How God embarrassed a couple with triplet after 10 years of expectation

by Church Times

Triplet in the hands of their Mother, Omowunmi Oyebanji

Triplet: They asked for one, God gave them three

They asked for one child, God gave them three. The Lord went beyond their expectation. Since September 6, 2015 when Mrs. Omowunmi Oyebanji was delivered of triplets, joy has not ceased from their Atan, Ogun State, NIGERIA  home. People have been thronging their residence to rejoice with them.

Her husband confirmed that people he had not met have been calling on phone to congratulate him. When this reporter arrived their home, the triplets, all girls were looking quite healthy with a radiance that suggests they have come to live life to its full.

But their coming to the world took a period of 10 years of waiting by their parents. Shortly after Wunmi, who holds an OND in Business Administration married her husband, Olusola, in 2004; she took in and gave birth to a baby girl. They named her Peace.

There was peace in the home indeed as that settled the question of whether they could have children. Subsequent attempts to have more children however did not yield fruit. Her husband, a Mechanical Engineering graduate who hails from Ogbomoso, Oyo State was diagnosed as having low sperm count.

He was however not disturbed by that piece of information. “When doctors said I had low sperm count. I did not believe their report since we already had a baby. It was difficult for me to submit myself to the treatment they recommended. If I could have a baby the theory of low sperm count for me was a fluke.” He said


The triplet in the hands of grandmothers

But not long after that medical finding, his wife was also diagnosed of fibroid. In her case she had to surrender to surgery. “By the time doctors brought out the fibroid, a bucket was full of it. It was quite traumatizing having such growth in my system,’ she recalled.

She got through the operation but her husband was adamant in his own case. Months and years rolled by, no child was coming. The peace in the home was ruffled. Even Peace, their daughter was not comfortable being the only child. She would cry and plead with her mother to make more babies. Mother would appeal to her husband.



triplet in the hands of their parents Mr. and Mrs Oyebanji

“There were days I would wake my husband in the middle of the night and plead with him to take the issue of my having another child serious. He would just dismiss my pleas and assure me that I would be tired of having children when God starts with me. He said God had not told him he would have an only child. And that is exactly what has happened.”

The sweet comfort from her husband however did not remove worry from her life. “I was really worried. But my worry pushed me to pray. I prayed fasted and visited Prayer Mountains looking the face of God and trusting Him for a miracle.”

Her husband on the other hand said his search for solution brought an interesting dimension as a self-acclaimed prophet told him he won’t be able to have another child until he married another wife. “When I heard such prophecy I just shut my mind and dismissed any further move to get solution. I was grateful to God that I already had a child while hoping and trusting God quietly to do the miraculous.”

After several praying and fasting, they both sought the face of the Lord in the Baptist Church close to their house in Atan. “We have been worshiping in the church and there was this three-day programme early in the year. The pastor of the Church, Michael Bolarinwa asked us to write our prayer requests on a sheet of paper. In my life I have not had reason to write any prayer request on paper.

“But in this particular church programme I had a conviction to write as instructed. I asked God for a child. My wife also asked for a child and my only child then, also asked for a child in their prayer requests. We participated in the programme and shortly after that programme, my wife got pregnant.’

That was not all. Few months into the pregnancy the doctors carried a scan search and found out there were two babies, they did not see the third one but there were indications the babies could be three. When Oyebanji heard the news of a possible triplet, he suddenly developed cold feet.

“What ought to bring joy naturally to me came with a mixed bag. I was happy on one hand but sad on the other hand because I don’t have a stable job. I told God I only asked for one. My business has not been going on well. As a matter of fact attempts to have a paying job have not been fruitful.

“So I was concerned about how to feed them. But few days later God spoke to me through a dream that He allowed the triplet to come my way and that He would provide what they will eat. That gave me some comfort.”

Read also: First time mum stunned after giving birth to triplet:

But even at that things have been challenging. The Oyebanjis recount that they spend about N20, 000 every week for the feeding of the babies named Deborah, Esther and Comfort. The babies called oremeta in Yoruba parlance weighed 2.2, 2.3 and 1.7 respectively at birth.

“They are doing quite well” said the mother adding however “We are solely trusting God that he would raise help for us. Things have been quite challenging. But I believe God will see us through.”

Bolarinwa, the pastor of the couple told this reporter that the case of the Oyebanjis is a further confirmation that “God is able to do exceeding above what we ask from him according to his power that is at work in us. God is awesome. We can’t fathom the expression of his power and greatness.”

He counseled couples who are trusting God for such blessing to have hope and continually renew their faith in the Lord. “The door of God’s mercy is never shut,” he concluded.

The couple could be reached on 08168773781, 08162007430. If you are led to be a blessing to them you can pay to Oyebanji Deborah account number 3099734595 First Bank.


Story by Gbenga Osinaike


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