Alleluia as many gave testimony of healing miracle and deliverance. Among them are cases the cripple who were brought to the Crusade ground in crutches but had to throw away the devices because they could now walk. Many who were blind also received their sight; others were delivered from bondage of the devil like a woman who carried pregnancy for three years, only to deliver during the crusade.

A woman who had suffered death-on-birth children on three consecutive deliveries was also delivered by God as she gave birth to a baby boy during the crusade, without the usual bad experience. David Nwafor Donald who was her uncle in law told the mammoth crowd on Sunday 14th October 2018 that she was rushed to the hospital from the crusade ground.

Each day of the Crusade was typified by such testimonies of instant miracle and healing from pains, sicknesses of many years, blindness and epilepsy; and the deliverance of three insane persons who were brought to the grounds in chains and fetters, but went back home unbound.

The president of the church Pastor S. E. Igwe while addressing the congregation at the opening of the crusade expressed confidence that the Lord would release an outpouring of His power upon the people.

“Soul winning is the heartbeat of our Lord Jesus Christ. For that purpose He came, lived, died, resurrected and ascended, he said.

According to him, the gospel crusade is a divine appointment that is geared towards bringing forth an encounter with the Lord Jesus.  Pastor Igwe prayed that the Lord shall restore to life all spiritual, material, financial and physical dryness in the lives of the people and cause them to live and become a mighty army in Him, praying that the seed of the word that would be sown in this crusade will bring forth uncommon fruitfulness for the people and government of Akwa Ibom State in Jesus name.





The National Evangelist, Pastor M.A Oke alongside other pastors ministered to the multitude in prayer, preaching and works of miracle.

Pastor Oke who said dry bones meant hopelessness in different categories, and suffering from the yoke of idol worship pointed out that only Jesus could deliver, and “as He did too in the bible days, He is able also to do in Akwa Ibom”.

Also while preaching on the topic ‘Rapture is only for people who are holy’ on the third day of the crusade he warned that no sinners shall experience the Rapture except those who lived a holy life. The urged the audience to move ‘From the right hand of Satan to the right hand of God’ by renouncing idolatry, adultery and fornication, wickedness and all evils.

The Governor of Akwa Ibom, Mr. Udom Emmanuel who was present on the fourth day of the crusade with his amiable wife urged the people of the state to take advantage of the crusade to intercede for peace and transformation of the state.

He said the state was about rebirth of divine rule and believed Christians would rise up to the occasion.

Prayers were offered for the barren, the oppressed and the youths for a new lease of lives, as well as for the prosperity of Uyo city, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria as a whole, and the Governor, his family and administration.

Of a truth, the word of the Lord cannot be broken, whatever has come out of the mouth of the Lord shall surely come to pass. Like it was reported in the days of the Apostles so it was in Uyo: “And many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds. Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver”

A young man who came to the crusade ground with a charm, dropped it at the Evangelist’s feet while he was given a Bible donated by the wife of the Akwa Ibom state Governor, as he was also prayed for by the National Evangelist.

Numerous others whose hearts were stirred to renounce their evil way came before the platform in tears, and penitence of heart, while the LAWNA lead Prophet, Pastor J.A. Olabiyi prayed for them.

The Uyo Field Superintendent Pastor Dr I. N. George expressed the appreciation of his entire Territorial Council and the saints to the church leaders for hearkening to the voice of the Lord to stage the Crusade in Uyo. He also thanked the Governor of the State Emmanuel Udom for approving that the crusade be held in the main bowl of the Township Stadium.

Also, Pastor J.K. Ibidapo, the Chairman of the National Crusade Planning Committee who expressed gratitude to God for the success of the crusade, and His awesome works of miracles, signs and wonders witnessed during the five-day event pointed out that God did not allow rain to disturb the crusade for one day despite the various weather forecasts, to the contrary and reports of rain occurrence in other parts of the city.

For many years, the Lord, God has spoken to our fathers and unto us their children by the words of prophecy that a revival shall come, and that revival is coming that will shake this nation Nigeria. The lame shall walk, the blind shall see and the deaf and dumb shall hear and speak! This revival is here; what he said many years and he is still saying has just arrived.




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