Lagos Gov, northern bishops commend Anglican Diocese of Lagos West @  Synod

by Church Times

 The governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwoolu, and bishops from the North from the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion have praised the effort of the Diocese of Lagos West in spreading the good news of the kingdom and their impact on the lives of people.

 The commendation came at the second session of the 8th Synod of the diocese being held at the Archbishop  Vining Memorial Cathedral Church from May 19 to May 22.

This is the first Synod the diocese would hold after the demise of its pioneer Bishop, The Rt. Rev Peter Adebiyi.

 Sanwoolu who was represented at the event by his Snr. Special Assistant on religious affairs Rev’d  Adeleke said the diocese has been of great spiritual help to the state.

 “We want to thank you for your prayers, love. We feel the impact of your prayers,” he said

 On the synod theme, Dry bones shall rise again, he said, “the significance of the theme is to encourage us to put our trust in God and be assured that he is ever ready to encourage us to put our trust in God. He is ready to renew our lives and turn our stagnant position around”

 While enjoining all to draw from this theme, he prayed that Lagosians will continue to experience a positive turnaround and the nation shall experience enduring greatness.

 Also talking earlier at the event, The Rt Rev’d Yusuf Janfala of the Diocese of Koi in the North thanked the diocese for always supporting northern Anglican churches.

He said the diocese has been of tremendous help to  the churches in the north. “We are indeed grateful to the diocese of Lagos West, especially in the face of persecution we face in the North. The diocese has been very supportive of us in the North. We can only pray that the Lord will continue to bless and keep the diocese in Jesus’ name.”

 About 14 bishops from across the communion were in attendance on the second day of the Synod.

The Bishop of Diocese, The Rt. Rev Olusola Odedeji noted that about 24 bishops were around on the first day of the Synod. He expressed great thanks to all those who honoured the event.

Odedeji while delivering his charge hinted at how God has been working wonders in the diocese.

He said the diocese was building its Bishop’s court without levy to any church or funds raising adding that the Bishop’s court was almost ready.




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